Hugo Award

This year is the first year I have signed up to nominate and vote for the Hugo Awards. I’ve considered it a few times, but I always felt like I’d never read enough from a given year to vote. Thanks in part to an article encouraging fans to vote for the Hugo Awards written by Renay from Lady Business, I started to think about it more seriously, especially after reading this part:


There’s no wrong way to participate. There’s no wrong way to be a fan. There’s space on that rocket for everyone, if we want to get all sappy about it, and the more diverse the participants engaging in this fan award are, the more it becomes an inclusive, representative award that’s going to reach more people and bring them into fandom. No, it will never be perfect; no popular award can be. But we can make it better with as many perspectives as possible.

I’ve definitely hesitated to even think about voting before because I did feel that maybe I hadn’t read the very best books worthy of nomination. But you know what? The Hugo is a fan award: all one really needs to do to participate is vote for a work they feel strongly about. No one would ever vote if it was necessary to read EVERY novel, novella, novelette, and short story and watch every movie/TV episode eligible in a given year. And the more people who vote, the more different work can be given recognition. It’s a win/win for everyone when there are more works discussed so more people can discover new work they may not have otherwise. So this year I am getting over feeling like I don’t know enough to vote and voting.

For those not attending WorldCon, you can buy a supporting membership to LoneStarCon for $60. Time to sign up is running out, though—the deadline to register is January 31. After registering, the deadline for receiving nominations is March 10. To learn more about the nomination process, I’d recommend reading this article at Kirkus written by The Book Smugglers which discusses signing up. (It also discusses their own picks for awards and I was pretty blown away to see Fantasy Cafe listed for Best Fanzine!!!!)

Another great point Renay made is that you don’t have to vote for everything. There are certainly categories I can’t vote in, like the Best Short Story category (the one year I read a book of short stories I LOVE published that year it’s a collection of previously published stories). But I definitely have some categories I feel very strongly about, and there are books I’d love to see win Best Novel, book blogs I’d love to see win Best Fanzine, and both book bloggers and authors I’d love to see win Best Fan Writer. While it’s not a Hugo, this does include the opportunity to vote for the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer, which is another category I’m eager to vote on.

I’m not 100% sure what I’ll nominate yet, but here are some possibilities:

Best Novel

The Killing Moon by N. K. Jemisin

Range of Ghosts by Elizabeth Bear

The Tainted City by Courtney Schafer

The above novels are the three I read last year that I loved the most, other than one novel I read that was published before 2012 (Patricia A. McKillip’s The Forgotten Beasts of Eld, a World Fantasy Award winner). All three are very well-executed fantasy novels with thoughtful characterization and world-building.

Best Fanzine

SF Signal – They were last year’s winner with good reason. SF Signal has the most comprehensive coverage of SFF of any blog I can think of with reviews, their Mind Meld discussions with several participants, interviews, giveaways, news, and posts on upcoming books.

The Book Smugglers – They cover other genres in addition to SFF, but they cover a LOT of SFF with reviews almost daily. Their 2012 Smugglivus event in which authors and bloggers write about various topics was a treat, and I’d also be quite happy to see either Ana or Thea recognized with Best Fan Writer since I think they write some of the best reviews and articles in the blogosphere. They manage both quality and quantity on their blog, which I think is a HUGE accomplishment.

Calico Reaction – Shara is another blogger who does well with both quantity and quality, and I also think her thoughtful reviews are some of the best written. She writes lots of book reviews, discusses movies and TV shows, and runs a book club on her blog.

Best Fan Writer

This one is tough because there are both authors and bloggers I’d love to see make it to the final ballot. I’d be thrilled to see Ana, Thea, or Shara nominated for this, and there are also some authors I think have written some fantastic articles. My favorite of these is:

N. K. Jemisin – Her own blog is pretty awesome, but she’s also written some amazing articles for other blogs in 2012. One of my favorites is “Don’t Fear the Unicorn,” an amazing article she wrote about sexism and books for the Women in SF&F series that was here in April. (Trust me, just read it. It is AWESOME. It’s personal, thoughtful, and told with a sense of humor. I love this article SO MUCH.) I also enjoyed the article she wrote at The Book Smugglers in 2012, “The Unexotic Exotic.”

John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer

Teresa Frohock – Her novel Miserere: An Autumn Tale really impressed me with its uniqueness and characterization.

Courtney Schafer – The Tainted City had the kind of complex, balanced world and characters that I love. And an intriguing magic system based on engineering!

Are you voting on the Hugo Awards this year? If so, what are you voting for? Does anyone have any recommendations for TV shows? I’m really picky about television and Game of Thrones is the only SFF TV show that I really loved last year.

The Leaning Pile of Books is a feature where I talk about books I got over the last week – old or new, bought or received for review consideration. Since I hope you will find new books you’re interested in reading in these posts, I try to be as informative as possible. If I can find them, links to excerpts, author’s websites, and places where you can find more information on the book are included.

This week quite a few ARCs/finished copies showed up, and I also bought (and read) a novella yesterday.

Tuf Voyaging by George R. R. Martin

Tuf Voyaging by George R. R. Martin

This is another one of George R. R. Martin’s older books that will now be back in print. Tuf Voyaging is a collection of shorter fiction, most of which was originally published in Analog in the 1980s, focusing on the character Haviland Tuf. It was released as one volume in 1986, and it will be available again in trade paperback and ebook on January 29, 2013. Tuf Voyaging also contains some black and white illustrations.

An excerpt from Tuf Voyaging containing the first 50 pages is available online.


Long before A Game of Thrones became an international phenomenon, #1 New York Times bestselling author George R. R. Martin had taken his loyal readers across the cosmos. Now back in print after almost ten years, Tuf Voyaging is the story of quirky and endearing Haviland Tuf, an unlikely hero just trying to do right by the galaxy, one planet at a time.
Haviland Tuf is an honest space-trader who likes cats. So how is it that, in competition with the worst villains the universe has to offer, he’s become the proud owner of a seedship, the last remnant of Earth’s legendary Ecological Engineering Corps? Never mind; just be thankful that the most powerful weapon in human space is in good hands—hands which now have the godlike ability to control the genetic material of thousands of outlandish creatures.

Armed with this unique equipment, Tuf is set to tackle the problems that human settlers have created in colonizing far-flung worlds: hosts of hostile monsters, a population hooked on procreation, a dictator who unleashes plagues to get his own way . . . and in every case, the only thing that stands between the colonists and disaster is Tuf’s ingenuity—and his reputation as a man of integrity in a universe of rogues.

River of Stars by Guy Gavriel Kay

River of Stars by Guy Gavriel Kay

River of Stars is set in the same world as Kay’s last novel, Under Heaven, but takes place 4 centuries later. It will be released in hardcover and ebook on April 2, 2013 (my birthday, which seems to be a very popular release date for books that sound awesome this year!).

I loved Kay’s Tigana, but the only other book of his I’ve read is Ysabel. This is something I really need to remedy since Tigana was quite excellent.


In his critically acclaimed novel Under Heaven, Guy Gavriel Kay told a vivid and powerful story inspired by China’s Tang Dynasty. Now, the international bestselling and multiple award-winning author revisits that invented setting four centuries later with an epic of prideful emperors, battling courtiers, bandits and soldiers, nomadic invasions, and a woman battling in her own way, to find a new place for women in the world – a world inspired this time by the glittering, decadent Song Dynasty.

Ren Daiyan was still just a boy when he took the lives of seven men while guarding an imperial magistrate of Kitai. That moment on a lonely road changed his life—in entirely unexpected ways, sending him into the forests of Kitai among the outlaws. From there he emerges years later—and his life changes again, dramatically, as he circles towards the court and emperor, while war approaches Kitai from the north.

Lin Shan is the daughter of a scholar, his beloved only child. Educated by him in ways young women never are, gifted as a songwriter and calligrapher, she finds herself living a life suspended between two worlds. Her intelligence captivates an emperor—and alienates women at the court. But when her father’s life is endangered by the savage politics of the day, Shan must act in ways no woman ever has.

In an empire divided by bitter factions circling an exquisitely cultured emperor who loves his gardens and his art far more than the burdens of governing, dramatic events on the northern steppe alter the balance of power in the world, leading to events no one could have foretold, under the river of stars.

Myth-Quoted by Jody Lynn Nye

Myth-Quoted (Myth Adventures) by Jody Lynn Nye

The newest book in the Myth Adventures series was released in trade paperback and ebook in December 2012. Powell’s Books has an excerpt from it.

This is one of my husband’s favorite series, and he’s read some of the books so many times they’re falling apart. He’ll be helping me out with this book (even though it is supposed to stand alone just fine!), and I recently read the first book in the series and am hoping to review it sometime soon.



Since it was founded, M.Y.T.H. Inc. has dealt with all manner of vile and evil creatures. But not even a magician of Skeeve’s caliber is prepared to face the most duplicitous monsters of all: politicians. Emo Weavil and his cousin Wilmer Weavil-Scuttil have been running for governor of the island of Bokromi—for five years. Their magickal mudslinging (literal and otherwise) strategies continue to postpone the election leaving the realm in a state of leaderless chaos.

Hired to moderate a fair and balanced race between the candidates, Skeeve and Bunny attempt to clean up the dirty politics, only to become targets of the tabloids and paparazzi, who are more interested in innuendo than the facts…

Magic Dreams by Ilona Andrews

Magic Dreams (Kate Daniels #4.5) by Ilona Andrews

This novella related to the Kate Daniels series, told from the point of view of Dali, is set between Magic Bleeds and Magic Slays. It was originally published in the anthology Hexed, but it is also available on its own as an ebook (I bought my copy for $2.99). I read this one yesterday and had fun with it, although it’s not my favorite story in the series. It’s enough of a departure from the main series that I don’t think it’s necessary to read the other books first, but I’d recommend it just because I think it’s preferable to have a bit of an idea of who Dali and Jim are already.

I’m probably not going to review this one since I’m so behind on reviews at this point that I’ll probably end up writing many of them as mini-reviews (I am planning to write full reviews for the two older books I’ve read lately since I haven’t seen them reviewed). So instead I will refer you to this review of Magic Dreams written by Heidi from Bunbury in the Stacks (whose blog I’d definitely recommend checking out if you haven’t already!).


Magic Dreams originally appeared in the anthology Hexed.

From New York Times bestselling author Ilona Andrews comes a tale of darkness, desire, and werecats.

Alpha Pack leader Jim Shrapshire has always been the strong, silent type. But something has come over him–a magic force currently residing in one of the Pack’s headquarters. Were-tigress Dali Harimau has always wished she could get Jim’s attention–but now he needs her help.

Stricken with a magic-sickness, Jim needs Dali’s flair for magic. And to save him, she must challenge a powerful, dark being to a battle of wits.

Includes an excerpt of Ilona Andrews’s upcoming novel in the world of Kate Daniels, Gunmetal Magic, available in August 2012.

Necessary Evil by Ian Tregillis

Necessary Evil (Milkweed Triptych #3) by Ian Tregillis

Necessary Evil will be released in hardcover and ebook in April 2013. This is another series I haven’t yet read, although I have been wanting to since I’ve been hearing it’s really good. Excerpts from the first two books are available online:

  1. Bitter Seeds
  2. The Coldest War

12 May 1940. Westminster, London, England: the early days of World War II.


Raybould Marsh, one of “our” Britain’s best spies, has travelled to another Earth in a desperate attempt to save at least one timeline from the Cthulhu-like monsters who have been observing our species from space and have already destroyed Marsh’s timeline. In order to accomplish this, he must remove all traces of the supermen that were created by the Nazi war machine and caused the spectors from outer space to notice our planet in the first place.

His biggest challenge is the mad seer Greta, one of the most powerful of the Nazi creations, who has sent a version of herself to this timeline to thwart Marsh. Why would she stand in his way? Because she has seen that in all the timelines she dies and she is determined to stop that from happening, even if it means destroying most of humanity in the process. And Marsh is the only man who can stop her.

Necessary Evil is the stunning conclusion to Ian Tregillis’s Milkweed series.

The Night of the Swarm by Robert V. S. Redick

The Night of the Swarm (The Chathrand Voyage #4) by Robert V. S. Redick

This is the final book in The Chathrand Voyage series (another series I haven’t read but have heard really good things about). It will be available in trade paperback and ebook on February 5, 2013. An excerpt from The Night of the Swarm can be read on the publisher’s website. The previous books in the quartet are as follows:

  1. The Red Wolf Conspiracy (Read an Excerpt)
  2. The Ruling Sea (Read an Excerpt)
  3. The River of Shadows

Robert V. S. Redick brings his acclaimed fantasy series The Chathrand Voyage to a triumphant close that merits comparison to the work of such masters as George R. R. Martin, Philip Pullman, and J.R.R. Tolkien himself. The evil sorcerer Arunis is dead, yet the danger has not ended. For as he fell, beheaded by the young warrior-woman Thasha Isiq, Arunis summoned the Swarm of Night, a demonic entity that feasts on death and grows like a plague. If the Swarm is not destroyed, the world of Alifros will become a vast graveyard. Now Thasha and her comrades—the tarboy Pazel Pathkendle and the mysterious wizard Ramachni—begin a quest that seems all but impossible. Yet there is hope: One person has the power to stand against the Swarm: the great mage Erithusmé. Long thought dead, Erithusmé lives, buried deep in Thasha’s soul. But for the mage to live again, Thasha Isiq may have to die.

The Death Cure by James Cashner

The Death Cure (Maze Runner #3) by James Dashner

This New York Times bestselling novel became available in paperback for the first time on January 8, 2013. It is also available in hardcover, ebook, and audiobook formats.

The first two books in this young adult trilogy are The Maze Runner (excerpt) and The Scorch Trials. There is also a prequel, The Kill Order.


Thomas knows that Wicked can’t be trusted, but they say the time for lies is over, that they’ve collected all they can from the Trials and now must rely on the Gladers, with full memories restored, to help them with their ultimate mission. It’s up to the Gladers to complete the blueprint for the cure to the Flare with a final voluntary test.

What Wicked doesn’t know is that something’s happened that no Trial or Variable could have foreseen. Thomas has remembered far more than they think. And he knows that he can’t believe a word of what Wicked says.

The time for lies is over. But the truth is more dangerous than Thomas could ever imagine.

Will anyone survive the Death Cure?

God of War II by Robert E. Vardeman

God of War II by Robert E. Vardeman

The official novel of the videogame will be available in trade paperback and ebook on February 12, 2013. An excerpt is available on the publisher’s website.


All the majesty and mayhem of Greek mythology springs to life once more in the powerful second novel based on the bestselling and critically acclaimed God of War® franchise.

Once the mighty warrior Kratos was a slave to the gods, bound to do their savage bidding. After destroying Ares, the God of War, Kratos was granted his freedom by Zeus—and even given the ousted god’s throne on Olympus.

But the other gods of the pantheon didn’t take kindly to Kratos’s ascension and, in turn, conspired against him. Banished, Kratos must ally himself with the despised Titans, ancient enemies of the Olympians, in order to take revenge and silence the nightmares that haunt him.

God of War II takes the videogame’s action to electrifying new heights, and adds ever more fascinating layers to the larger-than-life tale of Kratos.

Exciting news for Freda Warrington fans who have been wishing some of her older books were easier to find! Her most popular series, a vampire series written in the 1990s, is going to be re-released by Titan Books, and Warrington is going to write a new fourth book in the series. You can read the announcement on her blog.

According to the publisher’s website, A Taste of Blood Wine will be available on May 3, 2013.

The next two books,  A Dance in Blood Velvet and The Dark Blood of Poppies, will be followed by the brand new book, The Dark Arts of Blood.

A Taste of Blood Wine has a new cover:

A Taste of Blood Wine by Freda Warrington

About A Taste of Blood Wine:


1918. A First World War battlefield becomes the cosmic battleground for two vampires, as Karl von Wultendorf struggles to free himself from his domineering maker, Kristian.

1923. Charlotte Neville watches as her father, a Cambridge professor, fills Parkland Hall with guests for her sister Madeleine’s 18th birthday party. Among them is his handsome new research assistant Karl – the man Madeleine has instantly decided will be her husband. Charlotte, shy and retiring, is happy to devote her life to her father and her dull fiance Henry – until she sees Karl …

For Charlotte, it is the beginning of a deadly obsession that sunders her from her sisters, her father and even her dearest friend. As their feverish passion grows, Karl faces the dilemma he fears the most. Only by deserting Charlotte can his passion for her blood be conquered. Only by betraying her can he protect her from the terrifying attentions of Kristian – for Kristian has decided to teach Karl a lesson in power, by devouring Charlotte.

I have wanted to read this ever since I saw this review at the blog for my local library’s book group. Vampire books are not normally something I’m interested in, but I’d be very interested to see what a writer like Freda Warrington did with the concept, especially after reading the review.

The Leaning Pile of Books is a feature where I talk about books I got over the last week – old or new, bought or received for review consideration. Since I hope you will find new books you’re interested in reading in these posts, I try to be as informative as possible. If I can find them, links to excerpts, author’s websites, and places where you can find more information on the book are included.

This week I just got one book that I ordered shortly after finishing the previous book in the series.

The Crimson Crown by Cinda Williams Chima

The Crimson Crown (Seven Realms #4) by Cinda Williams Chima

This is the fourth and final book in the Seven Realms series (young adult fantasy). An excerpt from The Crimson Crown is available on the author’s website.

The first three books in the series are:

  1. The Demon King (My Review | Read Chapter One)
  2. The Exiled Queen (Read Chapter Two)
  3. The Gray Wolf Throne (Read Chapter One)

I just finished The Gray Wolf Throne and loved it, mainly because of the two main characters. I need to know what happens to Han and Raisa!

There are some spoilers for the previous three books in the description below.


A thousand years ago, two young lovers were betrayed–Alger Waterlow to his death, and Hanalea, Queen of the Fells, to a life without love.

Now, once again, the Queendom of the Fells seems likely to shatter apart. For young queen Raisa “ana'”Marianna, maintaining peace even within her own castle walls is nearly impossible; tension between wizards and Clan has reached a fevered pitch. With surrounding kingdoms seeking to prey on the Fells’ inner turmoil, Raisa’s best hope is to unite her people against a common enemy. But that enemy might be the person with whom she’s falling in love.

Through a complicated web of lies and unholy alliances, former streetlord Han Alister has become a member of the Wizard Council of the Fells. Navigating the cut-throat world of blue blood politics has never been more dangerous, and Han seems to inspire hostility among Clan and wizards alike. His only ally is the queen, and despite the perils involved, Han finds it impossible to ignore his feelings for Raisa. Before long, Han finds himself in possession of a secret believed to be lost to history, a discovery powerful enough to unite the people of the Fells. But will the secret die with him before he can use it?

A simple, devastating truth concealed by a thousand-year-old lie at last comes to light in this stunning conclusion to the Seven Realms series.

Have you read any of the books in this series? If so, what did you think?

Gunmetal Magic
by Ilona Andrews
435pp (Paperback)
My Rating: 7.5/10
LibraryThing Rating: 4.18/5
Goodreads Rating: 4.29/5

Gunmetal Magic, written by the wife and husband team known as Ilona Andrews, is an urban fantasy novel set in the same world as the Kate Daniels series. It’s about Andrea Nash, Kate’s best friend, and a novella about Kate titled “Magic Gifts” is also included with the novel. “Magic Gifts” overlaps with the timeline in Gunmetal Magic, and there is a part in the novel that comes after Kate’s adventure and ties in with it. While it’s not necessary to read “Magic Gifts” first, it does provide more details on what happened to Kate, and I think it would be better to read it first.

Gunmetal Magic is enough of a stand alone story that it could be read without reading the five Kate Daniels books first, but I’d recommend readers new to this world begin with the Kate Daniels series. The first book, Magic Bites, is not quite as good as this one (or, for that matter, the rest of the series, especially books 3 and 4). However, Gunmetal Magic does reference events from the first five Kate Daniels books, and I think would be more fun to discover previous occurrences by actually reading about them as they happen in the books. For those new to the books, this review will not include spoilers for the previous books in the Kate Daniels series other than a little about what happened to Andrea recently.

Private Investigator Andrea Nash, formerly of the Order of Knights of Merciful Aid, has had better days. First, she awakens from a nightmare about a dreadful event from her past to a neighbor frantically pounding on her door. Her blind husband is missing, and a former Knight of the Order seems like a prime candidate for finding missing persons. Andrea does rescue the man from terrible creatures and bring him home, but she can’t even finish cleaning the icky creature goo off herself without being called in to conduct another larger investigation. Four people from the Pack were murdered the night before, and Andrea is asked to learn what happened to them. She agrees to help, even after she finds out the business they were working for is owned by her ex-boyfriend Raphael and investigating this case will mean dealing with him—and his new drop-dead gorgeous, tall, blond fiancée—after a very bad breakup.

The deeper Andrea becomes involved in the case, the more apparent it is that Raphael is the least of her problems. Andrea has only begun to move forward with her life, but it may be over before she can pull the pieces together if she can’t prevent the killer from carrying out bigger plans.

The Kate Daniels series is one of my favorite, if not my very favorite, urban fantasy series. When I heard that 2012 would bring a book about Andrea instead of a continuation of Kate’s story, I have to admit I was a bit disappointed because one reason I love the series so much is Kate herself. Her sense of humor shines through her narrative voice, and she changes so much over the course of the series, only slowly opening up to both the reader and the other characters about her history. In particular, I find the story that ties in with Kate’s secret especially compelling, and given the note the last book ended on, I was eager to discover where it went next.

Because Kate is such a highlight of the books for me, I was torn about reading Gunmetal Magic, but in the end I decided there was no way to pass up a related story—and I’m glad I did. It may not have been focused on Kate, but it had the other things I enjoy about Ilona Andrews’ books—the sense of humor, the vibrant three dimensional characters, the interweaving of myth, and action-packed scenes. Gunmetal Magic is a tale of one woman’s journey toward self-acceptance, a love story, and a fun mythical mystery adventure based on Egyptian lore.

As can be expected from a book by Ilona Andrews, Gunmetal Magic is highly entertaining, and the highlight of the book for me was the characters. I love how most of them have a sense of humor and don’t follow common archetypes. Even the secondary characters stand out as individuals, and one of my particular favorites is Roman, a volhv of Chernobog (otherwise known as the god of “Everything Bad and Evil” if you ask Kate). Being a servant to the dark god is sort of the family business, and Roman’s father is the Black Volhv himself. Roman has to maintain a certain appearance (he looks menacing, according to Andrea) and has some scary powers. Yet he is a rather jocular, personable fellow capable of having fun (and not in a darkly humorous my-idea-of-fun-is-destroying-the-world sort of way). Andrea observes that he seems to think of being the servant of darkness as a 9 to 5 job and that he seems to be trying to make the most out of life when he doesn’t have to be in that role. While I love my darker characters, I also like to see characters who aren’t easily summed up by a single aspect of their personality, and I think this combination of a dark side with a lighthearted side makes Roman very intriguing and unusual.

On the subject of characterization, I also appreciated that Andrea and Kate were very different characters despite some similarities. Both of them have the tough, badass attitude so common in urban fantasy, but they also manage not to seem like yet more kickass women just like every other one out there because they have different aspects to their personalities. They’re both good with weapons; Kate with her sword and Andrea with a gun. They have differences on the surface, like Kate’s upbringing that means she’s a treasure trove of mythical information and Andrea’s love of romance novels, but their differences go deeper than that. Each of them has had tragedies in their pasts, but they seem to deal with them very differently. Andrea gave me the impression of being much more open than Kate since the very opening scene shows her waking up from a nightmare, hiding in her closet clutching a butcher knife. Kate, on the other hand, took three whole books to open up to the reader enough to even share the full story of her past (which is very much in keeping with her upbringing and how it’s influenced her character). Andrea’s perspective seems a bit more introspective than Kate’s, and she seems more prone to showing how wounded she actually is. That’s not to say she mopes and dwells on her misfortunes without taking any action in this book. She does quite the opposite since she does take control of her life. She just seems to feel her inner turmoil more keenly than Kate does, and I appreciate the differences in these two characters who may seem similar on the outside.

In general, Ilona Andrews does a wonderful job of keeping their books interesting by combining action and character development/interaction and spreading them out so they are well-balanced. This particular book seemed uneven to me for awhile, but I really can’t say it started slowly since there was plenty of action as early as the very first chapter. I’ve come to the conclusion that there was too much setup that wasn’t advancing the plot. Andrea’s rescue in the first chapter seemed more of an excuse to show her in action and share her past as part of the Order than integral to the storyline, and some of the fast-paced action of the early investigation seemed ultimately pointless other than to show the dangers of magic. There were quite a few infodumps in the beginning as well so I do think part of my trouble with staying engaged with the story early on was that I already knew a lot of what was being told already. Once the investigation began to go somewhere and more of the other characters were involved, I had a lot of fun with it.

While I didn’t enjoy it as much as most of the Kate Daniels books, I really enjoyed Gunmetal Magic for all the same reasons I read the series—the combination of purely entertaining storytelling, humor, drama, three-dimensional characters, the right amount of romance, snappy dialogue, and mythology. It’s also very satisfying to see Andrea’s evolution as a character as she comes into her own and learns to accept herself, and the novella “Magic Gifts” covering the story of Kate and the Vikings is a great additional bonus.

My Rating: 7.5/10

Where I got my reading copy: I purchased it.

Read Chapter One from Gunmetal Magic

Other Reviews of Gunmetal Magic:

Today I have one copy of Myth-Quoted by Jody Lynn Nye, the latest book in the Myth series begun many years ago by Robert Asprin and handed off to Nye several books ago, to give away (and an interview with Jody Lynn Nye is forthcoming). I haven’t read the Myth series yet, but this humorous fantasy series is among my husband’s favorites. He’s read all the books except this one, several of them often enough that he’s had to buy multiple copies.

Giveaway: Myth-Quoted by Jody Lynn Nye

About Myth-Quoted:



Since it was founded, M.Y.T.H. Inc. has dealt with all manner of vile and evil creatures. But not even a magician of Skeeve’s caliber is prepared to face the most duplicitous monsters of all: politicians. Emo Weavil and his cousin Wilmer Weavil-Scuttil have been running for governor of the island of Bokromi—for five years. Their magickal mudslinging (literal and otherwise) strategies continue to postpone the election leaving the realm in a state of leaderless chaos.

Hired to moderate a fair and balanced race between the candidates, Skeeve and Bunny attempt to clean up the dirty politics, only to become targets of the tabloids and paparazzi, who are more interested in innuendo than the facts…

To learn more about Jody Lynn Nye, visit her website. You can also follow her on Twitter.

Giveaway Rules: To be entered in the giveaway, fill out the form below OR send an email to kristen AT fantasybookcafe DOT com with the subject “Myth-Quoted.” One entry per person and a winner will be randomly selected. Only those with a mailing address in the US or Canada are eligible to win this giveaway. The giveaway will be open until the end of the day on Saturday, January 19. The winner has 24 hours to respond once contacted via email, and if I don’t hear from them by then a new winner will be chosen (who will also have 24 hours to respond until someone gets back to me with a place to send the book).

Please note email addresses will only be used for the purpose of contacting the winner. Once the giveaway is over all the emails will be deleted.

Good luck!

Update: The contact form has been removed now that the giveaway is over.