It’s that time of year again – time to reflect on favorites of 2011. I always have a terrible time with this because it’s so hard to pick books with all their different strengths and weaknesses, and this year I had a really terrible time because there were 12 books I wanted to stuff into the top 10. That’s with books divided into a top 10 published in 2011 and a top 5 of older books, so I’d say I had a very decent reading year when there are that many books I enjoyed that much.

These are favorite books, not necessarily the ones I thought were the best books I read (although some of those are somewhere on this list as well).

Favorite Books Published in 2011

A Dance With Dragons by George R. R. Martin

1. A Dance With Dragons by George R. R. Martin | Review

It wasn’t as fast-paced and jaw-dropping as A Storm of Swords, but I enjoyed this one a lot more than A Feast for Crows. It’s a massive book and I think it took me as long to read as about 4 or 5 average books, but it was worth it because I thought it was wonderfully well-written and subtle. It really rewards paying attention to detail and I just loved how all these different details are woven in. Plus I loved the characters and even though it felt very much like a transition book I thought it was a really good transition book (which was not the case with the book that came before it). So amazingly complex.

Cold Fire by Kate Elliott

2. Cold Fire by Kate Elliott

Since this was one of the books I read during this busy month of December, I haven’t reviewed this one yet and plan to make it my first review of 2012. I absolutely loved everything about it. Cat’s narrative voice is excellent, and I just love how she words her thoughts. I also love her as a character, as well as the other characters and how they interact with each other. The dialogue is wonderful, and the romance! It is my type of romance where the two involved banter and you wonder if they’ll ever get together and it is just fantastic. Start to finish, I was just so happy to be reading it. And so ready for the next book when it ended!

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

3. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor | Review

Laini Taylor is one of my favorite author discoveries of recent years and Daughter of Smoke and Bone was just beautiful. No one writes like Laini Taylor. Her writing is concise but gorgeous and she just gets how to describe emotions in a way you never thought of but that just fits perfectly. While she has amazing skill with prose, it’s not just a book with fantastic writing but one that is full of good qualities – her characters, mythology, and story are all fantastic as well. I devoured it. Bring on book 2!

4. The Sea Thy Mistress by Elizabeth Bear | Review

This ended the Edda of Burdens trilogy on a high note. It’s elegantly written, the characters have depth, and it has themes of transformation. It’s all based on Norse mythology, but it’s also still very much Bear’s own interpretation of the myths as they’re not completely familiar. It’s both poignant and heart-breaking, and this is one of the ones I think is one of the very best I read this year in addition to being a very readable favorite book.

5. Late Eclipses by Seanan McGuire | Review

It’s a close call between this one and One Salt Sea, which both came out this year and were the two strongest installments in the Toby Daye series yet. But I’m giving it to Late Eclipses because it had so many of the revelations I’ve been waiting for in the series and it was so exciting to find out about them! This year these were quite easily my favorite books read in the urban fantasy genre. It has a great setting with the fae, a main character who has a strong and humorous narrative voice, and Tybalt! Tybalt just might be the character I’ve found myself talking about the most. (My husband may have decided I’m crazy this year just based on how I’ve gone on and on about Tybalt while reading one of these books.)

The Cloud Roads by Martha Wells

6. The Cloud Roads by Martha Wells | Review

This was one of those rare books that grabbed my attention from page 1 and just never let up. The world is fascinating, populated with races that are not human but have very human problems and personalities. I loved learning about the Raksura, a race of shapeshifters, and how their society worked and the main character is very endearing. The Cloud Roads was one of my biggest surprises of 2011 and has me wondering why I hadn’t read anything by Martha Wells sooner.

Naamah's Blessing by Jacqueline Carey

7. Naamah’s Blessing by Jacqueline Carey | Review

This ended up being my favorite book in the Naamah trilogy. I just loved how it came around full circle back to plots and people from the first book, the beautiful writing, and how different cultures and beliefs were portrayed with such compassion. It was also interesting to see more of the world as well as how far Moirin had come as a character since the first book in the trilogy. She wasn’t one of those static characters – her personality hadn’t really changed, but her experiences had shaped her and for that I thought she was a very well-developed character.

Miserere: An Autumn Tale by Teresa Frohock

8. Miserere: An Autumn Tale by Teresa Frohock | Review

This was my favorite 2011 debut of the year I read. It’s character-driven, dark fantasy that left me thinking about it a lot because there was just so much about it I found really interesting. It has a different world with its own rules and is a very different take on the common fantasy story of the battle between heaven and hell. I also appreciated that the main character was 40 years old and acted like you would expect a 40-year-old man to act. One of the other major characters, Rachael, was also a mature adult with a strong sense of justice and fairness and I also loved reading about her.

All Men of Genius by Lev AC Rosen

9. All Men of Genius by Lev A. C. Rosen | Review

Favorite debut was a very close race between this and Miserere this year. They’re very different books and this steampunk adventure is one of the more fun books I’ve read this year. It’s inspired by both Twelfth Night and The Importance of Being Earnest. It’s about Violet, a brilliant young scientist, who cannot go to the best scientific academy because she’s a girl. So she dresses up as a boy and starts to fall for the headmaster, and of course, much entertainment ensues!

The Magician King by Lev Grossman

10. The Magician King by Lev Grossman | Review

This was a look at fantasy quests and what it means to be a hero. I found it really interesting to see how much Quentin had grown up in this second installment. He’s not perfect but  he is much more likable, and I think I liked it a little better than The Magicians because of that. Also, the ending! It was perfect but also depressing and it really stuck with me. I also loved the sense of humor in this book. There were a lot of lines that made me laugh out loud.

That was a tough one and I actually ended up surprising myself with #10. I had thought for sure that was going to be an honorable mention out of the twelve books I was considering. I was having a really hard time choosing between one book I had an immensely fun time reading but that I liked less the more I thought about the ending and one that I thought was an amazing book but just couldn’t connect to as much as I wanted to. Then I realized The Magician King was both a book I found both really enjoyable and really interesting, and the more I thought about it, the more I thought it fit on the above list instead.

Honorable Mentions for Books Published in 2011

  • Eona by Allison Goodman | Review
  • Deathless by Catherynne M. Valente | Review

Of course, I also read some books published before 2011 that I wanted to mention. This list ended up being easy because there were exactly 5 books I thought stood out over all the other other ones.

Favorite Books Published Before 2011

The Native Star

1. The Native Star by M. K. Hobson | Review

This was my biggest surprise of the year when it came to books I loved. I never would have picked this up based on the back cover description, but I kept hearing it was good – and I was so glad I read it! The Native Star would probably be the most fun book I read all year. It hooked me almost immediately, and it was full of adventure and had a nice romance that slowly developed over the course of the book. I was absolutely enchanted by it.

A Fire Upon the Deep

2. A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge | Review

Although I had a GREAT reading year in general, I didn’t have a very good one when it came to science fiction books. There was one SF book I really didn’t like and a couple I thought were ok. The rest were ones I liked but didn’t think were anything super special and then there was A Fire Upon the Deep, which was awesome. Vernor Vinge is one of my husband’s favorite authors, and he’s been after me to read this book for a while. I put it off because it looked long, and I thought it would be dry and dull and tedious. It did have it’s slow parts, but I ended up surprised by just how much I enjoyed it. It’s complex and imaginative, and I thought the alien race was very interesting. (I haven’t read the sequel that came out this year yet, though.)

Howl's Moving Castle

3. Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones | Review

This is such a charming story! Sophie, the girl who is transformed into an old lady by the Witch of the Waste, is such a terrific character. And of course, Howl steals the show as the exceedingly vain but endearing wizard. He’s one of those characters who has flaws but they just make him all the better for it. There’s also a delightful sense of humor throughout the tale and it’s quite clear why this is such a beloved book by many.


4. Dragonsbane by Barbara Hambly | Review

Jenny and her choices was what made this book for me. Jenny is a 37-year-old woman who has tried to compromise between her love and their children and her magical studies. Because of this, she’s not a great mage and she has to wonder what might have been had she done what a mage is supposed to do and devoted herself entirely to her studies. It had such a heart-wrenching bittersweet ending – one of those endings where either choice comes with both good and bad, both happiness and sorrow. This is the best kind of ending.

The Exiled Queen by Cinda Williams Chima

5. The Exiled Queen by Cinda Williams Chima

This is another book that is still sitting in my “to review” pile, which is a shame because I desperately want to read the next book and I told myself I can’t until I review this one. This is a fun series and this book just made me love the roguish Han and the determined Raisa even more (especially Han – Han is pure awesome). With the way this left off, I am DYING to read the next book!

Wow, that’s a lot of books! What are your favorite books you read in 2011?

A Dance With Dragons by George R. R. Martin

As a Christmas gift to his fans, George R. R. Martin put up a sample chapter from The Winds of Winter. It will be at the beginning of this book, but it actually takes place before the end of A Dance With Dragons. Enjoy!

This is the actual complete list, not just the books that have covers and descriptions already that I’ve posted about so far. I think I might just keep “Books of 2012” going throughout 2012 as more information comes out on the books coming out later in the year and then just keep going with “Books of 2013” and so on.

As usual, I’m sure more books will come to my attention throughout the year that will look interesting, too, but right now these are the ones I’m most looking forward to (in no particular order with the ones I haven’t already done posts on first).

The Grail of the Summer Stars by Freda Warrington
This is the third Aetherial Tales book, along with Elfland (review) and Midsummer Night (review). It’s a stand alone story like the other two, but there are connections to the others. In an interview I did with her Freda Warrington mentioned that while Sam and Rosie will not have a huge part in it they will play an important role. She also said there will also be a more about Mist and Rufus’s past. Elfland was my favorite book read last year so I’m very excited about this one, especially after seeing what Freda had to say about it in her interview. The Grail of the Summer Stars is supposed to be released in summer or fall of 2012.

Dark Currents by Jacqueline Carey
This will be the first book in a new urban fantasy trilogy, and I can’t wait to see what Jacqueline Carey does with it! Learning more about it when I interviewed her a few months ago also made me want to read it more. Here’s what she had to say about it:


Daisy Johanssen, my reluctant hell-spawn heroine, serves as the liaison between the mundane and eldritch authorities in a small Midwestern resort town that does a booming business in paranormal tourism.  When a young man drowns under suspicious circumstances, it falls to Daisy to investigate amidst rising tension.The series is a blend of whimsy, wonder and creepiness.   For me, one of the great appeals of urban fantasy is that rather than transporting the reader to another world, another time and place, it gives the reader a prism through which to view this world, here and now, and imbue it with magic.  That’s a marvelous gift.  The biggest challenge lies in the fact that this is a very crowded subgenre, and it’s not easy to put a fresh, unique spin on it.  But I’ll do my best!

I just love the sound of it! It will probably be released sometime in the fall of 2012.

Ashes of Honor by Seanan McGuire
I love the October Daye series, an urban fantasy series featuring the fae. I mostly love them because I just love Toby’s narrative voice and the way her personality jumps off the page. But I also love them for the character Tybalt, the King of Cats, who is just plain awesome. This is a series that just keeps getting better and better and the two books that came out this year Late Eclipses (review) and One Salt Sea (review) were the very best yet. Ashes of Honor, the sixth book in the series, will be out in September 2012.

The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter
This will be the start of a new science fiction series, and I think it will be interesting to see a collaboration between these two authors. I’ve read all of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld books but one (not including the YA series which I haven’t read at all). I haven’t read Stephen Baxter yet, but he’s been on my radar for a while with a reputation for writing very good science fiction. The Long Earth will be released on June 19, 2012.

Cold Fire by Kate Elliott

Cold Steel by Kate Elliott
I read Cold Fire during this busy month of December and haven’t had a chance to review it yet (but I definitely will, probably next book I review). It completely took me by surprise and ended up as one of my very favorite books read this year. I was expecting to like it since I did enjoy Cold Magic, but I wasn’t expecting to love it so much. Cat’s narrative voice pretty much made the book for me, though. Well, her and the other characters and the dialogue. Oh, and finding out more about certain things… I just loved it, and it made the final book in the trilogy one of my very most wanted books of 2012.

Gunmetal Magic by Ilona Andrews
At first I wasn’t sure how I felt about getting a book about Andrea instead of the sixth Kate Daniels book next year and wasn’t even sure if I’d read it. Book 5 is left off like that with this tantalizing part making me think it will get to what I have been waiting for and it won’t even be continued until 2013?! I understand the reasoning behind it since apparently book 6 is planned and what happens in this book needs to happen before that, but I just really want the next Kate book, being impatient as I am. While I’d still prefer a book about Kate, I did come to the realization that OF COURSE I will read Andrea’s book. I like Andrea and her friendship with Kate, and I’m now starting to get more curious about this book now that I’m getting used to the idea of it. Gunmetal Magic is currently scheduled for August 31, 2012.

The Serpent Sea by Martha Wells

The Serpent Sea by Martha Wells | More Details
The Cloud Roads (review) was one of my favorite books of 2011 so I’m very excited about the sequel. It’s set in a fascinating world about characters who aren’t human and has plenty of heart. The official release date is January 3, but it seems to already be available on Amazon at least.

Songs of the Earth by Elspeth Cooper

Songs of the Earth by Elspeth Cooper | More Details
This is a debut novel that came out in the UK this year that sounds like it could be rather interesting as it deals with issues like religion and persecution for having certain abilities. It will be available in the US at the end of February.

Discount Armageddon by Seanan McGuire

Discount Armageddon by Seanan McGuire | More Details
I do not want to miss the first book in a new series by one of my favorite urban fantasy authors. The InCryptid series sounds like such fun, and the little bit of read of the ARC seems like fun too. It will be released in March.

Range of Ghosts by Elizabeth Bear

Range of Ghosts by Elizabeth Bear | More Details
It’s the first book in a new epic fantasy trilogy, Eternal Sky, by one of my favorite authors so of course I must read it! I have an early copy of this one and the writing in the opening is beautiful. It will be released in March.

House of Shadows by Rachel Neumeier

House of Shadows by Rachel Neumeier | More Details
This is a book by a new-to-me author I’ve been hearing good things about. It’s also supposed to be a stand-alone so it sounded like a good place to start! House of Shadows will be available in July.

Throne of the Crescent Moon by Saladin Ahmed

Throne of the Crescent Moon by Saladin Ahmed | More Details
This is another debut novel that looks very interesting. Saladin Ahmed’s short fiction is supposed to be very good, and I really like the looks of this novel with its Arabian setting and cast of characters, including an old ghul hunter who just wants to retire. It will be released in February.

The Killing Moon by N. K. Jemisin

The Killing Moon by N. K. Jemisin | More Details
N. K. Jemisin’s Inheritance trilogy was riveting with its gods and conversational prose style, and I’m really interested in seeing what she does with a new setting with priests of the dream goddess. The Killing Moon will be released in May.

Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore

Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore | More Details

This is a companion novel to Graceling and Fire, Kristin Cashore’s previous two young adult fantasy novels. I enjoyed Graceling and I LOVED Fire so I have high hopes for this one since the books seem to be getting better. Bitterblue is scheduled for publication in May.

Which books are you most looking forward to in 2012?

Today I am over at one of my favorite blogs, The Book Smugglers, talking about some of my favorite books of 2011, which I was lucky enough to have a HORRIBLE time narrowing down this year. Since I talked about 8 books with 3 honorable mentions narrowed down from 5 I’d been considering, I’m still not sure which other 2 books are going to end up on my top 10 list I’ll put up here!

While you’re over there, I recommend checking out some of the other posts for Smugglivus, which includes a lot of bloggers and authors. I was particularly thrilled to see posts by Martha Wells, Kate Elliott, and N. K. Jemisin this year. And definitely check out some reviews as well if you haven’t already – Ana and Thea write in-depth, very helpful reviews for a LOT of books!

Magic Gifts by Ilona Andrews

For Christmas, Ilona Andrews has a free Kate Daniels novella, Magic Gifts, available to download for a limited time! It comes right after the latest book in the series, Magic Slays, and crosses over with Gunmetal Magic, the novel about Andrea that will be coming out next year. This novella will also be included with Gunmetal Magic when it is released, but for now it can be downloaded in several different formats to read as an ebook. It is only available for two weeks from when it was put up on December 24, so if you want to read it early, don’t delay too long in getting it!

About Magic Gifts:

A dinner date after a hard day at work sounds heavenly. Of course, when that date is between the Beast Lord and Kate Daniels, things don’t go as planned. Before you know it, undead are running amok, heads are being chopped off, lawyers are deployed and used with extereme prejudice, and drunk vikings are calling people out.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Hope you are having a wonderful holiday season.

There will probably be a Christmas edition of this next week, but since that’s today I haven’t found out what the books are, if any. In the meantime, one ARC did show up that I was as excited about as I could possibly be since it is one of my most anticipated releases of next year.

Discount Armageddon by Seanan McGuireDiscount Armageddon by Seanan McGuire

Eeeee! It’s the first book in Seanan McGuire’s new urban fantasy series, InCryptid! And after looking through the beginning, it looks even more awesome than I’d hoped for! Sure, my husband has been picking on me all week for being excited about a book that looks like it has Catholic Schoolgirl Barbie on the cover, but I don’t care because it looks like such fun!

This showing up unexpectedly made my week and it is a definite read and review. In fact, I’d probably be reading it now had I been in between books or close to finished with one when it arrived. I love Seanan McGuire’s Toby Daye books. They have  just been getting better and better and it is one of the urban fantasy series I most enjoy.

Discount Armageddon will be released in mass market paperback and ebook formats on March 6, 2012.

Ghoulies. Ghosties. Long-legged beasties. Things that go bump in the night… The Price family has spent generations studying the monsters of the world, working to protect them from humanity-and humanity from them. Enter Verity Price. Despite being trained from birth as a cryptozoologist, she’d rather dance a tango than tangle with a demon, and is spending a year in Manhattan while she pursues her career in professional ballroom dance. Sounds pretty simple, right? It would be, if it weren’t for the talking mice, the telepathic mathematicians, the asbestos supermodels, and the trained monster-hunter sent by the Price family’s old enemies, the Covenant of St. George. When a Price girl meets a Covenant boy, high stakes, high heels, and a lot of collateral damage are almost guaranteed. To complicate matters further, local cryptids are disappearing, strange lizard-men are appearing in the sewers, and someone’s spreading rumors about a dragon sleeping underneath the city…