The Demon King is the first book in the Seven Realms series by Cinda Williams Chima.  It is followed by The Exiled Queen, and the third book The Gray Wolf Throne was just released last month. The Crimson Crown, the fourth and final book in the series, is scheduled for release in fall 2012.

Han used to be a very successful leader of a street gang known as “Cuffs” for his silver armbands, which he cannot remove and has had ever since he can remember. Now he’s trying to make a more honest living performing tasks such as collecting plants to sell and running errands for others. It’s not enough to provide for himself, his mother, and his sister – and it’s not enough to escape his past, especially when a bunch of his old rivals from when he was a streetlord are brutally murdered. The Queen’s Guard knows all about Cuffs and his reputation and are all too eager to pin the crimes on Han.

However, Han is beginning to wonder if an amulet in his possession is cursed, especially after learning it used to belong to the Demon King of legend. He acquired it when his friend from the clan, Fire Dancer, and he confronted some wizards who were trespassing on clan land. When one of them threatened them with the amulet, Han ended up taking it from him so he wouldn’t use it against them later. Fire Dancer had advised him to leave the amulet behind, but Han couldn’t bear to lose such a powerful, valuable object. Ever since that day, his luck seems to have gotten worse and worse.

Meanwhile, Raisa, the heir to the queendom, is nearing her sixteenth birthday when she will be old enough to marry. Considering her mother is still fairly young and should have many years ahead of her to rule, Raisa doesn’t plan on getting married anytime soon. Yet her mother has other plans for her and Raisa is realizing more and more that her mother is not as she remembers her – which is bad news for the queendom.

While it is largely setting up the rest of the series, The Demon King still manages to be an absorbing book with engaging characters. It did have a slow start and it wasn’t until about 30% of the way through that it fully drew me in, but once I reached that point I couldn’t put it down. There was one afternoon I had been planning to just read a couple of chapters, but I reached that point and ended up spending the whole afternoon just reading this book. It’s not a complex book or one that’s terribly original, but it doesn’t matter since it’s a well told story. Cinda Williams Chima is one of those authors who can take familiar concepts, add a bit of polish with some unique details, and then create character perspectives that give it an added shine.

The Demon King does utilize a lot of common fantasy character tropes – the commoner who is special in some way, the brave and reckless princess, and the very unsympathetic villain. In spite of that, the two main characters are both very sympathetic and compelling. I particularly loved the contrast of their two viewpoints.

Han is so poor his family worries about their next meal, and he knows  the way of the streets. Though Han, we get to see the life of the common people and the clans. It was really easy to like Han, and I related to him immediately with his plight of reforming himself but being unable to escape his reputation and trying to provide for his mother and sister. He’s charismatic and a little bit roguish but not to the point where he’s despicable – he has a reason for anything he does and he never does anything so horrible that he’s unlikable. Han was easily my favorite of the characters, and he was also the one who had a more exciting plot.

Raisa, on the other hand, is the heir to the throne, and it’s from her perspective that we see court life and the wizards. It did take me longer to warm up to Raisa than it did Han, but eventually she won me over. In spite of being royalty, it soon becomes clear that Raisa is not without problems as well. Raisa was the one who underwent the most character development as she began to learn more about the parts of the queendom she’s been isolated from all her life – and begins to discover the way the world really works for the average person.  She yearns to be free and able to make her own choices instead of being constrained by living the life required of a future queen. These wishes gave her more dimension than the somewhat typical adventurous princess she began as, especially as she made an effort to become a better, more informed person.

Han and Raisa’s stories each show a different piece of the puzzle and overlap. Although they don’t spend much time together in this book, their meeting was very memorable, and I’m hoping they’ll spend much more time together in the next book!

Unfortunately, most of the secondary characters are more one dimensional, in particular a lot of the those present at the queen’s court (other than the Captain of the Queen’s Guard and his son who were great additions to the cast of characters). This may be part of the reason I had difficulty warming up to Raisa at first – Han got the more interesting characters to interact with since the people of the clans were better characters. Since Han and Raisa both were good characters, the lack of great secondary characters was not a big deal, though.

I loved the way the history of the world was revealed and how it affected the present. Due to one wizard’s power, there are rules in place about what wizards can do – they can’t marry the queen, they can only use magical items with limited power, and they are not supposed to set foot on the land belonging to the clans. As a result, some people also are prejudiced against wizards, especially those who do not see them all the time in the queen’s court. This all ties in with the story of the Demon King and the amulet Han acquires, and it ends with some revelations that should make the rest of the series interesting, even if some of them were predictable.

The Demon King seemed like an introduction to the world and characters that are important to the series, especially with most of the major events happening close to the end. Even so, it’s an immensely entertaining book on its own despite a slow start. Cinda Williams Chima has created an all-around gripping fantasy story with strong main protagonists and a well-realized world. I’m looking forward to seeing what happens in future installments.

My Rating: 7.5/10

Where I got my reading copy: Review copy from a publicist.

Read Chapter One

Other Reviews:

Stop by tomorrow for a guest post by Cinda Williams Chima discussing thieves as heroes!

Hard Spell is the first book in a new series by Justin Gustainis, the Occult Crimes Unit Investigation series.  There is a second book in this urban fantasy series in progress, Evil Dark.

The supernaturals (or “supes” for short) were not a regular occurrence in the United States until after World War II. When the American soldiers came back from fighting overseas, many of them returned as vampires or werewolves and the supernatural started to become more widespread in America. As traveling by plane became more popular, many more of the supernatural moved to the US and their numbers continued to grow.  The supernatural were more prevalent in some places than others, and many of them gathered in Scranton, Pennsylvania, due to its ley lines. This keeps Stan Markowski busy at his job in the Occult and Supernatural Crimes Investigation Unit: he’s called in to take care of everything from goblins on meth robbing a liquor store to demon summoning rituals.

One night Markowski and his partner Karl Renfer are assigned to check out the scene of a murder. A wizard was gruesomely killed, but whoever did it raided his safe yet left a rather substantial amount of cash behind. Markowski wants to know what exactly the murderer was after since it obviously wasn’t money, especially since the dead man had obviously endured a lot of torture before giving in. He enlists Rachel, the department’s witch, to perform a necromancy to find out what happened from the victim himself, but this goes awry. This becomes the least of their problems as vampires are methodically murdered, and Markowski and Renfer learn more about the potential of the stolen object. Can they stop this ambitious vampire/wizard murderer from attaining his ultimate goal before it’s too late?

Hard Spell was not my cup of tea. This book and I had a rocky relationship from the very beginning since the jokes struck me as very cheesy and overdone, meaning I was rolling my eyes far more than I was laughing. It tried very hard to be funny and show how modern it was, and this just fell flat for me. If not for this, the handling of female characters, and some clumsy writing, I probably would have found it an unoriginal but vaguely entertaining book, especially because it did improve toward the end. Unfortunately, the later improvement wasn’t enough to make me want to pick up the next book and I didn’t find it particularly enjoyable to read.

This is another urban fantasy where werewolves, vampires, witches, wizards, goblins, and all kinds of magic lives among us in modern times (although the fact that AOL came up made me wonder just how modern it was). It’s also another one featuring a main character working for some sort of paranormal investigation unit dedicated to dealing with keeping order with all this magic around. It also has a rewritten history including details such as Martin Luther King having a dream including supernaturals and naturals living together peaceably – and perhaps being a closet supernatural himself since he was killed by a silver bullet. It seems like very standard urban fantasy with a few different historical details, but nothing about it seemed terribly unique to me.

The main aspect that sets it apart from other urban fantasy books I’ve read is the tone of the writing. Markowki’s narrative is very coarse with a very specific brand of humor. As a whole it’s also full of foul language, which one may or may not have a problem with. That doesn’t bother me personally from a moral viewpoint, but it did bother me just because it appeared to be going out of its way to include bad language. In general, it seemed to be trying much too hard to find outlandish expressions or “clever” phrases to include.  Here’s a couple of examples of what appeared to me as trying too hard so you can judge for yourself if you’ll have some of the same issues (language/sexual content warning ahead):


Scranton’s got a “live and let unlive” relationship with the supernatural, just like everyplace else. [pp. 1]

…I started into my eggs-over-greasy… [pp. 163]

She was looking at me as if I’d just suggested we have three-way sex with a goat some night. A really old, smelly goat. [pp. 55]

I heard Karl mutter under his breath, “Well, fuck me to Jesus with a strap-on dildo.” [pp. 46]

It’s littered with modern day references, which your mileage will also vary with.  Personally, I rolled my eyes about the adult video store where they came across Werewolves Gone Wild and The VILF Next Door (“VILF” of course stands for “Vampire I’d Like to Fang”). Even aside from that, I thought it spent too much time trying to drive home the point that this was modern. It included far more description than is necessary for things like IM chatting with a vampire and searching Google for information on a book called the Opus Mago. The Google search scene told me how many results there were, that many of them dealt with music or some penguin, and that he then put quotes around “Opus Mago” to get better results. It’s enough for me to know Markowski was searching for information on the book; I really don’t need to know the details of how he conducted his Google search. Similarly, there was a part where he checked his voicemail that included the entire part at the beginning about which number to press to perform certain actions. While it is very much a part of what Markowski is doing as a first person narrator, it still seems like clumsy writing to me – it’s enough to know what was said in the voicemail without knowing what number will delete a message. Also, the beginning is just one big infodump about how the supernatural got to America and why they are especially attracted to Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Furthermore, I was bothered by the treatment of female characters in the book. I’ve been going back and forth on whether or not this is justified since I really did get the impression that Markowski viewed these women with respect for their abilities and competence at their jobs. However, in spite of being told about their competence, the more prominent female characters do end up being damsels in distress – one ends up as a vessel inhabited by evil, one is kidnapped, and one is held hostage. As a somewhat standard crime noir tale, this book probably isn’t trying to buck any gender trends, but if you are looking for a novel with heroines that act like the match of the guys, I suspect you’ll be disappointed with this one. It’s implied that these women are strong, but it didn’t do much to back up that claim.

This didn’t bother me nearly as much as the way Markowski always seemed to comment on the female character’s body/attractiveness unless she was a relative. I suppose this is normal for a straight, single male, but the way it was done just seemed unnecessary, and like many things in this book, over the top. For instance, there’s a character in the office by the name of “Louise” who is called “Louise the Tease” behind her back because she wears tight clothing. Aside from that, she’s supposed to be a genius, but there’s far more focus on her style of dress, especially because we’re briefly told she’s intelligent without really being shown that she is. Markowski thinks of her as “Louise the Tease” instead of simply “Louise.” Another woman, Heidi, couldn’t be introduced without being privy to the fact that Markowski wonders “if her supe-proof vest had to be custom-made to accommodate those formidable breasts” (pp. 268).  This is probably just to seem in keeping with the cop character type and one who’s not that young, either – after all, Markowski thinks of  his partner in his early 30s as young and is old enough to have an adult daughter. Yet the number of times these types of comments were made got to be too much and it didn’t make me feel any better about the portrayal of women in this book.

This book is heavier on the urban fantasy/mystery aspect than characterization, although Markowski is given more depth through some revelations about his past. He’s not the sappy type, though, so some of the more touching moments are glossed over. It’s very much about the action – at least when it’s not focusing on the riveting Google search or voicemail scenes.

Hard Spell just wasn’t a book for someone with my taste. The story was somewhat entertaining on its own later in the book, although it was a somewhat generic urban fantasy/mystery combo. It’s not very character-oriented, plus it was dragged down further by lame jokes, objectified female characters, and just all around over-the-top expressions and descriptions.  They may seem like nitpicky little things separately, but there were certainly enough of them quite frequently that they added up, especially since aside from them I found this book mediocre at best. However, I just collected links to ratings on the other sites I always include at the top and I just noticed I seem to be the only person who didn’t like it, so perhaps you will.

My Rating: 2/10 (I was torn between a 2 and a 3, but I decided that any book that made me stop reading and rant at my husband as much as this one did should be a 2)

Where I got my reading copy: Review copy from the author.

Read an Excerpt

Other Reviews:

There were no review copies this week, but I had to of course get a book for National Buy a Book day. How could I not after last year when I bought my favorite book of the year on that day (Elfland by Freda Warrington)?

Aftermath by Ann AguirreAftermath by Ann Aguirre

This is the fifth book in the Sirantha Jax series, and I really enjoy these books so I had to get the latest one since it just came out! These are space operas with a bit of romance (more in some books than others) and they are a lot of fun to read with a lot of action and lovable characters. The last one broke my heart (and creeped me out at times – there were parts that made me really wish I hadn’t read it during a week when my husband was out of the country and I was all alone). I’m looking forward to seeing what happens next!

The previous books in the series are as follows: Grimspace, Wanderlust, Doubleblind, and Killbox. They are available in mass market paperback and ebook format.


Sirantha Jax has the right genes—ones that enable her to “jump” faster-than-light ships through grimspace. But it’s also in her genetic makeup to go it alone. It’s a character trait that has gotten her into—and out of—hot water time and time again, but now she’s caused one of the most horrific events in military history…

During the war against murderous, flesh-eating aliens, Sirantha went AWOL and shifted grimspace beacons to keep the enemy from invading humanity’s homeworld. The cost of her actions: the destruction of modern interstellar travel—and the lives of six hundred Conglomerate soldiers.

Accused of dereliction of duty, desertion, mass murder, and high treason, Sirantha is on trial for her life. And only time will tell if she’s one of the Conglomerate’s greatest heroes—or most infamous criminals…

Embassytown is the latest book by China Mieville, who is perhaps best known for his novel Perdido Street Station.  He’s written several books in the speculative fiction genre, some of which have won major awards, including the Arthur C. Clarke Award, the Hugo Award, and the World Fantasy Award. Embassytown, a science fiction novel, came out in hardcover and ebook formats this year and will be released in trade paperback in January 2012.

Since I’ve heard a lot about China Mieville and thought the premise of Embassytown sounded really interesting, I was thrilled when I got a copy through the LibraryThing Early Reviewers program. Unfortunately, I found it a struggle to get through and it ended up taking me forever to read it. If this had been a book I bought myself to read and felt no obligation to complete for review, I would never have finished it.  Since the reception to this particular novel has been very mixed, even with fans of Mieville’s other books, I still want to try Perdido Street Station – but if I thought this was supposed to be a good representation of his novels I never would have wanted to pick up another one.

Toward the beginning, it really did interest me and I was expecting to have a good time reading it.  While it was confusing at times, that’s not a dealbreaker for me since I enjoy being thrown into a strange world and experiencing it firsthand. Reading about the early life of the main character, Avice, was a fascinating look at life on another world with some great details. She showed us what it was like to live on a planet where the humans couldn’t breathe the air and the games the children played, trying to see who could get the farthest outside the boundary in which they could breathe safely. Their society, which involved children being raised by many adults they viewed as their “mums” and “dads,” intrigued me as well.  Avice’s early life also introduced the mysterious Hosts, aliens who requested Avice herself to act out a simile and become a part of Language forever. She readily agreed and was taken to act the part of what was shortened to “a girl ate what was given her.” This was actually a somewhat brutal event since the long version specifies a girl in pain, but Avice glosses over her bruises, seeming to considering it an honor and one she found far more strange than intolerable. As a part of Language, Avice does become some sort of superstar, even later gaining groupies among the Hosts who find the expression she performed particularly valuable.

For a little while, the novel alternated between the past and the present before continuing with the present day. This also kept me fairly interested, although I found the present parts a bit hard to fathom without the rest of the context.  The past, which told a lot of how Avice met her husband and returned to her home planet, was easier to read and gave more of the background.  Scile, whom Avice married, was fascinated by the Hosts and quite captivated to learn Avice had become a part of Language. For a time, I was eager to see what ended up happening and learn more about these aliens and their Language.

That soon changed and I was thoroughly disappointed and really didn’t like this novel, to be completely honest. For the most part, I was mind-numbingly bored as the book dragged on and on and became more and more pointless. It didn’t seem to be so much a story as an examination of ideas on language, which could have been interesting except it seemed to be trying much too hard to appear clever without really forming a basis for the concepts involved. Avice, whose perspective I had found so delightful earlier on, also became tedious as she had no personality and was mostly just a window through which we saw events. She did end up having some importance to how it ended, but she still never really became a living, breathing character that one could triumph and sorrow with. Actually, all the characters were flat and dull, although I did find the aliens less so just because they were so inhuman and, well, very alien. By the end, I didn’t care about anyone or anything in the book, which was a shame because it did seem so promising early on.

The basic concept revolves around the Language of these aliens, who only understand sounds to be a form of communication if they’re spoken simultaneously and has “soul.” In order to communicate with them, the humans created ambassadors, two people with a bond allowing them to speak in unison to the aliens. Once it gets going, most of the plot revolves around what happens when an ambassador comes along who is like a drug to these aliens to the point where they become hooked on his speech. It’s about how they resolve this and the changes they must undergo in order to once again become a functional society. Also important to the plot is the fact that these aliens evolved to the point where they could not tell a lie. In order to be able to use figures of speech such as similes they needed to have the event they wanted to speak of happen, which is why Avice acted the part of “a girl ate what was given her.” On occasion, they had a festival of lies in which the aliens got together and attempted to do things like state an object was a different color than it actually was.

While this is all interesting on its own, I really think that a novel containing all these central ideas needs to flesh them out much better than this one did. Much of the book focuses on the fact that the aliens act in unusual ways, but the “hows” and “whys” are completely ignored. What happened to cause the aliens to be unable to lie in the first place? How did they come to the conclusion that they needed similes in their language since it was mentioned they started performing similes with objects even before the humans came? What made them realize they were missing something without being able to use similes and metaphors when they were all alone? If the aliens could describe what they needed to have acted out to add a new simile to Language in the first place, why couldn’t they just talk about it? While I love this as an ode to the beauty of language and the desire to have imagery – and that these aliens wanted to add some artistry in their speech and choreographed these displays to use for making their points – it seemed like an idea that really needed to be a lot more detailed. Without more of a foundation, this premise just seemed far-fetched and there for no more purpose than to illustrate a point, not to tell a well-executed story with well-integrated ideas.

Embassytown started off strong in the earliest pages when it introduced the titular place.  It has an alien world that feels very different from planet Earth, populated by aliens that are as alien as that name implies they should be. There is the occasional turn of phrase that also made me see glimpses of some great writing. I also really have to admire the love of language expressed through the central idea.  In spite of all those things and a strong beginning, I was just tired of it by the end, though. It prattled on and on, and the characters were dull. Also, for such an idea-centric novel it didn’t flesh out the central idea of Language enough to be a concept I could believe in, leaving me with more questions about just how exactly this was supposed to make logical sense. The positive aspects are easily outweighed by the negative ones, especially because the more I read the more I disliked it (and the same goes for when I reread much of it over the course of writing this review).

My Rating: 2/10

Where I got my reading copy: ARC from the LibraryThing Early Reviewers program.

Read an Excerpt

Other Reviews:

One Salt Sea is the fifth book in the October Daye series by Seanan McGuire, the winner of last year’s John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer.  The first four books in this urban fantasy series, available both as ebooks and in mass market paperback, are as follows: Rosemary and Rue, A Local Habitation, An Artificial Night, and Late EclipsesOne Salt Sea is available in the same formats today.  There are two more books scheduled for release with Ashes of Honor coming in September 2012 and The Chimes at Midnight in September 2013, and more are planned but not yet contracted.

Toby has many new adjustments to make following the events of Late Eclipses.  The one thing that hasn’t changed is that there’s always trouble in Faerie and Toby always ends up in its midst.

This time, the Luideag decides that its time she has Toby repay her some of the favors she owes for all the help she’s provided. All she asks is that Toby prevent a war.  The Duchess of Saltmist, a Merrow, married a Daoine Sidhe many years ago, which caused some strife with the land courts. Many fae don’t approve of mixing blood, such as that of a fae from the sea and one from the land, since their children may end up mentally unbalanced. The Queen of the Mists in particular has never been sympathetic to Saltmist, and it certainly doesn’t help matters when the lives of the Duchess and Duke’s children are threatened by someone claiming to have the Queen’s approval.  It really doesn’t help matters when the two boys actually disappear. The Luidaeg informs Toby that the Duke and Duchess will be going to court the next day and that this may be her last chance to stop many fae from dying in the resulting war.

Toby attends the event where she ends up saving the Duke of Saltmist from an arrow in the chest. In spite of that, the meeting between the Duchess and the Queen did not end well and the two are going to war. The only chance Toby has of keeping the war from happening is to find the missing children and prove that the Queen had nothing to do with their abduction – and it has to be within the next three days or it will be too late.

This was one of my top three favorite urban fantasy series, and it’s moved its way up into the top two with the latest two books. Both of these were the strongest installments yet, although I did prefer book four to this one just because it revealed so much that I’d been waiting for. It had more of what I’ve come to expect from this series: a strong narrative voice through Toby, a great sense of humor, a memorable cast of characters, good pacing, some interesting new information about the world and characters, and a fun storyline.  Furthermore, Toby was much more competent when investigating this case than in some of the earlier books. It made sense for the Luideag to look to her when it came to finding the missing children because I’m starting to be able to believe in her as someone capable, unlike earlier books where she seemed to be missing the obvious a lot of the time.

There’s not as many big revelations as the previous book, but we do still get some tantalizing hints of things to come for Toby. However, mostly the new information we get in this book doesn’t relate to Toby.  The new knowledge in this one is mostly about the sea fae as Toby tries to find the missing children of a Merrow. We also get a few interesting tidbits about the Luideag, as well as a couple of other things I don’t even want to vaguely mention.

One of the other things I love about this series is that nothing is ever too easy. Hard choices are made, there are consequences, and they are heartbreaking. Even though the end was emotionally harrowing, I applaud this. One problem I’m starting to have with another series I read is that I always know everything will turn out fine in the end – so when something bad happens, there’s just not a lot of tension. I know that things may not turn out perfectly, but nothing that awful is going to happen. With this series, there’s a lot of tension because something awful can and will happen, even if it’s not expected – sometimes even if there’s already been a reason set up for things to turn out well.

October Daye is one of the few urban fantasy series I actually keep up with regularly, and it’s one of the few that I get really excited about reading when I get a hold of the next book. It’s one of only a few series that has me so into it that I’ve gotten into passionate discussions with others about wanting certain things to happen. I’m not usually a shipper, but I will be DEVASTATED if Toby and Tybalt don’t get together. DEVASTATED. And I will also be devastated if the whole series doesn’t get to be completed.

Speaking of which, I’d feel like I was letting you down if I didn’t mention Tybalt because I know there are so many readers of the series who also love him. This particular book is Tybalt level medium. He’s in it a decent amount and there are some good scenes with him (one in particular that is made of awesome), but for a lot of it he’s also a bit distanced from Toby.

While it’s not as much of a game changer as the previous book, there’s plenty to love about One Salt Sea. It moves at a decent pace and I found myself saying I’d read “just one more chapter” before going to bed for about 5 chapters in a row because I couldn’t put it down. Yet it’s also more than just a forgettable, fast-paced book since the characters are very alive and ones you can care about, root for, and mourn with. Once again, I can’t wait for the next installment.

My Rating: 8.5/10

Where I got my reading copy: ARC from the publisher at the author’s request.

Other reviews of One Salt Sea:

Reviews of other books in this series:

  1. Rosemary and Rue
  2. A Local Habitation
  3. An Artificial Night
  4. Late Eclipses

Wherein I discuss books added to the leaning pile over the last week just in case some of them look interesting you too!

This was a big week – I raided the hardcovers and trade paperbacks at my local Borders and came out with 6 books for the price of 2 hardcovers at regular Borders prices. Not bad, especially managing to limit myself as much as I did. I thought I was going a bit crazy, but there were about 6 more books I considered buying and didn’t!  Also, my husband won a signed galley of a certain book that showed up this week, which can be seen on Twitter in all its signed glory.  In addition, one unsolicited review copy showed up at my door.

For reviews, I’m working on one of One Salt Sea by Seanan McGuire which will hopefully go up on release date. The fifth October Daye book comes out on Tuesday (hint: if you liked the previous books in the series, I suspect you’ll want to read this one too).

Here are the books!

Snuff by Terry PratchettSnuff by Terry Pratchett

My husband actually won this when he pre-ordered a signed copy of Snuff (along with a bunch of other signed books). But winning the galley meant he actually got it early and he got to read it early. Yes, he’s already read it and he quite enjoyed it too!

Snuff is #39 in the Discworld series and follows the characters of the City Watch. It will be released in the US on October 11 and in the UK on October 13.  It will be available in hardcover and ebook formats.

According to the writer of the best-selling crime novel ever to have been published in the city of Ankh-Morpork, it is a truth universally acknowledged that a policeman taking a holiday would barely have had time to open his suitcase before he finds his first corpse.

And Commander Sam Vimes of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch is on holiday in the pleasant and innocent countryside, but not for him a mere body in the wardrobe. There are many, many bodies and an ancient crime more terrible than murder.

He is out of his jurisdiction, out of his depth, out of bacon sandwiches, and occasionally snookered and out of his mind, but never out of guile. Where there is a crime there must be a finding, there must be a chase and there must be a punishment.

They say that in the end all sins are forgiven.

But not quite all…

Dragon Sword and Wind Child by Noriko OgiwaraDragon Sword and Wind Child by Noriko Ogiwara, translated by Cathy Hirano

This was a rare impulse buy for me. I very rarely buy a book I’ve heard nothing about. In fact, before this I would have said I never do that. My husband actually came across this one when we were browsing books at Borders and wanted to know if I’d heard anything about it. I actually hadn’t, but we both thought it sounded interesting.  I skimmed the first page just to make sure the writing seemed decent. It did so I decided to take a chance on it since it was cheap. After looking it up, I’m glad I did since it seems to have a lot of good reviews, and the more I look into it, the better it looks.  It’s actually the one I picked up that I’m the most excited about reading now.

This is the first book in the Tales of the Magatama trilogy, a Japanese fantasy series. The first two books have been translated into English, this one and Mirror Sword and Shadow Prince. According to the website, the third book is only available in Japanese and Chinese right now, but I’m hopeful it will be translated as well since these two books were just released in English this year and last. I just hope it doesn’t end up like the Twelve Kingdoms series, another Japanese fantasy series I was reading which seems to have stalled out after translating a few of the books.

In the land of Toyoashihara, the forces of the God of Light and the Goddess of Darkness have waged war for generations. But for 15-year old Saya, the war is far away and unimportant–until the day she discovers she is the reincarnation of the Water Maiden and a princess of the Children of the Dark. Raised to love the Light and detest the Dark, Saya must come to terms with her heritage even as she is tumbled into the very heart of the conflict that is destroying her country. Both the army of the Light and Dark seek to claim her, for she is the only mortal who can awaken the legendary Dragon Sword, the weapon destined to end the war. Can Saya make the dreadful choice between the Light and Dark, or is she doomed like all the Water Maidens who have come before her?

Songs of Love and Death edited by George R. R. Martin and Gardner DozoisSongs of Love and Death edited by George R. R. Martin and Gardner Dozois

This anthology has an incredible list of authors – Neil Gaiman, Jacqueline Carey, Robin Hobb, Tanith Lee, Peter S. Beagle, M. L. N. Hanover, and Linnea Sinclair, to name a few.  I don’t normally buy anthologies since I prefer novels to short stories, but with this collection of authors and subject matter I couldn’t resist. Also, “You, and You Alone” by Jacqueline Carey is about Anafiel Delaunay so I expect that’s a rather interesting story.

In this star-studded cross-genre anthology, seventeen of the greatest modern authors of fantasy, science fiction, and romance explore the borderlands of their genres with brand-new tales of ill-fated love. From zombie-infested woods in a postapocalyptic America to faery-haunted rural fields in eighteenth- century England, from the kingdoms of high fantasy to the alien world of a galaxy-spanning empire, these are stories of lovers who must struggle against the forces of magic and fate.

Featuring stories by New York Times bestselling romance authors Jo Beverley and Mary Jo Putney, and by such legends of the fantasy genre as Peter S. Beagle and Tanith Lee, as well as many other popular writers, including Marjorie M. Liu, Jacqueline Carey, Carrie Vaughn, and Robin Hobb. This exquisite anthology, crafted by the peerless editing team of George R. R. Martin and Gardner Dozois, is sure to leave you under its spell.

Ship Breaker by Paolo BacigalupiShip Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi

Here’s another book (and author) I’ve had my eye on for a while since this YA novel has been garnering quite a bit of praise. It was a National Book Award finalist and it won the Michael L. Printz Award for Excellence in Young Adult Literature. It was also a nominee for the Andre Norton Award for Young Adult Literature.  It sounds pretty interesting too.

Set initially in a future shanty town in America’s Gulf Coast region, where grounded oil tankers are being dissembled for parts by a rag tag group of workers, we meet Nailer, a teenage boy working the light crew, searching for copper wiring to make quota and live another day. The harsh realities of this life, from his abusive father, to his hand to mouth existence, echo the worst poverty in the present day third world. When an accident leads Nailer to discover an exquisite clipper ship beached during a recent hurricane, and the lone survivor, a beautiful and wealthy girl, Nailer finds himself at a crossroads. Should he strip the ship and live a life of relative wealth, or rescue the girl, Nita, at great risk to himself and hope she’ll lead him to a better life. This is a novel that illuminates a world where oil has been replaced by necessity, and where the gap between the haves and have-nots is now an abyss. Yet amidst the shadows of degradation, hope lies ahead.

Surface Detail by Iain M. BanksSurface Detail by Iain M. Banks

Ever since reading The Player of Games and Use of Weapons, I’ve been slowly collecting the Culture novels. I LOVED The Player of Games especially, and it is one of my favorite science fiction novels. So picking up a 66% off copy of a Culture novel I didn’t have was a no brainer.

It begins in the realm of the Real, where matter still matters.

It begins with a murder.

And it will not end until the Culture has gone to war with death itself.

Lededje Y’breq is one of the Intagliated, her marked body bearing witness to a family shame, her life belonging to a man whose lust for power is without limit. Prepared to risk everything for her freedom, her release, when it comes, is at a price, and to put things right she will need the help of the Culture.

Benevolent, enlightened and almost infinitely resourceful though it may be, the Culture can only do so much for any individual. With the assistance of one of its most powerful – and arguably deranged – warships, Lededje finds herself heading into a combat zone not even sure which side the Culture is really on. A war – brutal, far-reaching – is already raging within the digital realms that store the souls of the dead, and it’s about to erupt into reality.

It started in the realm of the Real and that is where it will end. It will touch countless lives and affect entire civilizations, but at the center of it all is a young woman whose need for revenge masks another motive altogether.

SURFACE DETAIL is Iain M. Banks’ new Culture novel, a breathtaking achievement from a writer whose body of work is without parallel in the modern history of science fiction.

The Desert of Souls by Howard Andrew JonesThe Desert of Souls by Howard Andrew Jones

I’ve been hearing good things about this book and it sounded like fun so it’s been on my radar for a little while. It’s a debut novel that just came out this year. An excerpt is available on the author’s website.

The glittering tradition of sword-and-sorcery sweeps into the sands of ancient Arabia with the heart-stopping speed of a whirling dervish in this thrilling debut novel from new talent Howard Andrew Jones

In 8th century Baghdad, a stranger pleads with the vizier to safeguard the bejeweled tablet he carries, but he is murdered before he can explain. Charged with solving the puzzle, the scholar Dabir soon realizes that the tablet may unlock secrets hidden within the lost city of Ubar, the Atlantis of the sands. When the tablet is stolen from his care, Dabir and Captain Asim are sent after it, and into a life and death chase through the ancient Middle East.

Stopping the thieves—a cunning Greek spy and a fire wizard of the Magi—requires a desperate journey into the desert, but first Dabir and Asim must find the lost ruins of Ubar and contend with a mythic, sorcerous being that has traded wisdom for the souls of men since the dawn of time.  But against all these hazards there is one more that may be too great even for Dabir to overcome…

River Marked by Patricia BriggsRiver Marked by Patricia Briggs

I am a huge fan of the Mercy Thompson series so this was another no-brainer and one of the books I was looking for.  It’s one of my three favorite urban fantasy series, mostly because I just love Mercy’s character. This is the sixth book in the series and it sounds like it goes more into Mercy’s heritage so I’m really looking forward to finding out what happens! A sample chapter is available on the author’s website.

Car mechanic Mercy Thompson has always known there was something different about her, and not just the way she can make a VW engine sit up and beg. Mercy is a shapeshifter, a talent she inherited from her long-gone father. She’s never known any others of her kind. Until now.

An evil is stirring in the depths of the Columbia River-one that her father’s people may know something about. And to have any hope of surviving, Mercy and her mate, the Alpha werewolf Adam, will need their help…

Angel by Nicole Marrow and Laura HaydenAngel by Nicole “Coco” Marrow and Laura Hayden

This would be the unsolicited review copy. I can’t say it sounds like my cup of tea, but then I was also disappointed because when I saw the publisher name on the package there was a particular book I was REALLY hoping this would be.

Angel will be available on September 13 in trade paperback and ebook formats. An excerpt is available online.

A beautiful woman awakens on a plane and discovers that things are going terribly wrong. The plane is about to crash into the Hudson River…and she can’t even remember her own name.

After she survives the crash, the airline determines that her name is Angela Sands. But she has no idea who she really is.

Reporter Dante Kearns is fascinated by the woman the media dubs “the Angel of the Hudson,” especially once he discovers her shocking secret. Angela can hear voices in her head—the thoughts of all men around her. And when a man gets close, her face and form change into the woman of his dreams.

Who is Angela? And why does she believe that she was murdered before she woke up on that plane in a stranger’s body? Together, Angela and Dante are going to find answers, even if they have to bring down a killer to do so.

Nicole “Coco” Marrow, wife of Ice-T, keeps readers guessing with her pulse-pounding debut novel.