The Children of the Sky
by Vernor Vinge
448pp (Hardcover)
My Rating: 8/10
LibraryThing Rating: n/a/5
Goodreads Rating: 5/5

The Children of the Sky is Vernor Vinge’s sequel to his iconic book A Fire Upon the Deep, which was first released almost twenty years ago (that sentence makes me feel kind of old…alas).  Another Vinge book, A Deepness in the Sky, is set in the same universe but is largely unrelated to the other two, and there have been various other related works as well.  Children is the first direct sequel though, set in the ten years following the events of Fire, and follows up on some of its unresolved threads.  As such, this review will necessarily have spoilers from Fire; but if you haven’t read that book sometime in the last twenty years you really should forget about this review and go do so immediately as it’s a work of tremendous scope and imagination.  Children will be released in October, though pre-orders are available now.

Following the activation of Countermeasure at the end of Fire, Ravna Bergsndot and the child survivors that fled the Blight have been left stranded on the Tines’ planet at the bottom of a newly-expanded Slow Zone.  But Ravna’s ongoing fear is that Countermeasure was, at best, a temporary solution.  The Blight’s fleet is still out there–maybe stranded in interstellar space and limited to sublight travel, but still an irresistible force should it manage to solve the minor problem of being thirty light years away from its target.  Since defending against the fleet if it arrives at Tines’ World is a laughable concept under the current conditions, she sets out to raise the Tines’ technology level as fast and as far as is possible under the restrictions of life in the Slow Zone.

In addition to the children now woken from cold sleep, Ravna also has the help of many of the Tines themselves.  Woodcarver remains her industrious self, if somewhat slowed by the addition of a new member to her pack; Woodcarver’s assistant Scrupilo is eager to build the new technologies that Ravna digs out of the Out of Band II‘s computer (referred to as Oobii in this book); even the Tyrathect/Flenser remnant seems to be taking a new outlook on the world and offering support in his own unique way.  Other villains remain unreformed, though.  Vendacious, having escaped punishment for his crimes against, well, everybody, sets his sights on finding a new power base to manipulate to his will.  He finds it in Tycoon, a rich and creative pack from the Eastern end of the continent who has his own reason to be interested in the humans.  Between the two of them they have the resources to cause serious headaches to Woodcarver and Ravna–including a stolen Oliphant computer that ensures high technology will spread beyond Woodcarver’s domain.

But while Tycoon and Vendacious may be long term threats and the Blight fleet is an apocalypse on the distant horizon, Ravna is blindsided by a problem that might make all her other planning moot.  Unwilling to believe that their parents could create the Blight that led to such widespread destruction, the children Ravna brought out of cold sleep are spinning a new history that supports their deep denial.  In their narrative the Blight was more likely to be a savior than an evil, and they see proof of this all around them.  After all, Countermeasure is the force that plunged uncounted worlds into the bleakness of the Slow Zone, causing damage that goes far beyond anything they could imagine their parents unleashing.  And if Countermeasure was the cosmic evil, what does that make Ravna, and why should they support her efforts to defend against the coming fleet?

As a long time fan of Vinge, I have a great deal of faith in his ability to tell compelling stories based in worlds that are uniquely fascinating.  (My reviews of some of his other books, The Peace War and Marooned in Realtime are also on this site, along with Kristen’s review of A Fire Upon the Deep.)  I have to be honest and say that my faith was tested a bit by Children.  Unfortunately, I think I fell victim to the expectations game.  Fire is a book of massive scope, which I re-read just before Kristen came back from BEA with Children.  I was expecting the follow-up to match its scale, but Children is a much different kind of story, more interested in political machinations than gods and their Beyonder waldos.

The two main sources of conflict are a clash of empires between Woodcarver and Tycoon and a clash of ideologies between Ravna and the children in denial of what their parents unleashed.  Threads of each conflict weave nicely into the other, setting up a chain of events that has both global and very personal implications.  The main characters are presented as complex struggles between what they really believe and what they only want to believe, generating emotional tension that lives up to the events of the Oobii‘s race to the Tines’ World in Fire.  The only character that doesn’t quite get fleshed out is Vendacious, who has a bit of a pure villain feel to him; but given that Fire‘s entire premise was built around a malevolent god this is a pretty minor complaint that is easily overshadowed by the excellence of Ravna, Johanna, and the rest.

Amidst all of the conflict, readers are treated to a look at how Vinge envisions the rebuilding of a technological society.  Again, there are competing models presented: Ravna is desperate to apply her great knowledge (well, Oobii‘s great knowledge) to Woodcarver’s relatively limited resources and take great leaps up the technological scale, skipping entire eras of human development.  Tycoon has far less information to work with, but great amounts of labor, money, and time.  He also doesn’t have the fear of the Blight fleet to drive him along a vastly accelerated timeline.  The result is an emerging era of airships and radios that is decidedly (and mercifully) not steampunk in any way, and much more interesting because of it.

Children tells an excellent story in and of itself, but as a sequel to Fire there are some disappointments–several of which are actively encouraged by Vinge along the way:

  • The Countermeasure status quo at the end of Fire means that the Blight fleet is more boogeyman than physical threat.  Vinge uses the specter of that threat marvelously–the entire story is built around it–but for somebody like me who wants to see more than the specter those constant references become a tease for what I’m really after.  And yet
  • The implications of the Tines’ pack form were explored in Fire, and the species gets much more attention in Children.  The major new concept for the Tines is their mob organization.  It was only mentioned referentially in Fire, but in Children the half-mindless Tine mobs of the tropics become a significant player for what appears to be the first time in the history of the planet.  An ad-hoc entity named godsgift emerges to give a face to the Tropicals, exposing the mob to be much more than, well, a mob.  Again, though, expectation made godsgift feel a bit flat to me.  In Fire we are not only introduced to the Tines’ packs, but also given the opportunity to play with the implications of those packs: the radio cloaks, Flenser’s plan to survive death, and even the pseudo-eugenics programs are all levers that Vinge used to great effect in showing us the alienness of the packs.  We aren’t given those same toys to play with the idea of godsgift’s mob organization.  And yet
  • While Ravna, Johanna and Jefri are all major players in Children, the human cast is greatly expanded by the addition of the cold sleep children and ten years pass in the first few chapters to allow them to age into their roles.  We are given hints about what they do on the planet, but with one exception we don’t really see what they are doing as part of the hybrid Tine/human society.  Some interesting ideas are thrown out there, but aren’t deeply explored:  for example, there is a Best Friends program where a human and a pack are put together as partners who live, work, and play together that is critical to the relationships in the story, but we never are given much more information than the fact that it is a thing that exists.  And yet

And yet…reading between the lines of Children is almost as intriguing as reading what is on the page.  For each of the questions above there are hints at a much deeper story going on that none of the characters are aware of–hints that are too frequent to be accidental.  In addition, there is a reveal about two-thirds of the way through the book that could just be a convenient way of tying in some events from Fire but seems to me like it has larger implications, at least in the context of the rest of shadow-story.  I was left with the conclusion that Children has to be the middle book of a trilogy, with all of these developments being played out in a finale to come.  However, as far as I know no third book has been announced.  If a third book is coming, then it is set up very well and all of the seeds that are planted throughout Children should yield a marvelous harvest.  If not, then Children–though very good, and with a story that is internally tied up–feels incomplete to me and I am left feeling frustrated.

The Children of the Sky is a a typically wonderful tale from a master storyteller in Vinge.  It is only in comparison to the iconic A Fire Upon the Deep that it fails to live up to expectations.  Even then, if a third book is forthcoming then all of the groundwork being laid in Children becomes truly brilliant, crafted with subtlety and providing exactly enough information to fire the imagination and plant questions for what is to come.  Since I don’t know if that book is ever going to be written, I’m giving a provisional rating to The Children of the Sky.  As a sequel only, it gets an 8/10, but if it is a bridge book…frankly, it is one of the best that I have ever read and worthy of a 10/10.  Since I believe Vinge is too good a storyteller to have done all of this setup by accident, I’m going on the assumption that book three will be coming and calling it 10/10*.

*UPDATED on 7/6/11:  After I wrote this review Kristen contacted Tor, and they either don’t know or aren’t telling if there is a followup planned (understandably).  Because of this, I have decided to revert the final rating to 8/10.

My Rating: 8/10

Where I got my reading copy: Kristen picked up an advanced reading copy at BEA (signed, even!)

This week’s edition is called “I thought I knew what I wanted to read in June but now 2 interesting books showed up and I am conflicted!”  About some books at least – The Uncertain Places by Lisa Goldstein and Naamah’s Blessing by Jacqueline Carey are a certainty for June (oh, and Magic Slays by Ilona Andrews since the signed copy I pre-ordered should be here soon and I cannot wait to read this book!).  Maybe I won’t get a chance to be conflicted after all since there are no long weekends this month or anything…

Chicks Kick Butt edited by Rachel Caine and Kerrie L. HughesChicks Kick Butt edited by Rachel Caine and Kerrie L. Hughes

This is an urban fantasy anthology about – well, the title sums it up. Rachel Caine, a USA Today and New York Times bestselling author, has a short story from her Weather Wardens universe in this collection in addition to being one of the editors. This book contains thirteen stories total, and eleven of the authors have written New York Times bestselling books.

After looking through it, I think this looks like a lot of fun. In the introduction, Rachel Caine discusses how excited she is to be part of this anthology because when she was a young girl herself, the girls in the stories never seemed to have adventures or save the day do anything fun. And I have to say I love the opening line to her own short story, “Shiny.” When flipping through, I also noticed “Mist” by Susan Krinard had Loki in it.

Chicks Kick Butt will be released this week on June 7.  An excerpt containing Rachel Caine’s story “Shiny” is available on the publisher’s website.

Chicks are awesome–and never more so than when they are kicking some serious vampire/werewolf/demon/monster butt.

Chicks Kick Butt is an anthology that features one of the best things about the urban fantasy genre: strong, independent, and intelligent heroines who are quite capable of solving their own problems and slaying their own dragons (or demons, as the case may be).

Edited by Kerrie Hughes and Rachel Caine, Chicks Kick Butt features original stories from thirteen authors, eleven of whom are New York Times bestsellers:

– Rachel Caine (with a story from her bestselling Weather Wardens universe)
– L.A. Banks
– Rachel Vincent
– Karen Chance
– Lilith Saintcrow
– Cheyenne McCray
– Susan Krinard
– Jeanne Stein
– Jenna Black
– Susan Krinard
– Jeanne Stein
– Jenna Black
– Elizabeth Vaughan
– Carole Nelson Douglas
– P.N. Elrod
– Nancy Holder

Indigo Eyes by Fel KianIndigo Eyes by Fel Kian

This book appeals to me for two reasons: it’s dark fantasy (my favorite type) and it’s published by Immanion Press.  Immanion Press is run by Storm Constantine and I love her Wraeththu books so I’ve been really interested in reading some of the books she publishes.  However, they tend to be pretty expensive (at least in the US) so I’ve never bought a copy.  I was thrilled to be contacted about reviewing this book by the author since it will give me that opportunity, plus it sounds right up my alley. Indigo Eyes was released last month.

The Empress Lylithe, with the aid of a succubus and incubus and the holy sickle of Kronos, is hunting seven of the fallen – angels who donned incarnate form and hid in the human world. The world where Saraquinn Morrigan chose to live, rejecting her dark past and faerie ancestry, in order to create a normal future for herself and her son Peter. The world where a fiery, outlandish, twentyish urbanite Adriana Malkov-Severina to her friends-living in downtown Ligeia, must see her dying father one last time. A world they are all forced to leave behind, each tale a thread, weaving wonderment and horror… Peter is beguiled across a faerie portal by a winged woman bearing a keen resemblance to his mother Saraquinn, who vanished six years prior, on the eve of his tenth birthday, without trace or explanation… Severina, in mourning, discovers a horizon beyond the pale, where love is to be found enslaved within a glass jar… Their lot: a dangerously playful Undine, outcast dwarves, Ash Mares, androgynous seers and a monstrous Ammit. Ultimately they must face Lylithe, and learn that the veil between worlds is as fragile as gossamer, as brittle as the divide between sex and gender, love and hate, flesh and blood…


Going to BEA both hindered and helped May as a month for reading.  It really hindered it in the beginning since I was so busy getting ready to go, but taking the bus from Maine to New York and back gave me a lot of time to make up for it!  Because of that, I finished 2 books in the last week and saved the month from having only 2 books read.  Once again, I’m going to give some brief thoughts on each book in case you don’t want to read the whole long review.  Plus I haven’t reviewed any of these yet except for one book – but I am at this moment taking a break from working on a review of one of the other books to write up this quick post!

Eona by Alison Goodman
This is the sequel to Eon, which I enjoyed but felt I could have enjoyed more, largely because I didn’t love the characters (review).  This completely changed for me in Eona.  I thought the character’s situations were more complex, and the villain I thought was sort of one dimensional in the first book was much more complicated and even kind of likable in his own way.  This was one of those books that I couldn’t put down and couldn’t stop thinking about when I did have to put it down.  It kept me up until 3 in the morning because I could not sleep until it was finished!

The Fear Principle by B. A. Chepaitis (Review)
This was one of those books I really wanted to like but didn’t quite manage to.  The future scenario in which crime was handled by making people face their fears was compelling and the story was decent with some action, a scifi setting, and a smidgen of romance.  However, the writing style and dialogue just wasn’t for me with lots of grammatically incorrect dialogue (which I know is how people often speak, but it’s still not something I personally like to read).

Song of Scarabaeus by Sara Creasy
This debut science fiction novel was nominated for the Philip K. Dick Award, and the sequel Children of Scarabaeus is now out.  This book had action, space opera adventure, and just a little bit of romance (much less than I was expecting – I’m not sure why I expected it to be more of a science fiction romance than it was).  The part about terraforming planets and the ethical questions it brought up was very interesting, and I liked the science fiction/space opera adventure aspect of the book a lot.  I wasn’t quite as invested in the characters as I wanted to be, but it’s a good debut novel and I’m very interested in checking out book two!

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
Thanks to BEA, I got a copy of one of my most anticipated books of the year.  And I loved it for all the reasons I’ve always loved Laini Taylor’s books – the writing, creativity, story, the little bit of humor that completely works, and characters.  For a little while I wasn’t sure how much I was going to like the love story part of it since it’s more sudden than I normally like, but it’s also a bit more complex as you learn more.  Now if only it didn’t end with “To be continued…”

Favorite book of the month: I am torn.  It was definitely the month of YA fantasy for me because I absolutely loved both Eona and Daughter of Smoke and Bone to the point where I can’t decide which I love more.  These two books both made it to my YA favorites along with Fire by Kristin Cashore, Lips Touch: Three Times (another Laini Taylor book!), and The Queen of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner.  Once I actually review them both, I might actually be able to choose a favorite since writing about books helps me figure out more about what I thought of them, but for now it’s a draw.

What did you read in May? Anything good?

This is part two of the BEA book haul including fantasy, science fiction, and horror books that are not in the young adult category.  I’ll also be posting about books I saw in fall catalogs that look fantastic and about BEA and the Book Blogger Convention later.  But for now here are some (signed!) books that I got that I’m excited to read that you may be interested in checking out.

The Children of the Sky by Vernor VingeThe Children of the Sky by Vernor Vinge

This was one of two books that I absolutely HAD to get while at BEA.  For one thing, my husband is a huge fan of Vernor Vinge’s books and threatened to leave me at the bus station if I did not come back with this book (he just reread A Fire Upon the Deep and is now reading this).  For another, he actually finally convinced me to read A Fire Upon the Deep earlier this year and I really liked it (review).  Actually, I was surprised by just how much I enjoyed it.  I’d been hesitant to read it because it was supposed to be such a complex space opera with some hard scifi and I was afraid it would be too dry.  And it could be a bit hard to wade through the descriptions at times, but the actual story was very good with a really creatively envisioned alien race.  It was not an easy read but a rewarding, interesting one and I am looking forward to the sequel very much!

The Children of the Sky will be released in October.

After nearly twenty years, Vernor Vinge has produced an enthralling sequel to his memorable bestselling novel A Fire Upon the Deep.

Ten years have passed on Tines World, where Ravna Bergnsdot and a number of human children ended up after a disaster that nearly obliterated humankind throughout the galaxy. Ravna and the pack animals for which the planet is named have survived a war, and Ravna has saved more than one hundred children who were in cold-sleep aboard the vessel that brought them.

While there is peace among the Tines, there are those among them—and among the humans—who seek power…and no matter the cost, these malcontents are determined to overturn the fledgling civilization that has taken root since the humans landed.

On a world of fascinating wonders and terrifying dangers, Vernor Vinge has created a powerful novel of adventure and discovery that will entrance the many readers of A Fire Upon the Deep. Filled with the inventiveness, excitement, and human drama that have become hallmarks of his work, this new novel is sure to become another great milestone in Vinge’s already stellar career.

Deadline by Mira GrantDeadline by Mira Grant

Deadline, the second book in the Newsflesh series, is being released today. I didn’t find out about this signing until closer to BEA since it wasn’t on the BEA site, but once I heard about it, it became one I had to go to!  Mira Grant is also known as urban fantasy writer Seanan McGuire, and I am a huge fan of her Toby Daye series.  Although I normally avoid zombie books like I would the zombie apocalypse itself, I read the first book in the Newsflesh series, Feed, and really enjoyed it (review).  It’s not terribly gory and is about the aftermath of the zombie apocalypse and how it changed the world.  And it has one of the gutsiest endings I’ve ever read – it had to take some mad courage to end this book the way it ends!  Feed is also a nominee for this year’s Hugo Award.

Shaun Mason is a man without a mission. Not even running the news organization he built with his sister has the same urgency as it used to. Playing with dead things just doesn’t seem as fun when you’ve lost as much as he has.

But when a CDC researcher fakes her own death and appears on his doorstep with a ravenous pack of zombies in tow, Shaun has a newfound interest in life. Because she brings news-he may have put down the monster who attacked them, but the conspiracy is far from dead.

Now, Shaun hits the road to find what truth can be found at the end of a shotgun.

Blood Rights by Kristen PainterBlood Rights by Kristen Painter

Blood Rights is the first book out of five in the House of Comarré series. The first three books will be published one month apart from each other this year: Blood Rights in October, Flesh and Blood in November, and Bad Blood in December. According to the author’s website, Out for Blood will be released in August 2012 and Last Blood will be released in February 2013.  These books will be available both as mass market paperbacks and ebooks, and the Orbit catalog I picked up says they are supposed to have “huge crossover appeal to readers of urban fantasy, romance, horror, and mainstream.”  There’s also an endorsement from Patricia Briggs.  I’m really looking forward to reading the first book in this series and I have to admit seeing the spread of nicely matching covers in the catalog just made me more excited to read them.  (Matching covers with gorgeous red, black, and white color schemes!  Hooray!)

Born into a life of secrets and service, Chrysabelle’s body bears the telltale marks of a comarré — a special race of humans bred to feed vampire nobility. When her patron is murdered, she becomes the prime suspect, which sends her running into the mortal world…and into the arms of Malkolm, an outcast vampire cursed to kill every being from whom he drinks.

Now, Chrysabelle and Malkolm must work together to stop a plot to merge the mortal and supernatural worlds. If they fail, a chaos unlike anything anyone has ever seen will threaten to reign.

Theft of Swords by Michael J. SullivanTheft of Swords by Michael J. Sullivan

This is the first volume in the Riyria Revelations series, which started as a self-published series and was recently picked up for publication by Orbit. There were five books in the series and these books will be published in 3 volumes with a completely new sixth book in the last volume.  Theft of Swords will be available in November 2011 with Rise of Empire following soon thereafter in December 2011.  The final volume with the completely new book, Heir of Novron, will be released in January 2012.  All the books will be released as trade paperbacks and ebooks.

I’m really excited about reading this book as I’ve heard great things about it!  Once again, it’s about thieves and what can I say? I love thieves.

Royce Melborn, a skilled thief, and his mercenary partner, Hadrian Blackwater, make a profitable living carrying out dangerous assignments for conspiring nobles – until they become the unwitting scapegoats in a plot to murder the king. Sentenced to death, they have only one way out…and so begins this epic tale of treachery and adventure, sword fighting and magic, myth and legend.

The Magician King by Lev GrossmanThe Magician King by Lev Grossman

This sequel to the New York Times bestselling novel, The Magicians, will be released in August as both a hardcover and an ebook.  I thought The Magicians (review) was really interesting, so I ended up deciding to wait in line for this book.  And wait in line I did – this was easily the longest wait I had for any book at BEA.  I waited for an hour and a quarter and there were still lots of people lined up behind me.  Lots of people came up to those of us waiting in line just to ask what book had so many people wanting to get their hands on it.  The person in line in front of me actually said barely anybody showed up when The Magicians was at BEA a couple of years ago, so I’m sure it was a nice change for the author.  Lev Grossman was very pleasant to talk to, and I was amazed at just how personable he was after signing so many books and probably having similar conversations with all the people ahead of  me.  But then, it must be nice to have such a nice turnout. He did tell me he’d had signings where a lot of people showed up and some where nobody showed up and he much preferred it when lots of people showed up like at this one!

Return to Fillory in the riveting sequel to The New York Times bestseller and literary phenomenon of 2009–The Magicians.

The Magicians was praised as a triumph by readers and critics of both mainstream and fantasy literature. Now Grossman takes us back to Fillory, where the Brakebills graduates have fled the sorrows of the mundane world, only to face terrifying new challenges.

Quentin and his friends are now the kings and queens of Fillory, but the days and nights of royal luxury are starting to pall. After a morning hunt takes a sinister turn, Quentin and his old friend Julia charter a magical sailing ship and set out on an errand to the wild outer reaches of their kingdom. Their pleasure cruise becomes an adventure when the two are unceremoniously dumped back into the last place Quentin ever wants to see: his parent’s house in Chesterton, Massachusetts. And only the black, twisted magic that Julia learned on the streets can save them.

The Magician King is a grand voyage into the dark, glittering heart of magic, an epic quest for the Harry Potter generation. It also introduces a powerful new voice, that of Julia, whose angry genius is thrilling. Once again Grossman proves that he is the modern heir to C.S. Lewis, and the cutting edge of literary fantasy.

Fuzzy Nation by John ScalziFuzzy Nation by John Scalzi

Vernor Vinge and John Scalzi were both signing books as part of the “Science Fiction Legends from Tor” signing (they were also on a panel I saw at BEA but I’ll discuss that later when I write about the whole week).  So I got both books while I was there.  I’ve never read anything by John Scalzi, but his blog is pretty funny and I have been hearing great things about this book!  Fuzzy Nation is available now in hardcover and as an ebook.

Jack Holloway works alone, for reasons he doesn’t care to talk about. Hundreds of miles from ZaraCorp’s headquarters on planet, 178 light-years from the corporation’s headquarters on Earth, Jack is content as an independent contractor, prospecting and surveying at his own pace. As for his past, that’s not up for discussion.

Then, in the wake of an accidental cliff collapse, Jack discovers a seam of unimaginably valuable jewels, to which he manages to lay legal claim just as ZaraCorp is cancelling their contract with him for his part in causing the collapse. Briefly in the catbird seat, legally speaking, Jack pressures ZaraCorp into recognizing his claim, and cuts them in as partners to help extract the wealth.

But there’s another wrinkle to ZaraCorp’s relationship with the planet Zarathustra. Their entire legal right to exploit the verdant Earth-like planet, the basis of the wealth they derive from extracting its resources, is based on being able to certify to the authorities on Earth that Zarathustra is home to no sentient species.

Then a small furry biped—trusting, appealing, and ridiculously cute—shows up at Jack’s outback home. Followed by its family. As it dawns on Jack that despite their stature, these are people, he begins to suspect that ZaraCorp’s claim to a planet’s worth of wealth is very flimsy indeed…and that ZaraCorp may stop at nothing to eliminate the “fuzzys” before their existence becomes more widely known.

The Perilous Prophecy of Guard and Goddess by Leanna Renee HieberThe Perilous Prophecy of Guard and Goddess by Leanna Renee Hieber

This is the third published novel in the Strangely Beautiful series, although it is technically a prequel to the previous two books. It is currently available in trade paperback and an ebook. I still need to get caught up and read the second book.  It came while I was in the middle of moving madness next year and I never ended up doing that (or giving away my extra copy, which I was planning to do when I reviewed it).  This is a more romantic series, and I did enjoy the first book (review of The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker) in spite of the ending heading toward the path of a little too much romantic drama for my personal taste.

It was also a pleasure to meet Leanna Renee Hieber at this signing.  I’d already been to her signing for Darker Still (in which all 100 copies were gone in half an hour), but I’d been hesitant to introduce myself since I wasn’t sure she’d remember me with the legion of bloggers she must have talked to. At this signing, she saw my badge, though, and it turned out she did remember me and even remembered I’d told her before how much I loved signed books.  She was very, very nice.

The Goddess:
In the beginning, there were lovers: a winged deity of power and light, and a queen of grace and beauty. Phoenix was murdered, his beloved stolen away to the Whisper-world. But their passion inspired the Muses. Through great sacrifice, it could live again.

The Guard:
There are always six, mortal hosts for the divine. Battling spirits through the ages, they defy Darkness, Lord of the Dead. In 1867, a shadow rises. The tide turns against them, and all hope falls on a child of prophecy, an eerie, snow-white girl yet to be born. But her path must be cleared. A Great War is coming, and song, wind and stars whisper that the eighteen-year-old Beatrice Smith must give everything to prepare.

Haunted Legends edited by Ellen Datlow and Nick MamatasHaunted Legends edited by Ellen Datlow and Nick Mamatas

This collection of ghost stories is currently available in hardcover, trade paperback, and as an ebook.  I was actually waiting in line for a copy of Blood and Other Cravings, a vampire anthology that had a story by Elizabeth Bear in it, but they ended up giving this one out instead.  That’s ok, this one has some incredible authors as well, including Catherynne Valente, Ekaterina Sedia, and M. K. Hobson.  Ellen Datlow was also telling me about this creepy sounding nun story in it when she signed it.

Darkly thrilling, these twenty new ghost stories have all the chills and power of traditional ghost stories, but each tale is a unique retelling of an urban legend from the world over.

Multiple award-winning editor Ellen Datlow and award-nominated author and editor Nick Mamatas recruited Jeffrey Ford, Ramsey Campbell, Joe R. Lansdale, Caitlin Kiernan, Catherynne M. Valente, Kit Reed, Ekaterina Sedia, and thirteen other fine writers to create stories unlike any they’ve written before. Tales to make readers shiver with fear, jump at noises in the night, keep the lights on. These twenty nightmares, brought together by two renowned editors of the dark fantastic, are delightful visions sure to send shivers down the spines of horror readers.

Namely George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire and Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn.

Ubisoft has a PC game scheduled for release in September called A Game of Thrones: Genesis.  It’s a RTS starting approximately 700 years before the beginning of the book A Game of Thrones and leading up to that point.  For more information, read this article or visit the official site.

Progress has also been made on the Mistborn pen and paper RPG and there should be some updates soon.  In the meantime, they are looking for researchers to help them with the details of developing the game.  For more information on the game and how to become involved, visit this site.

This is the first of two posts on books from Book Expo America (BEA).  Instead of doing one post, I decided to split it into two with one focused on young adult (or in the case of the last book, middle grade – Amazon says it’s young adult but the ARC and Tor catalog both say middle grade so I’m trusting those instead).  The other post will be on books that fall into the adult fantasy, science fiction, and horror categories.  Splitting it up this way allows me to highlight the two books I am most excited about first in each post since there were 2 that I had to get or DIE FROM THE SADNESS.

These all have the added bonus of being signed books, which I love!

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini TaylorDaughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

Ever since I first heard about this book, I have been dying to read it!  I was fortunate enough to discover Laini Taylor’s Dreamdark series when the publisher contacted me about reviewing it.  After looking it up and seeing the beautiful covers, I had to try it, and I was so glad I did.  The second book especially was fantastic.  Then when her collection of three stories Lips Touch: Three Times came out, I bought a hardcover copy and absolutely loved it.  The last story, Hatchling, is one of my favorites.  Each of her books I have read is better than the last, and I am a big fan of her work.  (She also has a graphic novel, The Drowned, but it’s hard to find and I haven’t read it yet.)

So when I heard Laini Taylor was going to be signing copies of Daughter of Smoke and Bone at BEA, I knew I must get this book.  And I did – I was even second in a very long line for the book.  Seeing how Laini Taylor reacted to the line was priceless.  She was so excited and she even took some pictures of the line!  They really promoted this book at BEA with the signing, putting out copies at least twice that I saw, featuring it at some events, and putting up a huge banner.  It made me so happy to see that because I really believe she’s an author who needs to be read more.

I was also happy to see that it had a new cover because I really didn’t like the old one.  It’s still not as striking as the previous covers for Laini Taylor’s books, but it’s at least a big improvement.

I’ve already read most of this one even though I’ve been taking my time with parts of it, and it is fantastic.  Laini Taylor has such a way with words and writes so beautifully.  As mentioned in the description below, there is a “star-crossed love” sort of story in it, which I don’t always like, but I think this one will work for me because even though it is sudden it is a little more complex than a lot of these types of stories are.  (I say “I think” because all the details are slowly unfolding so I don’t actually know them all yet!)  But I love Karou and her two worlds and the wishes and the mystery of what the truth is and the mythology and the writing and the grayness between the two sides.  And Laini Taylor can write prose.  She’s one of those authors I think could find a way to make a grocery list sound amazing because she just phrases her sentences so well, whether it’s just gorgeous, or humorous, or just perfect.  Sometimes she just writes something and it’s exactly how to describe it but you never knew it until she worded it just right.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone will be released in September as a hardcover and ebook.

Around the world, black handprints are appearing on doorways, scorched there by winged strangers who have crept through a slit in the sky.

In a dark and dusty shop, a devil’s supply of human teeth grown dangerously low.

And in the tangled lanes of Prague, a young art student is about to be caught up in a brutal otherwordly war.

Meet Karou. She fills her sketchbooks with monsters that may or may not be real; she’s prone to disappearing on mysterious “errands”; she speaks many languages–not all of them human; and her bright blue hair actually grows out of her head that color. Who is she? That is the question that haunts her, and she’s about to find out.

When one of the strangers–beautiful, haunted Akiva–fixes his fire-colored eyes on her in an alley in Marrakesh, the result is blood and starlight, secrets unveiled, and a star-crossed love whose roots drink deep of a violent past. But will Karou live to regret learning the truth about herself?

Darker Still by Leanna Renee HieberDarker Still by Leanna Renee Hieber

This is the first book in the Magic Most Foul series.  I enjoyed Leanna Renee Hieber’s The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker, and I am liking the sound of this book more and more, especially after reading the first page.  Plus I love the cover – I have to admit I want that dress! Darker Still will be released in November.

The Picture of Dorian Gray meets Pride and Prejudice, with a dash of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

New York City, 1882. Seventeen-year-old Natalie Stewart’s latest obsession is a painting of the handsome British Lord Denbury. Something in his striking blue eyes calls to her. As his incredibly life-like gaze seems to follow her, Natalie gets the uneasy feeling that details of the painting keep changing…

Jonathan Denbury’s soul is trapped in the gilded painting by dark magic while his possessed body commits unspeakable crimes in the city slums. He must lure Natalie into the painting, for only together can they reverse the curse and free his damaged soul.

The Gray Wolf Throne by Cinda Williams ChimaThe Gray Wolf Throne by Cinda Williams Chima

This is the third book out of four in the Seven Realms series.  I tried to stay away from books that were part of series I hadn’t read yet at BEA, but I made an exception for this one since I already have the first two books and am hoping to read them this summer.  Thea from The Book Smugglers loved them, and I keep hearing they get better and better (plus she loved Eon and Eona by Alison Goodman and Eona is now one of my favorite young adult books ever).  Oh, and they have a thief and I must admit I love thieves!

The first two books in this series are The Demon King and The Exiled Queen, respectively.  The Gray Wolf Throne will be released in August.

Han Alister thought he had already lost everyone he loved. But when he finds his friend Rebecca Morley near death in the Spirit Mountains, Han knows that nothing matters more than saving her. The costs of his efforts are steep, but nothing can prepare him for what he soon discovers: the beautiful, mysterious girl he knew as Rebecca is none other than Raisa ana’Marianna, heir to the Queendom of the Fells. Han is hurt and betrayed. He knows he has no future with a blueblood. And, as far as he’s concerned, the princess’s family killed his own mother and sister. But if Han is to fulfill his end of an old bargain, he must do everything in his power to see Raisa crowned queen.

Meanwhile, some people will stop at nothing to prevent Raisa from ascending. With each attempt on her life, she wonders how long it will be before her enemies succeed. Her heart tells her that the thief-turned-wizard Han Alister can be trusted. She wants to believe it—he’s saved her life more than once. But with danger coming at her from every direction, Raisa can only rely on her wits and her iron-hard will to survive—and even that might not be enough.

The Gray Wolf Throne is an epic tale of fierce loyalty, unbearable sacrifice, and the heartless hand of fate.

Teeth edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri WindlingTeeth edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling

This is an anthology of vampire stories (and I got it signed by Ellen Datlow).  I am not normally a vampire fan, but I could not resist this collection of authors.  Catherynne Valente, Neil Gaiman, and Tanith Lee are all in it, plus it has many other authors I’ve been interested in reading – Garth Nix, Cassandra Clare, Ellen Kushner, Holly Black, and Emma Bull.  I’ve read the first few paragraphs of Genevieve Valentine’s and Catherynne Valente’s stories and am intrigued by both.

Fascinated by vampires?

Then feast on nineteen tantalizing, bite-sized tales exploring the intersections between the living, dead, and undead.

The vampires in these stories range from romantic to chilling to gleeful—and touch on nearly every emotion in between. The one thing they have in common is their desire for blood. . . .

Stories from
Genevieve Valentine
Steve Berman
Christopher Barzak
Neil Gaiman
Delia Sherman
Garth Nix
Suzy McKee Charnas
Kaaron Warren
Cecil Castellucci
Jeffrey Ford
Nathan Ballingrud
Kathe Koja
Catherynne M. Valente
Melissa Marr
Ellen Kushner
Cassandra Clare
Holly Black
Lucius Shepard
Emma Bull
Tanith Lee

Down the Mysterly River by Bill WillinghamDown the Mysterly River by Bill Willingham

Bill Willingham is best known for the Fables comics, which I have been meaning to read.  This book is also illustrated by Mark Buckingham, the artist for FablesDown the Mysterly River looks like a lot of fun to read, and it will be released in September.

Down the Mysterly River is the children’s book debut of Bill Willingham, the creator of the #1 New York Times bestselling graphic novel series Fables. Complete with illustrations by Fables artist Mark Buckingham, it is a spirited, highly original tale of adventure, suspense, and everlasting friendship.

Max “the Wolf” is a top notch Boy Scout, an expert at orienteering and a master of being prepared. So it is a little odd that he suddenly finds himself, with no recollection of his immediate past, lost in an unfamiliar wood. Even odder still, he encounters a badger named Banderbrock, a black bear named Walden, and McTavish the Monster (who might also be an old barn cat)—all of whom talk—and who are as clueless as Max.

Before long, Max and his friends are on the run from a relentless group of hunters and their deadly hounds. Armed with powerful blue swords and known as the Blue Cutters, these hunters capture and change the very essence of their prey. For what purpose, Max can’t guess. But unless he can solve the mystery of the strange forested world he’s landed in, Max may find himself and his friends changed beyond recognition, lost in a lost world…