
Just like March, I finished one book on the first of the month and just missed 5 books for the month.  This is a little late, but I decided to post it anyway since I’ve decided to try to say a little bit about each book in these each month – just in case you don’t want to read the whole verbose review.

Deathless by Catherynne M. Valente (Review)
It’s Catherynne M. Valente, which means it’s a pretty awesome book – incredibly well-written, clever, and creative.  I loved the basis on Russian folk tales and the way it was written, both the prose and the wording.  If I’d been able to connect to the characters a little more and had enjoyed the last part of the book as much as the first, I would have loved it at least as much as The Orphan’s Tales: In the Night Garden (which remains my favorite of Valente’s books so far).  Overall, it’s a fantastic book.

Eon by Alison Goodman (Review)
This one was incredibly difficult for me to put down, in spite of some issues I had with it.  Although I didn’t love the characters, I did have a lot of fun reading the story plus it featured a couple of things I loved – an Asian-based fantasy setting and some gender issues.  It was riveting enough that I read the sequel soon afterward (this would be the book that I finished on May 1 – well, technically 3:00 AM on May 2nd because I couldn’t put it down – and I absolutely LOVED Eona).

Dragonsbane by Barbara Hambly (Review)
A lot of Barbara Hambly’s books have been out of print for a while but were recently re-released as ebooks. Dragonsbane was one of these and it was my second ebook I’ve read (yes, I’m still more of a paper book reader even after trying this one on the Kindle).  It was a very interesting fantasy book that had a very complex main female character, torn between her studies and love.  What started as a quest to slay a dragon turned into a less conventional story, and it had a very memorable ending.  There was some slow pacing and I didn’t find the part of the story with the villainess quite as intriguing, but it did make me want to read more by Hambly.

Passion Play by Beth Bernobich (Review)
This debut novel had some issues and largely seemed to be setting up the rest of the series, but I still found it to be a page-turner for the most part. A lot of the politics took place behind the scenes through conversations and letters, but I grew to really like the main character and I enjoyed reading about the discussions she had.  There was enough to like about this book that I’m really excited about the potential for the rest of the series and the YA novel the author has coming out later this year (Fox and Phoenix), particularly since I thought the related short story “River of Souls” was great.  Some may have issues with some of the content in the first part of the book (described in more detail in the review).

Favorite book of the month: Deathless, which was quite incredible.

What books did you read in April?  What did you think of them? Any particular new favorites?

Passion Play
by Beth Bernobich
368pp (Hardcover)
My Rating: 6/10
LibraryThing Rating: 3.7/5
Goodreads Rating: 3.31/5

Passion Play, a fantasy debut novel by Beth Bernobich, won Best Epic Fantasy in the 2010 RT Reviewer’s Choice Awards and was long-listed for both the 2010 Tiptree Award and the 2011 British Fantasy Awards.  It is the first book in the Erythandra series and will be followed by The Queen’s Hunt (in 2012), Allegiance, and The Edge of the Empire.  “River of Souls,” a short story set in the same world, is available for free on

As the main plot doesn’t really start until almost 100 pages in, the following plot description loosely sums up those pages. If you are worried that will spoil too much, you can skip it by going to the horizontal line and reading from there on.

When she is nearly sixteen years old, Therez (aka Ilse) Zhalina’s father announces to her that he has arranged her marriage to Maester Theodr Galt.  (Fairly early in the book Therez becomes known as “Ilse” so I’ll refer to her by this name from now on just to avoid confusion.) Ilse does her best to convince her father not to force her to marry this man, due to the fact that she found him creepy and has heard some suspicious rumors about the recent dissolution of his betrothal to another woman.  As this union would greatly profit his business, the Zhalina patriarch refuses to listen to his daughter’s wishes.  Fearing what her life with this man will be like, Ilse runs away, hoping to find a job as a secretary – and her freedom.

Instead, Ilse finds harsh treatment at the hands of the caravan master, who discovers her secret and will return her to her father unless she will be a prostitute for the men in the caravan.  Terrified of facing the rest of her life married to Theodr Galt, Therez agrees and pleases more than one man a night.  Eventually, she also escapes this and finds her way to Raul Kosenmark, owner of a pleasure house that is much more than it seems, and becomes involved in secrets and intrigue.

Overall, I thought Passion Play was flawed but promising, and it did enough well that I’m excited about the potential for the series.  After all, this is a debut novel so I’m expecting the following novels to improve, and it also felt like it was setting up the rest of the series.  Also, I read the aforementioned related short story “River of Souls” and thought it was very well done, so I’m hoping that with more practice writing novels the author will be able to construct a longer story with the same skill.  In Passion Play, I felt that the writing, particularly the dialogue, and the main character were great and kept it very readable, but the plotting and structure could have been better.

Before I discuss what worked and didn’t in more detail, I do want to give a word of warning that some people may have some difficulty with some of the content and suggest you read this post if you want more of the details of how some people will react to it.  Personally, I found this particular aspect to be more subdued than I had been expecting, but I’m also not terribly easily upset or offended by a book’s contents.  If you want it in brief (er, briefer than the post linked to, at least) along with how much it influences the rest of the book, read the spoiler below:

What I really liked about Passion Play was the dialogue, the main character, and the premise of retaining some memories from past lives.  The prose was fairly simple but effective in that it flowed without the need to really stop and think about it. A lot of the story was told through dialogue and Ilse’s internal thoughts, and the fact that I found it so absorbing in spite of that says a lot for how well-written some of the discussions were.  In fact, although the latter half of the book was heavily focused on politics, most of this was behind the scenes.  A lot of the intrigue was through letters and conversations about these letters and political situations without very much action or firsthand influence in events.  Many of the characters introduced as being important to the overall scheme never actually make an appearance, which can make it a little difficult to keep track of some of the key players who will most likely be more important later in the series.  Yet, I still found these parts interesting to read about, and that may also be due to the fact that I really liked Ilse and wanted her to succeed.

From the beginning, Ilse is very easy to sympathize with since she’s essentially being forced into a marriage she doesn’t want. While her decision to run away may seem rather ill-advised, I also didn’t think it seemed completely unreasonable for a girl in her position.  It’s not like she had anywhere else to go since no one in her family was willing to stand up to her father, and she was quite obviously terrified of the man her father picked for her to marry (and he didn’t pick the man because he thought it would be good for Ilse but because he thought it would be good for his financial situation).  Plus I don’t think she wanted to end up like her mother, who always had to tiptoe around her father.  Perhaps she could have at least tried a little longer to convince the rest of her family to listen to her, but it really did sound like a losing battle from the start from what was said of her father and family life. So she saw her options as either submitting to her father’s will or taking matters into her own hands by leaving.  Leaving home lead to some really bad situations, but in the end she got what she wanted so although it seemed like she understood she’d been a bit naive, I don’t think she had any real regrets either.

In addition to being sympathetic, Ilse is just likable – she’s clever and a fast learner who enjoys reading.  At times, she may seem a bit too intelligent and mature for her age, but there’s also a possible explanation for this.  In this book, people remember bits and pieces of their past lives through dreams, and Ilse has memories of being a scholar.  Who one was in a previous life can influence who one is in the present, so it seems reasonable that Ilse could have greater wisdom than a typical teenager due to this. I really love this concept and hope to see it explored further in the next books.

Other than Ilse, I didn’t find any of the other characters particularly stood out as memorable.  There was a romance between her and one other character that seemed rather sudden in spite of the fact that it did develop over time.  This may have been because there were a couple of small hints that they liked each other, then it was suddenly revealed, and from that point forward (the last 50 pages or so) it was rather heavily focused on this romantic relationship.  That was one issue I had with the novel – that it didn’t feel like the plot threads were tied together, moving forward naturally toward a conclusion.  It felt like it was split into parts: Ilse’s beginning that lead to the rest of the story, her rise to learning about the political schemes, and then her romance.  All of the story really felt like a prologue for things to come since there was not a lot of action, and some may find it rather slow moving if they don’t enjoy the dialogue or care about Ilse since there was not a lot of plot progression in this novel.  It largely feels like it is setting up the rest of the series.

Passion Play was not a perfect book, and it did seem to be setting the stage for future volumes in the series since there was not a lot of forward momentum in the story.  There was a lot of discussion about politics without a lot of action or even time spent with a lot of the characters discussed (who will most likely become more prominent later). However, since I really liked the main character and feel the parts that were introduced in this book has a lot of potential to become an interesting series, I am very likely to pick up the next book (although I wouldn’t pay for the hardcover).  This book was never a struggle to get through once it got past the time in the caravan (which I found somewhat dull) and was in fact very readable in general.  Those reasons, combined with the fact that this is a debut novel and I was rather impressed by the short story set in the same world, actually has me rather eager to see if this promising first installment sets a solid foundation for the next book.

My Rating: 6/10

Where I got my reading copy: Picked up an ARC at an author signing at Book Expo America last year.

Read an Excerpt

A couple of days ago George R. R. Martin announced the first few stops for the book tour for A Dance with Dragons, the fifth book in the Song of Ice and Fire series (available on July 12).  The first few appearances will be in Boston, New York City, and Indianapolis, and Martin will also be appearing at San Diego Comicon.  Those planning to attend this year’s Readercon (July 14 – 17) may be interested in the fact that the first event will be at a Barnes and Noble also in Burlington, Massachusetts, on July 12.  So if you have time to leave a little earlier you could go to both the first tour event and Readercon, which would be pretty fantastic.  I was considering going to Readercon this year myself so I’m half tempted, but I highly doubt I will since if I go I’ll be trying to avoid having to take more than one day off from work.

A Dance With Dragons

First, a quick update: This whole past week I was busy every single evening after work so I didn’t make any progress on book reviews.  I’m working on a review of Passion Play by Beth Bernobich and then I have a review of Eona by Alison Goodman to write (it kept me up until 3 in the morning – I absolutely loved it).  At the moment I’m reading two science fiction books – The Fear Principle by B. A. Chepaitis and Embassytown by China Mieville.

This week I bought one of my new most anticipated books of the year (after reading the first book a couple months ago) and received 4 unexpected review copies.  Have to love it when surprise books show up!

Oh, and in case any other Kate Daniels fans are interested – I pre-ordered a signed copy of Magic Slays from Powell’s.  Ilona and Gordon Andrews will be signing copies at the store at Cedar Hills Crossing in Beaverton, Oregon, on May 31  at 7:00 PM along with Lili St. Crow (signing Defiance) and Devon Monk (signing Magic on the Hunt).  If only I lived closer so I could go to the signing… but I was thrilled for the opportunity to order one of the books.  It was a tough decision since that means I’ll have to wait a little longer for it to get here so I can read it, but I decided it was worth it to wait for a signed copy.

On the books I actually got this week!

The Hidden GoddessThe Hidden Goddess by M. K. Hobson

After reading The Native Star earlier this year as part of the Nebula Readathon, I of course had to get the sequel soon after it came out.  I debated whether or not to get it now since I have some other books I need to read and review first, but it’s one I definitely want to have on hand for when I do get a chance to read it.  If it had been out when I finished the first book, I would have read it immediately afterward.  It was one of those books I just loved that much that I wanted the next one NOW.   A recent interview with the author describing it as darker made me want to read it even more.  I was also interested to see from the interview that the next two books will most likely take place about 30 years after this one and will be about Emily’s son.

In a brilliant mix of magic, history, and romance, M. K. Hobson moves her feisty young Witch, Emily Edwards, from the Old West of 1876 to turn-of-the-nineteenth-century New York City, whose polished surfaces conceal as much danger as anything west of the Rockies.

Like it or not, Emily has fallen in love with Dreadnought Stanton, a New York Warlock as irresistible as he is insufferable. Newly engaged, she now must brave Dreadnought’s family and the magical elite of the nation’s wealthiest city. Not everyone is pleased with the impending nuptials, especially Emily’s future mother-in-law, a sociopathic socialite. But there are greater challenges still: confining couture, sinister Russian scientists, and a deathless Aztec goddess who dreams of plunging the world into apocalypse. With all they must confront, do Emily and Dreadnought have any hope of a happily-ever-after?

Promises to KeepPromises to Keep by Charles de Lint

This book will be available in paperback for the first time on May 15. It’s another Newford book about Jilly Coppercorn, and it takes place before The Onion Girl and Widdershins. I’ve only read one book by de Lint (Medicine Road) and I thought it was good, but it wasn’t really a book I personally was crazy about. This sounds very good to me, though, and I find myself wanting to read it.

With the help of a mentor and an anonymous benefactor, Jilly Coppercorn has overcome abuse, addiction, and a stint in juvie. Though she still struggles to stay clean, she has found safety and love in a newly formed family that includes her loyal best friend, a lovely artist, and her caseworker. Temptation comes knocking, however, when her best friend from the bad old days rides in on a motorcycle and takes Jilly to a beautiful, mysterious city full of wonderful opportunities. It seems perfect at first, until Jilly discovers that it was a one-way trip—and she still has unfinished business in Newford. At turns playful and serious, this urban fantasy introduces de Lint’s most enduring character and grapples with the realities of life-changing choices.

The Chaos CrystalThe Chaos Crystal by Jennifer Fallon

The fourth and final title in the Tide Lords series will be released in hardcover and as an ebook in the US on May 10.  The first three books in the series are The Immortal Prince, Gods of Amyrantha, and Palace of Impossible Dreams. I’ve been wanting to read a book by Jennifer Fallon for a while now, so I was thrilled to find this in the mail – until I read the dreaded “book 4 of a series” part. I did see that the hardcover version of the first book in the series is a bargain book on Amazon right now so I am tempted since I have some Amazon gift cards from my birthday last month.  But I’m still considering it (since I did want to get the new Mercy Thompson book, the new book coming out by Catherynne Valente this month, and Under Heaven by Guy Gavriel Kay and none of those are cheap mass market paperbacks – plus this book still is about the trade paperback price as a bargain book).  Has anyone read the series?  What did you think of it?

The magical Tide has turned and the Immortal Lords once again have their full power. The Immortal Lord Cayal welcomes this power as a means to an end–his end, preferably.  Cayal has wanted to cease his existence for longer than human history and it looks like he might finally get his wish.  Rumors swirl that the Chaos Crystal, the mysterious prism that brought the Immortals to the world, has been found. Cayal is determined to seize the gem.

Among those who search for this long-lost object is Cayal’s former lover, the very mortal Lady Arkady.  She’s been captured by Jaxyn, a Tide Lord who is decidedly against Cayal and is seeking the Crystal for his own nefarious schemes. Arkady escapes, and is off on her desperate search…for if the gem falls into the hands of the Immortals, what will become of humanity?

The stakes are high, with mortal and immortal fighting to grasp this ultimate prize. Whoever holds the Crystal can decide the fate of the world.

Degrees of FreedomDegrees of Freedom by Simon Morden

The third book in the Samuil Petrovich series will be released on May 31.  The first two books are Equations of Life and Theories of Flight.  This series sounds pretty interesting, but I don’t have the first two books so it’s not something I’ll be likely to read anytime soon.

The Six Degrees of Petrovitch

Michael is an AI of incalculable complexity trapped under the remains of Oshicora tower. Petrovitch will free him one day, he just has to trust Michael will still be sane by the time he does.

Maddy and Petrovitch have trust issues. She’s left him, but Petrovitch is pretty sure she still loves him.

Sonja Oshicora loves Petrovitch too. But she’s playing a complicated game and it’s not clear that she means to save him from what’s coming.

The CIA wants to save the world. Well, just America, but they’ll call it what they like.

The New Machine Jihad is calling. But Petrovitch killed it. Didn’t he?

And the Armageddonists tried to kill pretty much everyone by blowing the world up. Now, they want to do it again.

Once again, all roads lead back to Petrovitch. Everyone wants something from him, but all he wants is to be free…

The Map of All ThingsThe Map of All Things by Kevin J. Anderson

The second book in the Terra Incognita series will be available in mass market paperback on May 31.  The first book in the series is The Edge of the World.  The third book, The Key to Creation, will be released in July.

After terrible atrocities by both sides, the religious war between Tierra and Uraba has spread and intensified, irreparably dividing the known world. What started as a series of skirmishes has erupted into a full-blown crusade.

Now that the Uraban leader, Soldan-Shah Omra, has captured the ruined city of Ishalem, his construction teams discover a priceless ancient map in an underground vault – a map that can guide brave explorers to the mysterious Key to Creation.

Last year I discovered the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews and devoured them all.  I loved the third book so much that I was very glad I’d taken the advice of waiting until the fourth book was out to read it.  Because once I finished it, I had to have the next book right then and no other book would do!

Now I’ve been longing for the fifth book. Fortunately for all of us Kate Daniels fans, Ilona Andrews comes out with new books pretty regularly and Magic Slays will be released on May 31.  As if I wasn’t excited enough about this, I read what Ilona Andrews has to say about it on the website.  Now I am ready to start counting down the days and compulsively start checking the bookstore for early copies!  (It’s 27 days 22 hours and 0 minutes as I am typing this.)

Magic Slays

Warning: Spoilers below for books 1 – 4.

About Magic Slays (from the author’s site):

Plagued by a war between magic and technology, Atlanta has never been so deadly. Good thing Kate Daniels is on the job.

Kate Daniels may have quit the Order of Merciful Aid, but she’s still knee-deep in paranormal problems. Or she would be if she could get someone to hire her. Starting her own business has been more challenging than she thought it would be—now that the Order is disparaging her good name, and many potential clients are afraid of getting on the bad side of the Beast Lord, who just happens to be Kate’s mate.

So when Atlanta’s premier Master of the Dead calls to ask for help with a vampire on the loose, Kate leaps at the chance of some paying work. Turns out this is not an isolated incident, and Kate needs to get to the bottom of it—fast, or the city and everyone dear to her might pay the ultimate price . . .


So…  Who else can’t wait?

This week I bought two of the books I wanted to read for the Nebula Readathon.  Then I looked at the rest of my books and wondered what I was thinking.  Even though neither of these should take all that long to read (my reasoning for originally thinking I could read them in May), I want to read Embassytown by China Mieville, Sleight of Hand by Peter S. Beagle, and The Fear Principle by B. A. Chepaitis in May.  Plus I want to read some of the books I have by authors I’ve never read before who will be at Book Expo America (such as books I have by Cinda Williams Chima, Carrie Vaughn, and Deanna Raybourn).  I’m already quite sure I won’t get through all of the latter, but oh well, at least one of the ones I got for the Readathon was a bargain book so it was a good time to get it anyway!

(As a side note, I am so ridiculously excited about the fact that Laini Taylor will be signing Daughter of Smoke and Bone and Vernor Vinge will be signing Children of the Sky at BEA this year!)

For reviews, I’m working on a review of Passion Play by Beth Bernobich and reading Eona by Alison Goodman so I have a book to review after that one is done.

On to the books…

A Conspiracy of KingsA Conspiracy of Kings by Megan Whalen Turner

This is the fourth book in the Queen’s Thief series and the only one currently available that I haven’t read yet.  I liked The Thief (#1), and I loved The Queen of Attolia (#2) and The King of Attolia (#3), so I’m really looking forward to it.  It’s the type of young adult series I love because it’s not about teen issues – it’s just a great series with some excellent storytelling.  Also, in addition to being a nominee for this year’s Andre Norton Award for Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy, it was just awarded the 2011 Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Young Adult Literature.

Sophos, under the guidance of yet another tutor, practices his swordplay and strategizes escape scenarios should his father’s villa come under attack. How would he save his mother? His sisters? Himself? Could he reach the horses in time? Where would he go? But nothing prepares him for the day armed men, silent as thieves, swarm the villa courtyard ready to kill, to capture, to kidnap. Sophos, the heir to the throne of Sounis, disappears without a trace.

In Attolia, Eugenides, the new and unlikely king, has never stopped wondering what happened to Sophos. Nor has the Queen of Eddis. They send spies. They pay informants. They appeal to the gods. But as time goes by, it becomes less and less certain that they will ever see their friend alive again.

Across the small peninsula battles are fought, bribes are offered, and conspiracies are set in motion. Darkening the horizon, the Mede Empire threatens, always, from across the sea. And Sophos, anonymous and alone, bides his time. Sophos, drawing on his memories of Gen, Pol, the Magus and Eddis, sets out on an adventure that will change all of their lives forever.

White CatWhite Cat by Holly Black

This is the first book in the Curse Workers series, and the second book Red Glove was released in April.  I’ve wanted to read it for a while now, both after reading reviews of it and reading a sample of the first two chapters I got at last year’s BEA.  Getting nominated for the Andre Norton Award for Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy was just the incentive I needed to finally pick up a copy!

Cassel comes from a family of curse workers — people who have the power to change your emotions, your memories, your luck, by the slightest touch of their hands. And since curse work is illegal, they’re all mobsters, or con artists. Except for Cassel. He hasn’t got the magic touch, so he’s an outsider, the straight kid in a crooked family. You just have to ignore one small detail — he killed his best friend, Lila, three years ago.

Ever since, Cassel has carefully built up a façade of normalcy, blending into the crowd. But his façade starts crumbling when he starts sleepwalking, propelled into the night by terrifying dreams about a white cat that wants to tell him something. He’s noticing other disturbing things, too, including the strange behavior of his two brothers. They are keeping secrets from him, caught up in a mysterious plot. As Cassel begins to suspect he’s part of a huge con game, he also wonders what really happened to Lila. Could she still be alive? To find that out, Cassel will have to out-con the conmen.

Holly Black has created a gripping tale of mobsters and dark magic where a single touch can bring love — or death — and your dreams might be more real than your memories.