This week I received two review copies of books coming out in March.

Dante ValentineDante Valentine: The Complete Series by Lilith Saintcrow

This is a massive omnibus containing all five of the books in the Dante Valentine series: Working for the Devil, Dead Man Rising, The Devil’s Right Hand, Saint City Sinners, and To Hell and Back.  Totaling around 1300 pages, the trade paperback edition containing the complete urban fantasy series may be a little too large to hold up well – my copy came with the back cover already coming off.  Reading about working for the devil sounds like fun, though, so I’m planning to give the first book a try at some point.  This edition of the books will be available on March 7.

Necromancer. Bounty hunter. Killer.

Dante Valentine has been all three in her life. But in the beginning, she was a Necromancer for hire. And while she was choosy about her jobs, there were just some she couldn’t turn down. Like when the Devil showed up at the door and offered her a deal. Her life – in exchange for the capture and elimination of a renegade demon. But how do you kill something that can’t die?

Dante Valentine, one of urban fantasy’s hottest series, is compiled into one volume for the first time. Included in this omnibus edition are: Working for the Devil, Dead Man Rising, The Devil’s Right Hand, Saint City Sinners, and To Hell and Back.

The Neon CourtThe Neon Court: Or, the Betrayal of Matthew Swift by Kate Griffin

This is the third book in the Matthew Swift series, following A Madness of Angels and The Midnight Mayor.  I’ve actually been curious about this series since the first book came out, and I’ve now received the second and third book as review copies.  Considering the first book is a bargain book on Amazon right now for about $7 in hardcover, I think it’s time to complete the series so I can actually start it (I’m going to order it as soon as I finish writing this up, actually).  The Neon Court will be available on March 24, and it is only $10.99 in hardcover on Amazon right now.

Kate Griffin is also known as Catherine Webb, author of young adult fantasy fiction that has been nominated for the Carnegie Medal.

War is coming to London. A daimyo of the Neon Court is dead and all fingers point towards their ancient enemy – The Tribe. And when magicians go to war, everyone loses.

But Matthew Swift has his own concerns. He has been summoned abruptly, body and soul, to a burning tower and to the dead body of Oda, warrior of The Order and known associate of Swift. There’s a hole in her heart and the symbol of the Midnight Mayor drawn in her own blood. Except, she is still walking and talking and has a nasty habit of saying ‘we’ when she means ‘I.’

Now, Swift faces the longest night of his life. Lady Neon herself is coming to London and the Tribe is ready to fight. Strange things stalk this night: a rumored ‘chosen one,’ a monster that burns out the eyes of its enemies, and a walking dead woman. Swift must stop a war, protect his city, and save his friend – if she’ll stop trying to kill him long enough for him to try.

This week the Nebula nominees were announced.  The entire list can be viewed by clicking the link, but the nominees for best novel are:

The Native Star by M. K. Hobson
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms
by N. K. Jemisin
Shades of Milk and Honey
by Mary Robinette Kowal
by Jack McDevitt
Who Fears Death
by Nnedi Okorafor
Blackout/All Clear
by Connie Willis

This year 5 of the 6 nominees are women, which is nice to see since the past couple of years have only had one novel by a woman each year.

I’ve only read The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, but this looks like a pretty interesting list.  The Native Star and Shades of Milk and Honey are both books I’ve been wanting to read – I actually almost picked up the former last time I was at the bookstore and now I wish I had.  I’ve been waiting for paperback to get the latter.  Echo is the fifth book in the Alex Benedict series, but the series sounds like it could be pretty fun. Who Fears Death is a new title to me, but it sounds like a book I’d like to read.  Connie Willis is on my to-read list, but I’ll probably start with Doomsday Book.

The Andre Norton Award for Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy also looks like a great list, although I have yet to read any yet (3 are on my wish list and 2 more are in series I want to start):

Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi
White Cat by Holly Black
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
Hereville: How Mirka Got Her Sword by Barry Deutsch
The Boy from Ilysies by Pearl North
I Shall Wear Midnight by Terry Pratchett
A Conspiracy of Kings by Megan Whalen Turner
Behemoth by Scott Westerfield

I was particularly thrilled to see Megan Whalen Turner was a nominee since I love her Queen’s Thief series!

In a recent interview about Firefly being aired on cable, Nathan Fillion said:


If I got $300 million from the California Lottery, the first thing I would do is buy the rights to Firefly, make it on my own, and distribute it on the Internet.

This has, of course lead to many people wanting to contribute to the cause of bringing this fantastic but short-lived TV show back with new episodes. There’s now a new website with the self-explanatory domain name  Patrick Rothfuss, the author of The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man’s Fear (which is coming out next week!), wrote an open letter to Nathan Fillion about how he would like to contribute the proceeds from the book to helping buy back the show when he has more money than he knows what to do with.  It’s quite an enjoyable read.

by Elizabeth Bear
368pp (Mass Market Paperback)
My Rating: 7/10
LibraryThing Rating: 3.75/5
Goodreads Rating: 3.48/5

Dust is the first book in the Jacob’s Ladder trilogy by Elizabeth Bear.  The second book in this science fiction series is called Chill, and both books are available in mass market paperback and as e-books.  Grail, the final volume, will be released on February 22.  The imminent conclusion combined with the fact that this book was the January selection for the Women of Science Fiction Book Club made this the perfect time to read Dust (which has unfortunately been sitting unread on my bookshelf for far too long even though it is by one of my favorite authors).

Ariane of the House of Rule, the eldest of the Conn princes and princesses not to be killed, disowned, or missing, defeated Sir Perceval of Engine.  When Perceval surrendered, Ariane severed her wings, removed her clothes and jewelry, bound her in nanotech chains and paraded her to a prison in House Rule.  When Ariane’s father, the Commodore, is angered by this, Ariane kills him and devours his memories – just as she plans to do to Perceval.  It soon becomes apparent that Ariane doesn’t just want to take over Rule – she wants a war with Engine and world conquest.

Rien, the servant girl put in charge of the care of the prisoner, is shocked when Perceval immediately calls her by name with no introduction.  She’s even more shocked when Perceval says she knew her because they are sisters – unknown to Rien, she is the daughter of one of the same Conn prince who is Perceval’s father.  Although Rien isn’t sure she believes Perceval’s claim, she is a soft-hearted girl who feels protective of this young woman.  One night Rien leaves her room and frees Perceval so the two can travel to Engine and try to prevent the war began when Perceval was captured.

Meanwhile Jacob Dust, the memory of the god of the world, has taken an interest in their journey and would seek to use them. However,  he’s not concerned about the war as he has bigger problems to deal with – such as the end of the entire world with the approaching explosion of their sun.

Other than Dust, I have read (and reviewed) 8 books by Elizabeth Bear, who is one of my favorite authors.  (She’s also a very prolific author – 9 books may sound like a lot of books, but I still have a long way to go before catching up.)  Although Dust had a lot of similarities to Bear’s other books, it was my least favorite of those I’d read so far.  The ideas and setting were very well-executed, but the characters were not as compelling as ones from her other books I’ve read.

As is common with Bear’s books, there’s no real introduction to her world – the story begins without background information and as one reads more, what is going on slowly comes together.  This does make for some confusion about what exactly is going on at the beginning, which doesn’t make it the easiest book to read.  Personally, I really love this technique and think it adds an air of mystery, but it does mean needing to pay careful attention so it’s not a book to read when in the mood for a light, easy-to-read book.  This also makes it very re-readable since starting it again with more knowledge of how the world works will help with gleaning all the details.

It’s not at all a dense book and has lots of short paragraphs.  Some of the writing is very elegant, but it is not nearly as beautifully written as The Edda of Burdens series or The Promethean Age books.  Although there are some lovely passages, the writing is generally more functional than poetic.

Also, the characters were more conduits for carrying out the plot than people with fleshed out personalities that were really worth rooting for and caring about.  Some of the minor characters, particularly the angels Dust and Samael, were interesting to read about because of their mysterious motivations, but there was nothing about the two main characters that really made me love them.  I did enjoy watching Rien’s progress from servant girl to the higher class, and she did have compassion and a heroic spirit.  She was easier to relate to than Perceval, who although brave seemed very distant and wasn’t as passionate as Rien, instead devoted to her knightly duties.  There was a part at the end that affected me somewhat, but for the most part there was no emotional attachment to any of the characters or their situations.

The strength is really in the setting and the plot.  Even though this is a science fiction book complete with nanotech and people living in space, it is very reliant on fantasy conventions and is rather mythical.  Despite being such a high-tech society, it has almost a medieval feel with princesses, dungeons, sword-wielding, a necromancer, and angels.  Yet all of these are based on advanced technology – the swords are nanotech, the necromancer works with memories of the deceased, and the angels are various AIs running different ship functions (more guardians than what we would think of as angels):


“I’m the Angel of Death, aren’t I?” The knobby hands turned palm-up now. “And you’re the Angel of Memory. So trade me a little knowledge for a little life. A little withholding of death, if you will.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Dust said. “You’re not the angel of anything.”

“That’s what they call us. And not just us. Some of them call the old crew angels and demons, too.”

“Ahh,” Dust said, willing his fingers to stillness when they wanted to worry his sleeves,” but we know better, don’t we?  Besides, if you were the angel of anything, it would be the angel of…life-support services.” He scraped his boot across the deck, leaving a green smear of chlorophyll like a punctuation mark.

“Not very poetic,” Samael said, disappointed.

Dust shrugged.  He only cared about his own poetry. [pp. 68]

It also has a storyline common to fantasy books since one of the main characters is raised without knowing she is a princess until she is 16 and then plays a large role in the fate of her world.  There’s also an emphasis on rediscovering the origins of the world.  No one other than the angels really seems to know where they came from, why they’re there, or the purpose of the world.  Along the way, the characters discover it along with the readers as the angels try to manipulate the humans.  They never seem to be good or evil, though – they have their own agenda without seeming particularly villainous or heroic.

Dust had a well-developed setting with both a past and present that slowly unraveled to reveal the reality of the world.  It was a very cleverly told story with some twists and placement of fantasy traditions in a science fiction world.  Although I enjoyed it and find it interesting to reflect on, the characters were not easy to become attached to, meaning I didn’t love it the same way I normally do books by Elizabeth Bear.  However, there was enough to recommend about the rest of it that I am planning to read the next book, although most likely not soon.

My Rating: 7/10

Where I got my reading copy: I bought it.

Read an Excerpt

Women of Science Fiction Book Club Discussion (of course, there are spoilers if you have not read Dust)

Other Reviews:

Interview with Elizabeth Bear

First, a quick update: I’ve finished a draft of a review of Dust by Elizabeth Bear, so I’m hoping to get that up over the next day or two.  Now that it’s almost time for Late Eclipses, the fourth October Daye novel by Seanan McGuire, to be released, I’m also working on that review and hope to have it up soon.  After that, I’m caught up on reviews, but I’m taking a break from a book that is taking a long time to read. Before I go back to it, I’m reading Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones after reading Ana’s review and being further tempted by Janicu, who convinced me to go track down my copy.  That shouldn’t take long to finish at all – I just started it a couple of days ago and am halfway through it now.

This week brought four review copies, all of which look very good.

Sleight of HandSleight of Hand by Peter S. Beagle

This collection of short stories by Peter S. Beagle is coming in April according to the press release I received with it.  Amazon and Goodreads have it listed as March 1, though, so you may actually be able to get a hold of it sooner than that.  Peter S. Beagle is probably best known for The Last Unicorn, although he has written many other books (such as A Fine and Private Place and Tamsin) and short stories.  I love The Last Unicorn so I am particularly excited about the first story in this collection, “The Woman Who Married the Man in the Moon,” which is about Schmendrick the Magician before the time of The Last Unicorn.

Abundant with tales of quiet heroism, life-changing decisions, and determined searches for deep answers, this extraordinary collection of contemporary fantasy explores the realms between this world and the next. From the top of the Berlin Wall to the depths of the darkest seas, gods and monsters battle their enemies and innermost fears, yet mere mortals make the truly difficult choices. A slightly regretful author and a vengeful-but-dilapidated dragon square off over an abandoned narrative; the children of the Shark God demand painful truths from their chronically absent father; and a bereaved women sacrifices herself to change one terrible moment, effortlessly reversed by a shuffle of the deck. Whether melancholic, comedic, or deeply tragic, each new tale is suffused with misdirection and discovery, expressed in the rich and mesmerizing voice of a masterful storyteller.

Badass: The Birth of a LegendBadass: The Birth of a Legend by Ben Thompson

This book from the creator of the Badass of the Week website will be available on March 15.  It looks like a lot of fun – it’s stories about all sorts of badass figures from myths, legends, movies and books divided up into four sections:

1. Gods, Goddesses, and Other Kickass Celestial Beings (i.e., Anubis, Kali, Thor)
2. Heroes, Heroines, and Over-the-Top Do-Gooders (i.e., Beowulf, Captain James T. Kirk, Finn McCool)
3. Villains, Sorcerers, Antiheroes, and Psychotic Merciless Bastards (i.e., Sauron, Darth Vader, Skeletor, Skuld)
4. Monsters, Fiends, Hellspawn, and Worse (i.e., Dragons, Baba Yaga, El Chupacabra)

Personally, I’m most looking forward to section 3 which also covers Professor Moriarty and a lot of others that sound fun to read about.  What can I say – I like a good villain, antihero or psychotic merciless bastard in my reading.

From sex-crazed gods to ravenous monsters, Ben Thompson brings legendary titans to life in tales of adventure, bloodlust, and unrelenting badassitude.

Since the beginning of human history people have created myths, tall tales, superheroes, and arch-villains—men and women who embarked on insane adventures, performed extraordinary feats of unparalleled awesomeness, and overcame all odds to violently smite their foes into bloody pulp. In Badass: The Birth of a Legend, Ben Thompson compiles these fantastical tales from the beginning of time to today and tells them in the completely over-the-top manner in which they were intended, including:

The Indian god-king who led an army of monkeys against the King of All Demons

The Viking god of thunder and awesome hair, who crushed the skulls of giants with a ridiculously huge hammer

An Anglo-Saxon hero so hardcore he could arm-wrestle monsters’ joints out of their sockets

The hate-filled literary behemoth who obliterated ship hulls with his face

The Norse necromancer queen who summoned a horde of zombie berserkers

Dirty Harry Callahan
The prototypical modern-day antihero and very embodiment of badass

Never Knew AnotherNever Knew Another by J. M. McDermott

The first book in the Dogsland trilogy came out last month.  I’ve been wanting to read it after reading some reviews and also because I enjoyed the debut novel from the author, Last Dragon (review).  So when the author asked if I had copies of his newest books for review, I was glad for the opportunity to read them.  Since I have the e-book versions I’ll have to try out the Kindle I got my husband for Christmas, too – I’m not a huge fan of reading on the iPad but I’m hoping reading on the Kindle won’t be as distracting.

Fugitive Rachel Nolander is a newcomer to the city of Dogsland, where the rich throw parties and the poor just do whatever they can to scrape by. Supported by her brother Djoss, she hides out in their squalid apartment, living in fear that someday, someone will find out that she is the child of a demon. Corporal Jona Lord Joni is a demon’s child too, but instead of living in fear, he keeps his secret and goes about his life as a cocky, self-assured man of the law. The first book in the Dogsland Trilogy, Never Knew Another is the story of how these two outcasts meet.

Maze by J. M. McDermott

There does not yet seem to be a cover or description for this yet, but it is a mosaic novel coming from Apex sometime this spring (most likely March, April, or May). Apex also recently reprinted Last Dragon, McDermott’s first novel.

Earlier this week The Skin Map giveaway ended.  The winner was picked via and that winner is:

Claudia from South Africa

Congratulations, I hope you enjoy the book!

Thanks to everyone who entered!

Today I am thrilled to have an interview with Elizabeth Bear for you.  Elizabeth Bear received the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer in 2005 and has won the Hugo Award twice – for “Tideline” in the Best Short Story category in 2008 and for “Shoggoths in Bloom”  in the Best Novelette category in 2009.  She has written many short stories and books, including but not limited to the Jenny Casey trilogy, the Promethean Age novels, the Edda of Burdens trilogy, the Jacob’s Ladder trilogy, New Amsterdam and two other related novellas, and The Chains That You Refuse.  Also, she is one of several authors involved in producing Shadow Unit, an online serial story. For more information about her and her work, visit her website or her blog.

On a more personal note, she’s been one of my favorite authors ever since I discovered her Promethean Age novels (review of Blood and Iron).   Since then, I’ve read several of her other books, and her recently completed Edda of Burdens trilogy is one of my favorite series for their beautiful writing and complexity of both characters and themes (review of All the Windwracked Stars).  It is my great pleasure to have an interview with her today, and I hope you enjoy it!

Grail Hell and Earth The White City

Fantasy Cafe: First, thank you for taking the time to answer a few questions.  I have to say I think you’re a very diverse author in many ways – you have written poetry and stories ranging from short to novel-length, and you have also written stories in many different fantasy and science fiction subgenres. Is this because you have a wide variety of interests or do you just enjoy challenging yourself?  Do you think that writing shorter stories helps you on your longer work more than if you did only novels, and vice versa?

Elizabeth Bear: I think I get bored easily. I have a hard time writing for a long time in one venue, as it were, and find I need to change things up.

Short stories and novels are very different skills, I think–as different as short stories and poetry. A short story is not, for me, so much practice for a novel as a different but related art form–say, pastel and painting. I think some skills translate–sentence level writing, word choice, characterization, narrative structure–but they are often applied very differently.

Also, you can get away with stuff in a short story that would be exhausting to the reader at novel length.

FC: I’m also amazed by the volume and quality of work you produce in such a short amount of time and am halfway inclined to wonder if you have discovered the secret to stretching 24 hours into 48. Do you find it easier to work on multiple projects at once or do you prefer to work on one project at a time?

EB: It all depends. I try very hard not to be ritualistic about my work–I work, you know, and sometimes it’s long stretches on just one project, and sometimes it’s two or three in shifts. A lot of that depends on deadlines.

I’m actually not a very fast writer–but I’m a dogged one. If I sit down to write 8 pages, by god, I will do it if it takes twelve hours. And sometimes it does.

FC: Much of your writing shows a great love and knowledge for all kinds of world mythology – Norse in the Iskryne and Edda of Burdens books and all kinds in the Promethean Age books. How did you come to know so many myths and what draws you to them?  I often wonder about how authors feel about readers who know the original material and can see the changes and twists you’ve made: obviously you’re writing so that your works can be appreciated on their own, but what do you think is different for people who know the older myths as well?

EB: I sort of grew up soaking in it. I was raised Pagan, and while I’m pretty agnostic these days, you never really escape the religion of your childhood. Also, I studied anthropology in college, which gave me a lot of exposure to other cultures. I think for those who are fond of the original myths (which of course often exist in many contradictory versions), there’s probably some fun or frustration in knowing what’s changed–

Basically, I guess the answer would be, I read widely and compulsively, and I try to bring in as good an understanding of original sources as I can before I start ripping them all to shreds and putting them back different.

FC: My gateway drug to your writing was Blood and Iron, the first Promethean Age novel.  I love the idea of a “secret history” spanning the last few centuries and influencing the world featuring figures from all over the spectrum – King Arthur to William Shakespeare to Satan.  What are some of the legends and historical events that you plan to include in the other 8 (or more) books?

EB: Sadly, those novels are currently without a publisher, so they may never be written. Promethean Age #5 *is* written, and I may eventually self-publish it. It’s set in Las Vegas, and has a lot of focus on our modern myths and stories. I’d like to do one that deals with folk songs, and another that deals with the mythology of World War II.

FC: When writing The Stratford Man duology about William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe you did a lot of related research.  Did you learn any surprising facts about this period in history during your research? What is the strangest piece of information you’ve found yourself looking into for a story?

EB: The strangest piece of information I ever had to research was how you tattoo a penis. I’m sure that one’s in my FBI file somewhere.

I did learn all sorts of fascinating things about the Elizabethan and Jacobean period–but the most fascinating to me was how the same people emerged again and again, in different roles. Robin Poley, for example, a spy and informer, turns up again and again. As does Robert Catesby, before his final demise among the Gunpowder Plotters. (“Remember, remember, the fifth of November–” Guy Fawkes was the original Fall Guy, you see: Catesby was sort of the mastermind behind the thing.)

FC: How did you and Sarah Monette meet and become co-authors on A Companion to Wolves?  Was it easy to make the transition from writing a book by yourself to working with another author?  How different do you think A Companion to Wolves would have been if you had written it by yourself?

EB: I never would have written it by myself.

We were actually introduced by a mutual internet friend when I was working on The Stratford Man and she was writing her dissertation, which is on the revenge tragedy in Renaissance English theatre. And we started writing ACtW to kind of explore the idea of how a companion animal fantasy might work if certain things that are usually glorified or elided were taken on the nose, so to speak.

FC: In an interview with Clarkesworld magazine, you said “I have a thing I tell students ­ one of the most important things you can learn about a character is what they want on their tombstone.” What are some of the epitaphs written for your own characters?

EB: Well, sometimes that would be telling. But Jenny Casey’s would be “You should see the other guy.” And Muire’s is “Fiat lux.”

FC: You mentioned in your blog that your favorite stories are usually the ones that make you bawl at the end.  Why do you think the most tragic endings are more memorable than the happy endings?  What are some books that you’ve read that have had this affect on you?

EB: Well, it’s not always tragedy that makes me cry. More often, it’s heroism in the face of impossible odds. The death-or-glory stand.

I love the end of Guy Gavriel Kay’s Fionavar Tapestry, for example. And the end of Peter Beagle’s The Last Unicorn. And the end of Watership Down. Diane Duane’s The Door Into Fire. Barbara Hambly’s Dragonsbane.

So satisfying.

FC: On your blog, you said: “I think, in the final analysis, all of my books are about the fine dividing line between necessity and tragedy, and how real life doesn’t make distinctions between the two.” This summed up exactly what I loved so much about Blood and Iron when I first read it, as well as The Edda of Burdens novels. Is this recurring theme something you set out to do or did it just slip into your work?  What is it about this particular division that interests you so much that it keeps appearing in your writing?

EB: Well, I think that answer ties into the answer of the previous question. It’s just something that gets me right where I live. You do what you have to do because you have to do it, and that’s heroism. Not, you know, because it’s a big adventure, but because it needs to be done. There’s a lot of dignity in that, and a lot of homey courage, and I feel like it gets overlooked a lot. When you think of the simple courage of a Rosa Parks or a Karen Silkwood, you know–that’s, to me, what’s most powerful about the human spirit.

I tend to write about people caught in terrible ethical dilemmas, and sometimes those are people whose own morals are somewhat compromised–as whose are not?–but who have finally reached a point where they have to say, “This far will I bend, and no farther.”

FC: Before we close this interview, can you tell us about some of the books or stories you’re working on now and what we have to look forward to?

EB: Oh, well. I just handed in the first novel of my first real epic fantasy trilogy. It’s called Range of Ghosts, and it forthcoming from Tor in 2012. I’m a little in love with this world–it’s a cod-Medieval Central Asian fantasy in the mode of the cod-Medieval European fantasy we see so much of. It’s fascinating to me that there are these vast empires and amazing trading societies, socially and technologically advanced, the history of which is almost absent from the Western psyche except when they are invoked as boogeymen–Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun. My Cossack ancestors claim descent from the Golden Horde, and it was incredibly interesting to bury myself in that history.

These are not, I hasten to say, historical fantasies. They’re high fantasy, but they draw their inspiration from sources usually ignored–or cast as the invading enemy–in most of the Western fantasy tradition. And it’s a largely unvisited realm, outside of the adventures of Conan the Cimmerian. The far East gets some attention, but not the vast empires of the Himalayas and the Steppe.

Other than that, I am writing book proposals and hoping. And also continuing work on Shadow Unit ( which is a free, reader-supported, online collaborative present-day science fiction narrative, ongoing and semi-interactive. Emma Bull is our evil mastermind, and other writers involved include Holly Black, Chelsea Polk, Will Shetterly, Amanda Downum, Sarah Monette, and Leah Bobet.

Thank you, Elizabeth, for taking the time to answer some questions. I now have my first highly anticipated novel of 2012 – Range of Ghosts sounds amazing!