The Bone Key
by Sarah Monette
253pp (Trade Paperback)
My Rating: 7/10
Amazon Rating: 5/5
LibraryThing Rating: 4.15/5
Goodreads Rating: 3.9/5

The Bone Key by Sarah Monette is a collection of ten necromantic mysteries featuring one central main character, a museum archivist who becomes involved with the supernatural. In the introduction, Monette states that these stories are a tribute to two authors she very much admires, H.P. Lovecraft and M.R. James. In spite of her love for their work, she did find them lacking in character development and feminism so she wrote some stories in the same vein but remedying these shortcomings. Since I have read neither Lovecraft nor James, I cannot say if she achieved that goal. However, the stories are well-written and atmospheric with a rather unusual main protagonist.

All the short stories in this book follow the adventures of one man – the shy, awkward, bookish Kyle Murchison Booth. In the opening story “Bringing Helena Back,” Booth (who usually goes by his last name instead of his first name) becomes involved in an old friend’s quest to resurrect his wife and becomes a magnet for strange events involving everything from ghosts to incubi afterward. Instead of going through each story individually, I will just discuss a couple of my favorites.

One of the most haunting stories was “Wait for Me” which made me fear mirrors more than the creepy museum (if this book convinced me of anything, it’s that I never, ever want to be alone in a museum at night). In this tale, Booth comes into possession of a poet’s diaries that were donated to the museum upon her death. Booth and a coworker went to collect them from the remaining members of the Stapleton family, and then Booth forgot all about them until he cannot sleep one night (as happens to him often). During this particular bout of insomnia, Booth goes to his office to sort through some papers and comes across a pamphlet entitled “Of Spirits and mirrours”:

Instantly, and with a force like being hit by a bolt of lightning, I remembered Miss Stapleton, lying on the floor of that bedroom saying, The girl in the mirror. The girl with no eyes.

The pamphlet discusses how eyeless spirits appear in mirrors to do the work of the devil, which makes Booth question some of the strange occurrences in the Stapleton house, including the incident in which they found Miss Stapleton pinned under a vanity mirror. Booth promptly scours the diaries of Mildred Truelove Stapleton and discovers the dark story of a dead girl whose cries of “Wait for me!” can still be heard.

My other favorite story is the titular “The Bone Key” in which Booth receives a letter from a lawyer claiming he knew his mother, who died along with Booth’s father when he was a young boy. When Booth meets the lawyer, it turns out he actually almost married Booth’s mother and knows many details of his family’s past that Booth was never told – including the curse that killed his father.

The main reason I read this book was that I love Sarah Monette’s The Doctrine of Labyrinth series. Although I enjoyed The Bone Key, I did not think it was nearly as wonderful as her other books, but that is most likely due to my personal preference for novels over short stories and fantasy over horror (even if it’s more psychological horror like this book than gory and icky horror). It was very well-written and it did have some similarities to The Doctrine of Labyrinth in that it was somewhat slow-paced and atmospheric. There was emphasis on character development and I really liked Booth, but he was not as vivid as either Felix or Mildmay in The Doctrine of Labyrinth though he was very sympathetic. Of course, this was a much shorter work than even a single book in the aforementioned four book series so there was much less room for getting to know the main protagonist, but the fact is that Booth does not have a particularly vivid personality.

Each story is told from the perspective of Booth, a very withdrawn man who avoids contact with others as much as possible. When he does converse with other people, he tends to be very quiet and unsure of what to say to them. There are a few recurring characters he interacts with, particularly the people he works with at the museum, but there are none that he is particularly close to so it doesn’t have the same tension and drama as the Felix/Mildmay relationship. (This isn’t necessarily a bad thing and I do think he is a rather well-written character – I personally just preferred reading about Felix and Mildmay and the city of Melusine.)

The Bone Key was enjoyable for its writing style and subtle creepiness. It was a good Halloween read and a book that I’m glad I read, but it was not as attuned to my personal taste as the other books I have read by Sarah Monette.


Where I got my reading copy: After it languished on my wish list for a while, a friend (and fellow fan of Monette’s The Doctrine of Labyrinth series) sent it to me for my birthday.

In an attempt to try to clear a few books off the pile that have been sitting there for too long, I’ve come up with a November reading plan. Right now I am reading By the Mountain Bound by Elizabeth Bear, which I absolutely love for its mythology, subtlety and troubled characters. For reviews, I am working on The Bone Key, a collection of ghost stories by Sarah Monette.

I just read a book I need to read for work last night so I’m going to reward myself next with a book I absolutely cannot wait to read – Lips Touch: Three Times by Laini Taylor.

After that the plan is to read the following:

The Sad Tale of the Brothers Grossbart by Jesse Bullington (This one sounds dark and I really like the sound of it)

Busted Flush edited by George R. R. Martin (one of the Wild Cards books in preparation for Suicide Kings, the next book in the new trilogy, coming out next month)

Then depending on how much time is left after I finish those, I’d like to read as many of these in November as possible:

Twilight of Avalon by Anna Elliott
The Dragons of Hazlett by Michelle Scott
The Wolverine Files by Mike W. Barr

If I get through two of the above, I may swap one out for Graceling, though, since I’m also really looking forward to that one and would like to read it sometime in the near future.

What’s everyone reading this November?

…and they’re already getting slammed:

They should not be followed up and continued. Isaac Asimoc(sic) died forty years after they were first written. If he had wanted to follow them up, he would have. The author’s intentions need to be respected here.

Ok, I’ll agree there’s logic to that. I’m sure if Asimov had wanted to toss another robot book in there, he would have. It’s not like he had any shortage of opportunity to publish new books, there’s only a few hundred titles out there with his name on them.

However, can’t we at least wait for the books to come out before we declare them a desecration? We’ve been down this path before, with both well-known (Bear, Benford, and Brin with the Second Foundation Trilogy) and lesser-known authors (Robot City). The Second Foundation Trilogy, while not Asimov books, were excellent in their own right, and Robot City was at least an acceptable read. (We won’t discuss the movie; in fact, it’s best to just pretend it never happened since it was never really intended to be related anyway.) Even though they’re never “the same” as what came before, when a series is extended by a different author it can still result in excellent work–let’s hold off on the pitchfork-and-torch brigade until we at least have something to look at.

This week I have five new books I added to the TBR pile. They’re all books I bought myself this time and they’re all ones I really can’t wait to read, although I probably won’t get to more than one of them this month (I’m still trying to figure out my November reading list other than By the Mountain Bound by Elizabeth Bear, which I’m reading now).

Lips Touch: Three Times by Laini Taylor

I received review copies of the two books in her Dreamdark series and ended up really enjoying both of them (Blackbringer and Silksinger). So when I heard about this newest book by Laini Taylor, I was intrigued. Then I heard it was nominated for the National Book Award, and I also heard it was very dark, moving it up to must-order-right-now status. After flipping through it some, seeing the gorgeous pictures, and reading parts of it (especially the intro to the second story, “Spicy Little Curses Such as These”), I’m pretty sure this is a book I will be making sure to read in November.

Graceling by Kristin Cashore

Like the Laini Taylor book, this is one I bought because I received a review copy of another book by the author and ended up loving it. In this case, that was an ARC of Fire, which is one of my very favorite books I’ve read this year. Graceling was Cashore’s debut novel and Fire is a prequel to it, so this was another must-have. I’d like to read this one this month as well, although I’m not sure if I’ll have time to.

The Living Blood by Tananarive Due

This is the sequel to My Soul to Keep, which I recently read and really enjoyed. It was nearly impossible to put down and I really liked how dark it was, the characters, and the amazing ending. This one was another must-have for those reasons.

The Praxis by Walter Jon Williams

This is the first book in the Dread Empire’s Fall trilogy. I’m always looking for new space opera (unfortunately, a genre I’ve not read that much of this year even though it’s one of my favorites) and after hearing some pretty good things about this one, I decided to get it. This is another potential candidate for SciFi Month when I do one.

Silent in the Grave by Deanna Raybourn

This one is not science fiction or fantasy but a mystery. It’s the first of the Lady Julia Grey mysteries and ever since Angie of Angieville recommended it to me (her review), I’ve really wanted to read it. After she mentioned it, I looked it up on Amazon to see what it was about and was very curious about reading more after seeing the opening lines:

To say that I met Nicholas Brisbane over my husband’s dead body is not entirely accurate. Edward, it should be noted, was still twitching upon the floor.

Tempest Rising
by Nicole Peeler
368pp (Paperback)
Read Chapter One
My Rating: 7/10
Amazon Rating: 5/5
LibraryThing Rating: 3.63/5
Goodreads Rating: 4.38/5


Tempest Rising is the first book in the Jane True series and is Nicole Peeler’s debut novel. Its official release date is November 1, although Amazon started shipping it on October 27. This urban fantasy series is supposed to be at least three books long with the next book, Tracking the Tempest, coming out sometime in the spring/summer 2010 season according to Orbit’s website. The third book is entitled Tempest’s Legacy.

For her entire life, Jane has lived in the little coastal tourist town Rockabill in Maine. When she was very young her mysterious mother disappeared just as suddenly as she first appeared in the town, completely naked in the middle of the storm. Due to her mother’s oddness and the fact that many of the residents believe Jane to be just as strange as she was, Jane has always felt like an outcast, especially after she was blamed for the death of her boyfriend. It doesn’t help that Jane herself has always felt a bit weird since she tends to go swimming in the middle of the winter and doesn’t even notice the cold.

During one of these swims, Jane finds a dead body in the ocean. Since she’d rather people didn’t associate her with yet another corpse, she doesn’t inform anyone but drags the body onto the beach where she knows someone will find it. The next day Jane is followed by a huge dog that looks like some sort of hellhound who takes her to a gnome and a kelpie. They reveal to her that her mother was a selkie, making her a halfling – half human and half supernatural. The man who died was also part supernatural, and since Jane found him and will be questioned, they have decided it is time she knew the truth. As part of the investigation, Jane meets – and becomes rather close to – the handsome vampire Ryu, who has been assigned to the case. In the process, she learns more about the paranormal world and her own heritage, while becoming entangled in solving the mystery.

Tempest Rising is a short, entertaining read. It had some humor, which was rather hit or miss. Sometimes it was quite humorous, but other times it seemed to be overdone and trying too hard. There was a lot of sex – too much for my taste – and for a while I was thinking it seemed more like a paranormal romance. I decided I wouldn’t actually label it a paranormal romance, though, just because it didn’t seem, well, romantic. Jane and Ryu hooked up really fast, but it wasn’t at all like love at first sight. It was more like lust at first sight, which seems a lot more realistic. Jane doesn’t delude herself into thinking her relationship with Ryu is anything like her previous relationship – nor should she since she barely even knows Ryu when they sleep together for the first time. It doesn’t seem like a completely shallow relationship, either, since she and Ryu do care about and look out for each other – it’s just a rather fast one that seems nothing like love but has the potential to turn into it.

In spite of having too much time devoted to sex for my personal taste, some overdone humor and also an obsession with describing clothes far too often, it did win me over in the end. This was mainly due to Jane herself, the barghest Anyan, and the plethora of supernatural which fortunately was not limited to just the typical vampires and werewolves. Yes, there was one vampire (and I am starting to get a bit tired of vampires at this point, especially since I was never a big fan of them in the first place), but this supernatural world also contains kelpies, selkies, gnomes, djinn, nahual, a barghest, and nagas. Many of the paranormal races are shapeshifters of some sort and I do love shapeshifters. The nahual can assume any form, and most others are two-formed, meaning they can be either human or some sort of animal.

Jane herself was very sympathetic and likable, which is particularly important since this novel was one told from the first person perspective of the main character. It’s easy to empathize with her both for her tragic past and her place as the town outcast who is picked on for no good reason other than prejudice against people who are different from the norm. She’s not really a kick-ass heroine but a more vulnerable one, and others tend to take care of her instead of her saving the day herself all the time. It will be interesting to see how she develops now that she is part of a community in which she no longer has to hide what she is. Her struggles are not over yet, though, since not all paranormal creatures are willing to accept those who are half human. I’m also looking forward to learning more about what she can do as a half-selkie, and as a resident of Maine myself, I think she has one of the best powers for the climate one can have – never getting cold. For about half the year I am freezing so I’d love to have Jane’s tolerance for cold temperatures.

The next book is supposed to have more Anyan, which makes me very happy since he was one of the main reasons I wanted to keep reading this book. Anyan, the barghest, is one of those mysterious characters and there are a few intriguing hints about him that are dropped here and there. Some revelations about him toward the end that made me curious about finding out more. It feels somewhat formulaic since it seems similar to another character I’ve read about recently, but I have to admit it’s a formula that hooks me.

Tempest Rising is an entertaining story, although it did some issues that did not agree with my personal taste. The humor was also a bit of a mixed bag, but some of it did work very well. In spite of some problems, the world populated with some lesser seen paranormal creatures and some of the characters, including the main protagonist, made me want to read the next book.


Where I got my reading copy: I received an ARC from the publisher.

Other Reviews:

It’s Halloween week over at The Book Smugglers, which means there are tons of posts about horror books and movies. There are also a lot of guest posts, and Thea and Ana invited me to post over there this week. Thea also sent me one of her favorite scary books to write about today – Christopher Pike’s Whisper of Death, which is about a couple of teenagers who come home to find their town deserted except for them and 3 other teens from their school. The review is now up and if you are a Halloween fan, there are plenty of other spooky books and movies to read about.

For other reviews, I’ve been working on a review of Nicole Peeler’s debut Tempest Rising, which will be out on November 1 and is now shipping from Amazon. I’m almost done with Sarah Monette’s The Bone Key, and then I’ll be eagerly devouring the newest from Elizabeth Bear, By the Mountain Bound.