A couple of days ago George R. R. Martin announced the first few stops for the book tour for A Dance with Dragons, the fifth book in the Song of Ice and Fire series (available on July 12). The first few appearances will be in Boston, New York City, and Indianapolis, and Martin will also be appearing at San Diego Comicon. Those planning to attend this year’s Readercon (July 14 – 17) may be interested in the fact that the […]

No, it apparently still isn’t done yet. However, A Dance With Dragons is close enough that it actually has a release date! George R. R. Martin’s website reports that editors and the publisher have set a date of July 12, 2011 for the fifth book in the Song of Ice and Fire series. Conveniently enough this is just a few months after the beginning of the Song of Ice and Fire HBO series, so we’ll at least remember the first […]

Random House has released the cover art for the U.S. edition of the fifth book in George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series. A large version of the cover can be viewed on the Random House website here. Bantam Dell’s website lists this book with their forthcoming fall releases as available in October 2008. It is also now available for preorder on Amazon with a release date of September 30. Both of those dates are purely speculation […]