Today’s guest is RITA Award–winning writer Ann Aguirre! Her Sirantha Jax books, beginning with the romantic space opera Grimspace, are addictive reads that wonderfully balance plot and action with character development and relationships—and due to that combination, it was a series that made me realize that I could love science fiction every bit as much as fantasy! She’s also the author of many more books, including but not limited to the Corine Solomon series (urban fantasy), the Dred Chronicles (romantic science […]

Today’s guest is Pamela from The Discriminating Fangirl! Pamela is the founder, editor, and head writer of the site, and there are other contributors who regularly post on the site as well. I love The Discriminating Fangirl because it is my type of place – dedicated to all things geek-oriented. This includes speculative fiction book reviews, but it also extends to television and movies (especially superhero movies), comic books, and video games. They also have a few podcasts that cover […]

Today’s guest is Janice from Janicu’s Book Blog, one of my must-read sites! Janice mostly reads and reviews speculative fiction with a romantic element (although she also reads SFF without romance and romance without SFF). In a rare turn of events, I actually met Janice in person before I was familiar with her blog when we both attended the first Book Blogger Convention. She was reading The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N. K. Jemisin (a book I loved) and I […]

Today’s guest is Kristin, who runs the wonderful blog My Bookish Ways! Kristin has an extraordinary amount of reviews, interviews, and giveaways of all kinds of different books, and I simultaneously envy and admire her sheer volume and quality of content (especially her awesome interview with Seanan McGuire). She covers books from a wide variety of genres, including urban fantasy, horror, science fiction, fantasy, suspense, and historical fiction. Right now she has a giveaway for a copy of the new […]

There were no review copies this week, but I had to of course get a book for National Buy a Book day. How could I not after last year when I bought my favorite book of the year on that day (Elfland by Freda Warrington)? Aftermath by Ann Aguirre This is the fifth book in the Sirantha Jax series, and I really enjoy these books so I had to get the latest one since it just came out! These are […]

Killboxby Ann Aguirre368pp (Paperback)My Rating: 8/10Amazon Rating: 5/5LibraryThing Rating: 4.33/5Goodreads Rating: 4.72/5 Killbox, the fourth book in the Sirantha Jax series by Ann Aguirre, was released on August 31. The other books in this space opera series are Grimspace, Wanderlust and Doubleblind, in that order. There will be six books total in the series with Aftermath scheduled for September 2011 and Endgame for September 2012. Please note that since this is the fourth book in a series, there will be […]