Today’s guest is fantasy author and speculative fiction editor Barbara Friend Ish! The first book in her series The Way of the Gods, The Shadow of the Sun, is out now, and the second volume is scheduled for release next year. Last year, she wrote a guest post here titled “I Still Believe in Small Press” after making the difficult decision to focus on her own writing instead of the work she was doing as Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Mercury […]

Thanks to the guests from last week, it was another great week of Women in SF&F! The next week of guest posts begins tomorrow, but before announcing the schedule, here are a few reminders and links to last week’s posts. Giveaways and The Giant List of SFF Books by Women The Paradox trilogy giveaway has ended and there’s an official winner. Congratulations to Michele F.! There’s now a new giveaway for 5 advance copies of Gemsigns by Stephanie Saulter (residents […]

Today I am pleased to have a guest post by Barbara Friend Ish! She is the founder, Publisher, and Editor-in-Chief of Mercury Retrograde Press and the author of The Shadow of the Sun. Recently, she had to make the choice to either continue with her work as a publisher and editor at Mercury Retrograde or continue writing, and the press will no longer be publishing books by other authors starting the beginning of next year. However, she still believes that […]

This week’s post will be short, I’m afraid. I’ve been sick all weekend and haven’t really felt up to doing much until just a couple of hours ago. The good news is that means I’ve gotten some reading done – I finished Midsummer Night by Freda Warrington (and loved it) and started The Folding Knife by K. J. Parker (which is awesome so far). This week brought three review copies. My husband also gave me a copy of a book […]