This is the really final post on Book Expo America (BEA) and the Book Blogger Convention (BBC). I need to start writing all these reviews of the Kate Daniels books because these are ones I really want to talk about (so much that I will most likely also write a separate series review after the individual book reviews – I finished Magic Bleeds last night and so desperately want more). After writing about what occurred at BEA and BBC, I […]

In my Day One recap, I had said I suspected this post would be short (ha! I should know myself better than that by now) so I was going to write about a few other things. It appears I lied, so this will just be about day two and I’ll discuss more about what I actually thought about it in a different post. The morning of the second day at Book Expo America was another flurry of signings, although it […]

Of course, as any bibliophile will tell you, being able to get so many books at Book Expo America (BEA) is great (especially the signed books – I am such a sucker for those!). But I’ve already talked about during my weekly book update posts so now it’s time to talk more about the experience (although I will include any interesting book-related news just in case you missed it in the other posts). Due to technical difficulties with my husband’s […]

Here is the promised part 2 to this week’s The Leaning Pile of Books. (There are even more books I got this week from the swag bag at the Book Blogger Convention but I am going to leave those out since there are a lot of books already and those don’t tend to be the type of books I’d review anyway.) These are all ARCs/books I got signed by the author at Book Expo America. The three I am most […]

As you probably know, I was gone for most of this past week to go to Book Expo America and the Book Blogger Convention. I just got home around 10:30 last night after spending hours on a couple of buses. It was a lot of fun (if also very exhausting) and I’ll write a post later on the actual events, but for now I’m going to do my Sunday book posts. This week I got far more books than normal […]

A few minutes ago I registered for the Book Blogger Convention/Book Expo America. Thank you to everyone who gave some input on BEA. I’m sure I would end up really regretting it if I did not go – especially after about the third time I heard about how much fun everyone was having at both events. I’m looking forward to meeting those of you who are also going!