Books of 2013 is a feature for highlighting books coming out this year that sound interesting. Today’s featured book is the upcoming anthology Once Upon a Time: New Fairy Tales edited by Paula Guran. I actually hadn’t heard anything about this book until I got one of those emails from Amazon trying to get me to buy something. Normally I disregard those emails, but this time I looked at it because the subject “New from Tanith Lee” caught my eye. […]

There are some books coming out in 2013 to be very excited about! I’m sure more will catch my eye throughout the year as I become aware of more books being released—especially since there are some I’m hoping may be announced as coming out in 2013 later—but here are the 10 I find most intriguing at the moment. They’re in no particular order, except for the first three which are the ones that I’m most looking forward to. Cold Steel […]