Right now I’m dividing my time between working on getting the new website ready to go and a review of Tanya Huff’s Of Darkness, Light and Fire. It’s been taking me forever to update all the links on the review index, but after that is done hopefully progress on the new site will go faster. I also think I’ve found a new author I must read more by – Freda Warrington. Elfland is wonderful so far – beautifully written and […]

The Poison Throneby Celine Kiernan512pp (Trade Paperback)My Rating: 7/10Amazon Rating: 4.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 4.09/5Goodreads Rating: 4.08/5 The Poison Throne is the first book in the Moorehawke trilogy by Celine Kiernan. The second book in this fantasy series, The Crowded Shadows, is already out in some countries including the author’s native Ireland. It will be coming out in the US in July 2010 even though The Poison Throne just came out there in April. The final book, The Rebel Prince, will be […]