How does one introduce an author as legendary as Diana Wynne Jones? She’s written beloved fantasy classics and received numerous awards for her work, including the World Fantasy Award for Life Achievement. For the last several years I’ve been picking up much of her back catalog as my husband and I both find her stories endearingly charming. On December 16, Diana Wynne Jones’ Deep Secret will be back in print as a paperback—and I’m giving away a copy of the […]

There have been some books discussed this year that sound amazing, and my wishlist has grown by leaps and bounds because of it! Like last year, I wanted to discuss some books by women that I’ve enjoyed. Last year’s book recommendation post was great books I hadn’t seen talked about during last year’s series. After some consideration about how to narrow down the books to talk about this year, I was inspired to write about some of the earlier science […]

This week I got the rest of my birthday books from the UK and one ARC. The ARC is one I actually already had (Eona by Alison Goodman) and just mentioned not that long ago so I won’t include a photo and description here this week. I’ll be reviewing Eon, the book that precedes it, soon anyway and will hopefully be reading and reviewing Eona soon as well. Now that some of the busy events of the past couple of […]

This week’s edition consists entirely of books received as birthday presents (which is also why this post is a day late – I was busy most of the weekend with birthday stuff). There are supposed to be more birthday books on the way as well since some are coming from overseas, and my husband also pre-ordered A Dance with Dragons for me. I’ll have to be patient and wait until mid-July for that one! The Chronicles of Chrestomanci, Volume 1 […]

Howl’s Moving Castle is a young adult fantasy novel by Diana Wynne Jones, perhaps one of the best known authors writing fantasy and science fiction with over 30 books published. This particular work of hers is a Boston Globe-Horn Book Honor Book, an ALA Notable Book, and an ALA Best of the Best in YA. It has two loosely connected sequels, Castle in the Air and House of Many Ways. These two books both have different main characters than the […]