Embassytown is the latest book by China Mieville, who is perhaps best known for his novel Perdido Street Station. He’s written several books in the speculative fiction genre, some of which have won major awards, including the Arthur C. Clarke Award, the Hugo Award, and the World Fantasy Award. Embassytown, a science fiction novel, came out in hardcover and ebook formats this year and will be released in trade paperback in January 2012. Since I’ve heard a lot about China Mieville […]

Yesterday Embassytown, the latest book by China Mieville, was released, and Tor.com posted an excerpt. I’ve read the first 60 pages or so of this book, which is what I am reading now, and it’s very interesting so far. About Embassytown:

This week I’m excited about watching A Game of Thrones on HBO tonight – finally! But first I’m going to talk about some books (yay!) and do some cleaning (boo!). The OCD part of me also wants to decide what to read next since I just finished Dragonsbane by Barbara Hambly, which was a great fantasy book. For the books – this week brought 3 ARCs and 2 finished review copies. The Uncertain Places by Lisa Goldstein I’d never heard […]

I’ve been both sick and extremely busy during the last week, but I did see some new releases for next year that looked pretty interesting so I thought I’d quickly mention some of them here. Once again, thanks to the thread “The Books We Are Expecting in 2011” at asoiaf.westeros.org, I came across a catalog containing 2011 releases. This time the catalog in question is the Random House Summer 2011 Catalog. Check out the catalog for covers and more information, […]