Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor is a young adult contemporary fantasy novel coming out this September. It will be available in hardcover, as an ebook, and as an audiobook. Since it ends with “to be continued,” there will be at least one sequel, although I haven’t been able to find any information on it or how many books there will be total. (Update: I asked Laini Taylor about the number of books on Twitter and she said […]

Jeff Vandermeer is working on a book titled If You Lived Here: The Top 30 All Time Best Science Fiction and Fantasy Worlds for Underland Press. They are looking for nominations from readers on their favorite fantasy and science fiction worlds, and it’s possible they may request to use what you have to say about one of your favorite imaginary worlds in the book. I’ve been thinking about submitting some myself, but I’m having a horrible time limiting it to […]

Thanks to Grand Central Publishing, I have 3 copies of Naamah’s Blessing by Jacqueline Carey to give away! This is the final book in the Naamah trilogy and the ninth Kushiel’s Legacy book, although it’s not necessary to read the first 2 trilogies before this one. It will be released on June 29th. I’m about a third of the way through Naamah’s Blessing right now and am really enjoying it. As usual, Jacqueline Carey’s writing is beautiful and even though […]

Today I learned about the Russ Pledge from this week’s SF Signal Mind Meld post, which addressed the importance of it in science fiction today. In case you don’t know what it is, it was proposed by Nicola Griffith and it’s a very simple idea – it simply means making an effort to talk about female writers and their work. The name comes from Joanna Russ, who wrote the book How to Suppress Women’s Writing. This has been a hot […]

Eona is the second half of a fantasy duology by Alison Goodman and was on the New York Times Bestseller List. The first book, Eon, has also been published under the titles Eon: Dragoneye Reborn, Eon: Rise of the Dragoneye, and The Two Pearls of Wisdom. Likewise, Eona has several different titles depending on which part of the world it is in and has also been released as Eona: Return of the Dragoneye and The Necklace of the Gods. These […]

Passion Play, a fantasy debut novel by Beth Bernobich, won Best Epic Fantasy in the 2010 RT Reviewer’s Choice Awards and was long-listed for both the 2010 Tiptree Award and the 2011 British Fantasy Awards. It is the first book in the Erythandra series and will be followed by The Queen’s Hunt (in 2012), Allegiance, and The Edge of the Empire. “River of Souls,” a short story set in the same world, is available for free on Tor.com. As the […]