Tags: Fantasy
Review of The Sea Thy Mistress by Elizabeth Bear

The Sea Thy Mistress, released in hardcover and as an e-book the beginning of this month, is the conclusion to Elizabeth Bear’s Edda of Burdens trilogy.  It is a direct sequel to All the Windwracked Stars, the first book in this series.  By the Mountain Bound, the second book, is actually a prequel that covers events leading up to the beginning of the first published installment.  In spite of the fact that The Sea Thy Mistress is the second part […]

The Last Page by Anthony Huso

This is not exactly a review (thus the lack of the word “review” in the title).  Since I didn’t actually finish the book, I can write about my impressions, but I can’t really write a review of the entire novel.  I tried to decide for a while whether or not to write about it even though I didn’t complete it and decided to go ahead.  When I see other people talk about books they didn’t finish, I find it useful […]

The Folding Knife Review of The Folding Knife by K. J. Parker

The Folding Knife is a stand alone novel by K. J. Parker, although it is supposed to be set in the same world as some of the author’s other works.  K. J. Parker has also written the Engineer trilogy, the Fencer trilogy, the Scavenger trilogy, The Company, and The Hammer (which just came out earlier this month).  He/she is also known for his/her mysterious identity, as there is very little information about the author and speculation on just who he/she […]

The Habitation of the Blessed by Catherynne M. Valente Review of The Habitation of the Blessed by Catherynne M. Valente

The Habitation of the Blessed by Catherynne M. Valente is the first volume in A Dirge for Prester John.   The books in this trilogy will be coming out about a year apart with the second volume, The Folded World, available in November 2011 and the third volume, The Spindle of Necessity, available in November 2012.  This trilogy is based on the legends about Prester John, a priest rumored to rule over a paradise in India containing wonders such as a […]

The King of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner Review of The King of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner

The King of Attolia is the third book in the Queen’s Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner.  The first two books in this YA fantasy series are The Thief and The Queen of Attolia, respectively.  A Conspiracy of Kings, the fourth book, came out in hardcover earlier this year.  According to Goodreads, a fifth book is planned but it has no title listed and I haven’t been able to find any further details on it. Since it’s better to know […]

Review of Resenting the Hero by Moira J. Moore

Resenting the Hero is the first book in the Lee and Taro series by Moira J. Moore.  Currently, there are five books in this fantasy series with a sixth in progress.  The books following this first novel are: The Hero Strikes Back, Heroes Adrift, Heroes At Risk, and Heroes Return, in that order. Nearly seven centuries ago, a group of people came to a planet and began a new life.  Unfortunately, they soon found that life was fraught with natural […]