Instead of writing one huge post of all the books I’m looking forward to in 2012 with info on them, I had decided to highlight some of these books in their own posts throughout the rest of 2011. I’ve decided to carry this feature forward into this year as I discover new books coming out this year that sound interesting and continue with books of 2013 as it gets closer to the end of the year. Glamour in Glass is […]

Yesterday Elizabeth Bear announced that Promethean Age novel #5 will be published. One-Eyed Jack and the Suicide King will most likely be released next year! Although it is book 5 in publication order, it is a stand alone novel with part of it taking place long before Blood and Iron and Whiskey and Water and part of it taking place between these two books. After the first four Promethean Age novels came out, there was a long period of time […]

One of my most anticipated books of 2012 has been Range of Ghosts by Elizabeth Bear ever since she mentioned it in an interview I did with her earlier this year. I love her books, and the way she described this novel in the interview made it sound especially fantastic: So I was thrilled to see on her blog today that it now has a cover and blurb in the Winter 2012 Tor Catalog! Here’s what it says about it: […]

I’ve been both sick and extremely busy during the last week, but I did see some new releases for next year that looked pretty interesting so I thought I’d quickly mention some of them here. Once again, thanks to the thread “The Books We Are Expecting in 2011” at asoiaf.westeros.org, I came across a catalog containing 2011 releases. This time the catalog in question is the Random House Summer 2011 Catalog. Check out the catalog for covers and more information, […]

March appears to be a pretty good month for fantasy and science fiction releases (in the U.S. anyway since several of these are already out in the UK and Canada). I’m especially looking forward to the conclusion to Greg Keyes’s The Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone series, The Born Queen. The series is fairly standard fantasy, but it is entertaining. All books listed below are forthcoming in the United States. If there is no date with the UK or Canadian […]

Random House has released the cover art for the U.S. edition of the fifth book in George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series. A large version of the cover can be viewed on the Random House website here. Bantam Dell’s website lists this book with their forthcoming fall releases as available in October 2008. It is also now available for preorder on Amazon with a release date of September 30. Both of those dates are purely speculation […]