Today I’m excited to have a guest post from Moira J. Moore, author of the Heroes series! I have been having a great time reading the books in this series starting with Resenting the Hero. They are character-driven fantasy books centering on Lee, a young woman who has been trained to become a Shield, and Taro, the Source she has to work with (and isn’t at all happy to be paired with!). As a Shield, Lee protects Taro’s mind while […]

It’s been a fantastic first week for Women in SF&F Month! Today I just want to round up some related links (including a new one on books reviewed/received by gender) and give away a book. Week In Review This week brought some wonderful posts from various guests. Here’s what happened this week in case you missed any posts: Jessica from Read React Review started off the week by talking about women in fiction with particular focus on the question of […]

Today I’m pleased to have a guest post from Jessica of Read React Review! Although she doesn’t talk much about science fiction and fantasy on her blog, I have known her for many years and very much respect what she has to say on any number of issues, including ideas involving women and gender in fiction. As such, she was one of the first people I thought to invite this month and now she is kicking things off with the […]