Today I’m giving away All the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Jane Anders! Since its release earlier this year, I’ve been hearing it’s wonderful, and I have one signed copy to give away courtesy of Tor Books. Those in the United States are eligible to enter this giveaway, and more details on the book and giveaway are below. ABOUT ALL THE BIRDS IN THE SKY (read an excerpt): Every so often a book comes along that transcends genre and moves into […]

Today I’m delighted to be revealing the cover of Winterwood by Jacey Bedford! This historical fantasy is the first book in a new series, Rowankind—and it both looks and sounds wonderful (the tagline on the cover mentions many things that are fun to read about). Winterwood will be released on February 2, 2016, but one person reading this will have the chance to read it early: I have one ARC (advance copy) to give away, courtesy of DAW Books! ABOUT […]

Today I’m delighted to be part of the blog tour for This Gulf of Time and Stars by Julie Czerneda! This soon-to-be released (November 3!) science fiction novel is the first book in the Reunification trilogy, which follows events in the Trade Pact trilogy. Although it technically ties into a larger series, it can be read by itself—I haven’t read either that trilogy or the prequel trilogy, Stratification, and I enjoyed reading This Gulf of Time and Stars. It completely […]

Today I’m giving away a copy of Planetfall by Emma Newman! This standalone science fiction novel will be released on November 3, and I’ve seen some fantastic advance praise for it on Goodreads and Twitter. Those in the United States are eligible to enter this giveaway, and more details are below. ABOUT PLANETFALL (read an excerpt): From Emma Newman, the award-nominated author of Between Two Thorns, comes a novel of how one secret withheld to protect humanity’s future might be its […]

Today I’m giving away An Apprentice to Elves by Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette! The third Iskryne book, which follows A Companion to Wolves and The Tempering of Men, was just released yesterday. I enjoyed the first two books in this series, especially A Companion to Wolves, and both authors have written some of my favorite fantasy books: Sarah Monette’s Doctrine of Labyrinths series and The Goblin Emperor (as Katherine Addison) and Elizabeth Bear’s Edda of Burdens trilogy, Range of […]

Courtesy of Tor Books, I have one ARC of Dragon Coast by Greg van Eekhout to give away! This conclusion to the Daniel Blackland trilogy, which follows California Bones and Pacific Fire, was just released a couple of weeks ago. For more information on the series, check out these character sketches and this video of Greg van Eekhout and John Scalzi discussing bones and magic at Tor.com! ABOUT DRAGON COAST (read an excerpt): Dragon Coast: the sequel to Greg Van […]