As I was browsing the giveaways on Goodreads tonight, I noticed they are giving away 10 copies of Lips Touch: Three Times by Laini Taylor (it is only available to US residents, though, unfortunately). This was the last book I reviewed and I absolutely loved it – it is even one of my top reads of the year so far. It has been a little slow here lately, but I’m planning to get back on track this weekend. For a […]

Goodreads features book giveaways and right now they have one for 3 ARCs of Seanan McGuire’s debut, Rosemary and Rue (just scroll down or search the page for the title). Currently, I’m working on a review of this novel and was going to mention the giveaway in the review, but I just checked the end date of the contest for it and it’s August 21. Since that’s this Friday and I’ve still got some work to do on the review, […]

I recently became addicted to the never-ending book quiz on Goodreads. Unfortunately, it lies and it just ended for me, but since members of the site are adding new questions every day, I’m sure there will be more before too long. Not all the questions are science fiction and fantasy related (in fact, very few are) but it was kind of fun to see what I remembered from high school literature and books I read a long time ago. I […]