First, a quick update: I’ve finished a draft of a review of Dust by Elizabeth Bear, so I’m hoping to get that up over the next day or two. Now that it’s almost time for Late Eclipses, the fourth October Daye novel by Seanan McGuire, to be released, I’m also working on that review and hope to have it up soon. After that, I’m caught up on reviews, but I’m taking a break from a book that is taking a […]

Last Dragonby J.M. McDermott400pp (Paperback)My Rating: 7/10Amazon Rating: 4.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.94/5Good Reads Rating: 3.25/5 J.M. McDermott’s debut Last Dragon is one of the books published under the new Wizards of the Coast Discoveries imprint. Discoveries includes novels by new authors in all types of speculative fiction instead of just epic fantasy with settings outside of the Forgotten Realms universe. The goal is to publish more mature fiction that appeals to adult readers instead of the simplistic but fun stories that […]

Amazon’s Omnivoracious blog has an interview with J.M. McDermott, the author of Last Dragon, one of the first books to be published under the Wizards of the Coast’s Discoveries imprint. I have yet to read this book, but I have heard good things about it and would really like to read it. Plus I am curious about Discoveries, which is supposed to be very different from the usual Wizards of the Coast fare, including all types of speculative fiction, not […]