Today we have an interview with Jody Lynn Nye, author of the recently released Myth-Quoted! Myth-Quoted is the newest book in the fantasy/comedy Myth-Adventures series that was begun many years ago by Robert Asprin. This series has always been good for a laugh and light moment – even through many trials surrounding their creation – and Nye’s take on it continues to entertain and expand its universe. As a long-time fan of the series I was very happy to be able […]

Today I have one copy of Myth-Quoted by Jody Lynn Nye, the latest book in the Myth series begun many years ago by Robert Asprin and handed off to Nye several books ago, to give away (and an interview with Jody Lynn Nye is forthcoming). I haven’t read the Myth series yet, but this humorous fantasy series is among my husband’s favorites. He’s read all the books except this one, several of them often enough that he’s had to buy […]