Starfinderby John Marco400pp (Hardcover)My Rating: 6/10Amazon Rating: 4/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.85/5Goodreads Rating: 2.86/5 Starfinder is the first book in the Skylords series, a YA fantasy/steampunk trilogy by John Marco. It was just released in hardcover on May 5. After looking through other peoples’ reviews it seems like everyone has already said the same things I was thinking as I read this one. But since I review everything I read I wanted to post my review anyway, though I don’t know how […]

The Jackal of Narby John Marco768pp (Paperback)My Rating: 6/10Amazon Rating: 3.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.34/5Goodreads Rating: 3.9/5 The Jackal of Nar, John Marco’s debut novel, is the first book in a completed fantasy trilogy, Tyrants and Kings. It is followed by The Grand Design and concluded with The Saints of the Sword. The Jackal of Nar was unevenly paced, too long, and had a rather stupid main character, yet in spite of that I did find this character-driven novel enjoyable once it […]