Gunmetal Magic, written by the wife and husband team known as Ilona Andrews, is an urban fantasy novel set in the same world as the Kate Daniels series. It’s about Andrea Nash, Kate’s best friend, and a novella about Kate titled “Magic Gifts” is also included with the novel. “Magic Gifts” overlaps with the timeline in Gunmetal Magic, and there is a part in the novel that comes after Kate’s adventure and ties in with it. While it’s not necessary […]

For Christmas, Ilona Andrews has a free Kate Daniels novella, Magic Gifts, available to download for a limited time! It comes right after the latest book in the series, Magic Slays, and crosses over with Gunmetal Magic, the novel about Andrea that will be coming out next year. This novella will also be included with Gunmetal Magic when it is released, but for now it can be downloaded in several different formats to read as an ebook. It is only […]