I just saw that Lane Robins has a new website and there are excerpts from the two fantasy novels set in Antyre. Since I’ve mentioned them a lot lately, I thought I’d share them with anyone who is interested: Maledicte Kings and Assassins Although her urban fantasy written as Lyn Benedict is mentioned on the site, there is not yet an excerpt from Sins & Shadows (it is supposed to be coming soon, though!). I finished it yesterday and it […]

Maledicteby Lane Robins464pp (Trade Paperback)My Rating: 7/10Amazon Rating: 4/5LibraryThing Rating: 4.3/5Goodreads Rating: 3.56/5 Maledicte is the debut novel of Lane Robins, who is writing a loose sequel to this book that takes place in the same world but features different characters. Since all the loose ends are tied up in Maledicte and the story arc definitely feels like it has a conclusive ending, it works well as a stand alone book. The concept and plot of this character driven fantasy […]