The Young Elites is the first book in a new series by Marie Lu, New York Times bestselling author of the Legend trilogy (Legend, Prodigy, Champion). A few years ago, a plague swept through the world and forever changed it. Every adult who became ill died, but there were children who survived this illness. Some of the survivors bore marks afterward and became known as malfettos, and a few of these displayed unusual powers. There are rumors of dangerous Elites […]

Hope everybody had a good week! I am back after being at Book Expo America (BEA) and the Book Blogger Convention. Because of this, I have a whole bunch of books I could add here, but I’ve decided to do books from BEA in a separate post. I’m also going to talk about some books in some of the fall catalogs I picked up while I was there in a separate post. So for now I’m just going to list […]