Today’s guest is Max Gladstone, author of the four novels in the Craft Sequence! While Three Parts Dead was his first published novel, it’s actually third in the sequence chronologically while the recently-released Last First Snow is first. Two Serpents Rise is second in both publication and chronological order, and Full Fathom Five is fifth in order, of course. You can read more about the order in the author’s Tor.com article “This is How I Numbered My Books and I’m […]

It’s now Sci-Fi Month, and I’m thrilled that the first official post is science fiction reading advice from Max Gladstone! He is the author of Three Parts Dead, a novel so well received that he was one of the 2013 finalists for the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer. His second novel, Two Serpents Rise, was just released on October 29 (read an excerpt). The Best Science Fiction Reading Advice I’ve Ever Received By Max Gladstone Science Fiction […]

In an effort to get caught up on reviews, I’m writing some mini-reviews! Instead of writing my own plot description, I am just going to show the book blurb, followed by my thoughts on the book. There was no way I was not going to read Three Parts Dead after reading the description and a little bit of the beginning. I love stories involving gods, and I was rather intrigued by the idea of a woman whose job involved resurrecting […]