It’s probably going to be a bit quiet here until the holiday is over, but in the meantime here’s some links of interest. Seeing a release date for The Tempering of Men caused me to see if I could find a date for Sarah Monette’s next book. Her next novel is titled The Goblin Emperor and will be written under the name Katherine Addison. According to a recent post on her blog, it is tentatively scheduled for Spring 2012. I […]

Recently, Ana and Thea of The Book Smugglers asked me to participate in one of their features, the guest dare. Every month they dare someone to read and review a book they may not read otherwise (which is a fabulous idea and a lot of fun!). So today I’m over at their blog with a review of Dead Witch Walking, the first book in one of Thea’s favorite urban fantasy series, The Hollows by Kim Harrison. In return, I dared […]

It’s the end of the year again which means I’ve been thinking a lot about my favorite books I’ve read this year. I’m going to do a giveaway of four of my favorite books from this year (new copies, that is, not mine – no way am I parting with these ones!). New giveaways will be announced on each Saturday in December with a deadline of 11:59 PM of the following Saturday for entering. Winners will be announced the day […]

Melusine by Sarah Monette 496pp (Paperback) My Rating: 9/10 Amazon Rating: 3.5/5 LibraryThing Rating: 4.17/5 Good Reads Rating: 3.77/5 Sarah Monette’s stunning debut novel, Melusine, is the first book in The Doctrine of Labyrinth series. The next two books in the series, The Virtu and The Mirador are currently available, and the fourth and last book Corambis is scheduled for release in 2009. This book and its successors are exactly the types of books I like and have become […]