May was at least a little bit of a better reading month than April, although I’m still more behind on reviews than usual due to a number of factors (moving, being without steady Internet for a while after moving, general craziness due to buying our place, and of course going to New York City for a few days for Book Expo America and the Book Blogger Convention, both of which I hope to post more about later this week). In […]

One of the reasons I read fewer books in April may have been the fact that I spent a fair amount of my reading time on samples of books. I meant to talk about some of these in my April reading post but did not since I was desperately trying to finish it before our Internet connection died yet again. And since I have added nothing to the leaning pile this week and am still struggling with the review I’m […]

Well, we managed to move our stuff in the 2 days we had (less than 2 actually since we could only move after work on Monday and were moving until 9:30 at night). Now to deal with all the stuff we had to just throw wherever we could find a spot since we didn’t have that much time to move in… And try not to think about the fact that we just have to do it all over again in […]

Since I don’t think I’ll be finishing any books in the next hour (especially considering I only just started a new one and have only read the 3 page long prologue), I may as well put up the monthly summary. Some day I hope to actually have links to reviews of at least most of the books by the end of the month, but with the way this year has been going so far, that may be a while… But […]

February was a decent reading month since I read some really good books and brought the yearly total up to 10. Unfortunately I got sick this week and haven’t been able to think straight (ugh – and it’s only worse today) so I didn’t get to finish getting caught up on reviews after I started to… There’s always this weekend. The books of February were: 6. Mirror Dance by Lois McMaster Bujold7. Bone Crossed by Patricia Briggs8. The Hundred Thousand […]

For a while, I was doing posts at the beginning of the month about what I was planning to read. Since planning doesn’t always work that well for me, I decided to join in the ranks of those who post what they did read during the previous month at the beginning of a new month. January was a pretty dismal reading month. It started off really well with 3 books read in the first couple of days while I was […]