Yesterday’s Kin is the newest science fiction book by award-winning author Nancy Kress. She has won two Hugo Awards and five Nebula Awards, and her fairly recent novella After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall was both a Nebula winner and a Hugo nominee. Four months ago, life on Earth was changed forever when an alien ship arrived and settled near the moon. The aliens were quick to convey the message that their mission was peaceful, and two […]

It’s not April anymore, but there was a giveaway I wanted to do that I didn’t manage to squeeze into the month so I am doing it now! I am giving away two books I love, one science fiction novel and one fantasy novel: Beggars In Spain by Nancy Kress and Range of Ghosts by Elizabeth Bear. It was hard to figure out which books I wanted to give away so I ended up narrowing it down to the ones […]

There have been some books discussed this year that sound amazing, and my wishlist has grown by leaps and bounds because of it! Like last year, I wanted to discuss some books by women that I’ve enjoyed. Last year’s book recommendation post was great books I hadn’t seen talked about during last year’s series. After some consideration about how to narrow down the books to talk about this year, I was inspired to write about some of the earlier science […]

After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall is a short book about the apocalypse by science fiction and fantasy writer Nancy Kress. Nancy Kress has won awards and accolades for many of her short stories and is also well known for her science fiction novels, particularly her Beggars/Sleepless trilogy beginning with Beggars In Spain. (On a personal note, Beggars In Spain is both an excellent book and the first science fiction book I read since it is one […]

After yesterday’s great post by Jessica to launch Women in SF&F Month, today we get to hear from the first SF&F author up, Nancy Kress! And, following a great deal of begging and groveling, I also have a guest to introduce her: my husband John, who will now take it away… I cannot explain how wonderful Nancy Kress’s writing is to someone who hasn’t read it; suffice it to say that I have been an avid reader of science fiction […]

It’s officially April, which means Women in SF&F Month is here with guest posts beginning tomorrow. There probably won’t be one every single day this month, but it should be close to every day and I’m hoping to fill in some of the gaps with reviews of some fantasy and science fiction books written by women. In case you missed my previous post about it linked to above, this month is dedicated to highlighting the women who are writing and […]