Nationby Terry Pratchett384pp (Paperback)My Rating: 9/10Amazon Rating: 4.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 4.21/5Goodreads Rating: 4.32/5 While I was in one of my grad discussion classes a few weeks ago I said that I consider Terry Pratchett to be one of the great philosophers of the last few decades*. I mostly base that on the Discworld series, but his new standalone book Nation provides yet more evidence to support that statement. Like Discworld and many of Pratchett’s other novels, Nation works on multiple levels; […]

I’ve seen a couple of release dates lately that caught my interest. Nation, the upcoming young adult book by Terry Pratchett, is scheduled for release on September 30 of this year. This is not a book in the Discworld universe but is a book he has had in mind for a few years and finally decided to write. It is available for preorder on Amazon. There is an announcement on George R. R. Martin’s news page that the next “Wild […]