There are quite a few new or soon-to-be new books coming up that I am very excited about. So I’m going to go all fan-girly for a moment (ok, a few moments). Both Nation by Terry Pratchett and The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman were just released a few days ago (September 30 in the US). Two YA books by the co-authors of Good Omens coming out on the same day… seems a bit coincidental. I look forward to reading […]

Before They Are Hanged, the second book in Joe Abercrombie’s First Law trilogy, was supposed to be released in the U.S. on March 25. Maybe it still is in most stores, I don’t know. However, Amazon actually has it in stockas of today. I really enjoyed the first book in the trilogy, The Blade Itself, so I think I may have to head over there and order myself a copy. It was nothing ground-breaking, but it was enjoyable with interesting […]

Below are some new releases or books coming out later this month that I have been hearing a lot about or have been looking forward to reading. The book is already out according to Amazon US, Canada, and UK unless it says otherwise. (Bright of the Sky isn’t actually supposed to be out until later this month in the US, but it says it is in stock anyway. The Red Wolf Conspiracy is supposed to be out, but it seems […]

There are some books that just came out this month that sound rather interesting so I thought I’d just make a brief list of some of January’s new releases. (Some of these books may already be out or not yet be out in other countries.) I know a few good ones are coming out in March as well so I’m also going to make a February/March list soon. The following all came out this month or will be coming out […]