On Wednesday from 12:30 to 1:30 EST, Lev Grossman will be doing a live chat at Penguin’s Water Cooler site. Lev Grossman is a book critic for Time magazine as well as the author of the newly released fantasy novel The Magicians, which debuted at #9 on the New York Times bestseller list. Lev Grossman is also this week’s guest over at Babel Clash, the Borders Sci Fi blog. I’ve heard so many good things about The Magicians and am […]

I had to laugh a little when I saw a post about a bookcase giveaway at Temple Library Reviews since I had the same initial reaction when I was contacted by CSN (a company that apparently sells things like office furniture, bookcases, desks, and mattresses) about reviewing one of their products: puzzlement. In fact, I nearly deleted the message until the word “bookcase” caught my eye. Then I figured why not write a bookcase review – anyone who loves books […]

This year’s World Fantasy Award nominees were announced today. Listed below are the nominees for novel, novella and short story, but a full list can be found at the World Fantasy Convention site. Best Novel The House of the Stag, Kage Baker (Tor) The Shadow Year, Jeffrey Ford (Morrow) The Graveyard Book, Neil Gaiman (HarperCollins; Bloomsbury) Pandemonium, Daryl Gregory (Del Rey) Tender Morsels, Margo Lanagan (Allen & Unwin; Knopf) Best Novella “Uncle Chaim and Aunt Rifke and the Angel”, Peter […]

Orbit announced today that Little, Brown UK announced the audio version of Transition by Iain M. Banks will be available as a free podcast beginning on September 3, its publication date. Banks is best known for his series of science fiction novels set in the Culture universe, but he writes some science fiction novels not set in the Culture and this is one of them (he also writes mainsteam fictions as Iain Banks). I’ve read two of the Culture novels, […]

Shared Worlds sounds very interesting and is (almost) making me wish I were a high school student again so I could benefit from it. Basically, some students have a two week camp where they collaborate to develop a world and develop stories, games, and art based in it. That sounds like a great experience and a lot of fun! This year World Fantasy Award winner Jeff VanderMeer is participating and asked fellow speculative fiction authors Elizabeth Hand, Nalo Hopkinson, Ursula […]

Science Fiction Awards Watch has listed the winners of the Nebula Award, who were announced at an awards ceremony last night. The winners are as follows: Novel Powers – Ursula K. Le Guin (Harcourt, Sep07) Novella “The Spacetime Pool” – Catherine Asaro (Analog, Mar08) Novelette “Pride and Prometheus” – John Kessel (F&SF, Jan08) Short Story “Trophy Wives” – Nina Kiriki Hoffman (Fellowship Fantastic, ed. Greenberg and Hughes, Daw Jan08) Script “WALL-E” Screenplay by Andrew Stanton, Jim Reardon, Original story by […]