To celebrate the 10 year anniversary of Eos books, they are going to be featuring a free e-book to download every two months. The first featured e-book is Shaman’s Crossing, the first book in Robin Hobb’s Soldier Son trilogy. Eos Announcement Download Shaman’s Crossing

After reading and enjoying Patrick Rothfuss’s debut The Name of the Wind, many were happy to know that the rest of the series had been completed and each book would come out approximately a year apart. However, it was recently announced that the publication date was being pushed back from March 2008 to April 2009, which upset a lot of people. In this blog post, Rothfuss explains the reason for the delay with the second book in the Kingkiller Chronicle. […]

Here is a message from Terry Pratchett posted on Paul Kidby’s site today: Folks, I would have liked to keep this one quiet for a little while, but because of upcoming conventions and of course the need to keep my publishers informed, it seems to me unfair to withhold the news. I have been diagnosed with a very rare form of early onset Alzheimer’s, which lay behind this year’s phantom “stroke”. We are taking it fairly philosophically down here and […]

Brandon Sanderson, author of Elantris and the Mistborn series, has been chosen to finish the last Wheel of Time book, A Memory of Light. Robert Jordan’s wife Harriet made the selection and personally asked Sanderson to work on the book. Of course, being a huge fan of Jordan’s work from the age of 15, Sanderson accepted the offer. I have yet to read anything by Sanderson, although I really, really, really want to read both Elantris and the Mistborn books, […]

The 2007 Hugo Award winners have been announced. The winners are listed on the official Hugo website. Sadly, I haven’t actually read any of the nominees for best novel, even though I do have Naomi Novik’s His Majesty’s Dragon. I have seen all the movies that were nominated, though, and Pan’s Labyrinth was a good choice for the win. I wouldn’t have been disappointed if The Prestige or V for Vendetta had won, either, since I really liked both of […]

Unforunately, I haven’t had that much time lately and am a little behind. I’ve still been reading when I can, though – right after The Name of the Wind, I read The Telling by Ursula K. Le Guin and now I am reading The Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit, the first book in the Wraeththu trilogy by Storm Constantine. I’ll have to get a review of The Telling up here soon. Wraeththu was highly recommended by a friend and thus […]