Last night I finished reading Karin Lowachee’s The Gaslight Dogs so the poll for what to read next is now closed. It was a close race between Changeless and Servant of a Dark God, but Changeless won by 1 vote so that will be next. As much as I’d like to stay and finish a review, I’m afraid I have to go clean now. Yuck.

As usual, I’m indecisive so help me decide what to read next by voting on the poll to the right. I’ll read whichever book wins when I’m done with The Gaslight Dogs and leave the poll up until I’m finished with it. And I just might run another poll when I need to choose one of the books I bought to read after that because I’m really torn about whether to read the new Carol Berg, the new Robin Hobb, […]

The poll for the book to read next is now closed since I finished Last Argument of Kings today. It ended up as a tie between Tim Powers and Catherynne Valente. Based on the comments on both books I have by those authors, I decided to go with the book by Valente this time. I’ve been curious about The Orphan’s Tales: In the Night Garden for a while now.

Sometime in June, I want to read a book by an author who is new to me and has had a book sitting unread on my shelf for at least a year. I’m not sure which one to choose, though, so I made a poll for it. The poll will stay open until I finish The Silver Metal Lover and either Busted Flush or The Last Argument of Kings. The options are: J.V. Jones – A Cavern of Black IceCatherynne […]

The latest Mind Meld over at SF Signal asks the question: Who are the best female writers in science fiction and/or fantasy? Head on over to read what several authors, publishers, and bloggers (including myself) had to say on the subject. Who are your favorite female authors who write science fiction and/or fantasy? There are so many I enjoy and so many yet to discover…

I haven’t had a what-to-read next poll in a little while and it’s kind of fun to let you all make my hard decisions for me, so I put up a new one. The choices are: Crystal Rain by Tobias BuckellHis Majesty’s Dragon by Naomi NovikSkyfall by Catherine AsaroInk and Steel by Elizabeth Bear I’ll read the winner once I finish reading Revelation Space and Young Miles (I’m going to start the latter because although Revelation Space is good, it […]