Yesterday Elizabeth Bear announced that Promethean Age novel #5 will be published. One-Eyed Jack and the Suicide King will most likely be released next year! Although it is book 5 in publication order, it is a stand alone novel with part of it taking place long before Blood and Iron and Whiskey and Water and part of it taking place between these two books. After the first four Promethean Age novels came out, there was a long period of time […]

Ink and Steelby Elizabeth Bear448pp (Paperback)My Rating: 8.5/10Amazon Rating: 4.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 4.86/5Goodreads Rating: 3.85/5 “The Stratford Man” is the title of the two newest books in Elizabeth Bear’s “Promethean Age” series, Ink and Steel and Hell and Earth. These two novels were supposed to be one book, but the finished story was too long for that and had to be split into two. Although there are two previous books in the Promethean Age series (Blood and Iron and Whiskey and […]

The other day I was browsing Elizabeth Bear’s website and found out that she plans to write at least a dozen “Promethean Age” novels. When I heard there were two books out and two more coming out this year, I figured that would be the end of the series. However, Bear would like to write a large number of novels that are either stand-alones or duologies that take place during various time periods within this setting. So far, I am […]

Whiskey and Waterby Elizabeth Bear448pp (Trade Paperback)My Rating: 8/10Amazon Rating: 4/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.89/5Good Reads Rating: 3.82/5 Whiskey and Water is the second book in Elizabeth Bear’s urban fantasy series “The Promethean Age.” It takes place a few years after the end of Blood and Iron, the first book in the series, which should be read before this one. The next two books in the series, Ink and Steel and Hell and Earth (to be released in just a few days […]

Blood and Ironby Elizabeth Bear448pp (Paperback)My Rating: 8.75/10Amazon Rating: 4/5LibraryThing Rating: 4.05/5Good Reads Rating: 3.63/5 Blood and Iron is the first book in Campbell award winning author Elizabeth Bear’s urban fantasy series, “The Promethean Age.” The third book in the series will be out on July 1 and a fourth book is scheduled for release on August 5 of this year. With its lush prose, gray characters, and interweaving of mythology, Blood and Iron was a very enchanting story with […]