This is a post I’ve been meaning to write for a while since I know everyone has a different view of what constitutes a specific number for a rating. Some people may consider a 6 good while others may consider it bad or mediocre. I did write a post like this a long time ago, but considering my husband may have very well been the only person who read this blog at the time, it’s time for a new one. […]

Since opinions differ on ratings and what exactly certain numbers mean, I thought I’d just write a summary of how I see it. My ratings system is based on a 1 – 10 scale. Basically, anything on the low end (1 – 4) is bad, in the middle (5-6) is ok, and on the high end (7 – 10) is good. The following is a more detailed explanation of the specific ratings: 10 – Outstanding. A book that stuck with […]