Today’s guest is Rinn from the (largely) science fiction and fantasy book blog Rinn Reads! In November of 2013, she organized Sci-Fi Month, a month-long event celebrating all things science fiction—movies, television shows, games, and, of course, books. It was a resounding success with more than fifty bloggers and twenty-five authors participating, and it was a lot of fun. It also inspired me to read some science fiction books I’d been meaning to read for awhile, leading to my discovery […]

It’s been another great week of Women in SF&F, thanks to last week’s guests! There is more to come starting tomorrow, but before announcing the next week’s schedule, here are a few reminders and a summary of last week. Today is the last day to enter to win a copy of The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison (residents of North America are eligible to win). It’s a book I’m very excited about since Katherine Addison is also Sarah Monette, the […]