Eight books by award-winning fantasy author Robin McKinley will be published as ebooks on November 18. These books include her Newbery Award-winning book The Hero and the Crown, as well as her other beloved young adult fantasies Beauty and Rose Daughter. Also included is Sunshine, recipient of the Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Adult Literature—and I’m delighted to have an excerpt from this novel to share with you today to celebrate its upcoming ebook release! About Sunshine Winner of the Mythopoeic […]

There have been some books discussed this year that sound amazing, and my wishlist has grown by leaps and bounds because of it! Like last year, I wanted to discuss some books by women that I’ve enjoyed. Last year’s book recommendation post was great books I hadn’t seen talked about during last year’s series. After some consideration about how to narrow down the books to talk about this year, I was inspired to write about some of the earlier science […]

I first heard of posting about forgotten books on Friday’s a couple of weeks ago and was reminded of it again today when I read the OF Blog’s feature on The Famished Road by Ben Okri. I’ve only been reading speculative fiction regularly for the last few years, so I thought I didn’t have any older books to mention since I already read and review a lot of the older ones I have missed here. However, a few books did […]