This week brought two review copies and one ARC. The ARC is a print copy of Range of Ghosts by Elizabeth Bear, and I was thrilled to open the package and find that inside! I did just recently talked about this book here if you missed it and are interested in learning more about it. On to the new books… Rise of Empire by Michael J. Sullivan This is the second volume in the Riyria Revelations, following Theft of Swords […]

First, a quick update on this week: I have another interview for you on Monday! This time it is with Elizabeth Bear, one of my favorite authors ever. I’m also working on a review of her novel Dust, so I’m hoping to have that up sometime over the next few days as well. I hope everyone enjoyed the interview with Freda Warrington (Part One | Part Two). I had a lot of fun learning more about her and am really […]