Today I’m giving away An Apprentice to Elves by Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette! The third Iskryne book, which follows A Companion to Wolves and The Tempering of Men, was just released yesterday. I enjoyed the first two books in this series, especially A Companion to Wolves, and both authors have written some of my favorite fantasy books: Sarah Monette’s Doctrine of Labyrinths series and The Goblin Emperor (as Katherine Addison) and Elizabeth Bear’s Edda of Burdens trilogy, Range of […]

Today’s guest is fantasy author Katherine Addison! Her recently-released novel The Goblin Emperor has been receiving rave reviews, and she is also Sarah Monette, the author of Mélusine and its sequels, The Bone Key, A Companion to Wolves and The Tempering of Men (with Elizabeth Bear), and numerous short stories. I have read all the books by Sarah Monette just mentioned and enjoyed them all, but I am particularly fond of her Mélusine books, which are especially notable for the characterization […]

With 2013 barely past the halfway mark and many books coming out later this year that look interesting, it may seem a bit early to be talking about books in 2014. However, this is a book I’ve been excited about for a long time so I couldn’t resist mentioning it now that it has a cover and description! Katherine Addison is the pen name of Sarah Monette, the author of The Doctrine of Labyrinth series beginning with Melusine (followed by […]

The Tempering of Men is the second book in the Iskryne series co-authored by Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette. The first book is A Companion to Wolves, which began as a fun parody of the concept of animal companions and evolved into a novel. A third book, An Apprentice to Elves, is supposed to be released in 2013. The Tempering of Men was released today as a hardcover and an ebook. Since this is a review for the second book […]

Another Sunday, more additions to the TBR. Except this Sunday there’s also some dismay because of the lack of Game of Thrones tonight. Good thing the next book is almost out! This week was an exciting week – two of my most anticipated new releases from this year showed up. I also ended up with hand-me-down copies of the entire Hunger Games trilogy, but I’m not going to list them here since I already did list the first book in […]

If you’re on Twitter, Elizabeth Bear is running a Twitter giveaway for an ARC of The Tempering of Men! The Tempering of Men, the sequel to A Companion to Wolves (co-written with Sarah Monette), will be released in August so this is a good opportunity to read it very early if you win! This year Daniel Abraham has two books coming out from Orbit Books. The publisher recently announced that they will be doing an e-book promotion for these two […]