Goodreads features book giveaways and right now they have one for 3 ARCs of Seanan McGuire’s debut, Rosemary and Rue (just scroll down or search the page for the title). Currently, I’m working on a review of this novel and was going to mention the giveaway in the review, but I just checked the end date of the contest for it and it’s August 21. Since that’s this Friday and I’ve still got some work to do on the review, […]

As you may have seen yesterday if you read “The Education of Edward Cullen,” I asked a few people to write about the following topic this week since I am getting married in Las Vegas: What Happens in Vegas…Pick one of your favorite characters (or a group of your favorite characters). Describe what kind of trouble they would get into if they spent one week in Las Vegas. I asked Seanan McGuire, author of a new urban fantasy coming out […]