Shadow Magicby Jaida Jones and Danielle Bennett464pp (Paperback)My Rating: 8/10Amazon Rating: 4.5/5LibraryThing Rating: 3.88/5Goodreads Rating: 3.88/5 Shadow Magic is a loose sequel to Havemercy, the debut novel for Danielle Bennett and Jaida Jones. In June a third book, Dragon Soul, was released in hardcover. Dragon Soul continues the story of Thom and Rook from Havemercy, and also introduces two new characters. Even though Shadow Magic takes place after Havemercy, it could work as a stand alone book. It does give […]

This week brought five books – one bought last weekend, one digital review copy, one won off Goodreads, and two I wanted to buy with the first one but ordered online instead because one was not in good condition and the other was more expensive at the bookstore. (Recently, we discovered we can get free Amazon Prime since my husband is a student so I got them in two days! With no shipping cost! This could be hazardous…) As far […]