This week I’m excited about watching A Game of Thrones on HBO tonight – finally! But first I’m going to talk about some books (yay!) and do some cleaning (boo!). The OCD part of me also wants to decide what to read next since I just finished Dragonsbane by Barbara Hambly, which was a great fantasy book. For the books – this week brought 3 ARCs and 2 finished review copies. The Uncertain Places by Lisa Goldstein I’d never heard […]

First, a quick update: I’ve finished a draft of a review of Dust by Elizabeth Bear, so I’m hoping to get that up over the next day or two. Now that it’s almost time for Late Eclipses, the fourth October Daye novel by Seanan McGuire, to be released, I’m also working on that review and hope to have it up soon. After that, I’m caught up on reviews, but I’m taking a break from a book that is taking a […]