Today’s guest is Teresa Frohock, author of my favorite debut novel from last year! Miserere: An Autumn Tale is a character-driven dark fantasy that I thought was very unique. I loved that the characters Lucian and Rachael were mature adults, and I was also fascinated by the world. The more I hear about Teresa’s next book, The Garden, the more excited I am about that one as well. We talked about how it is a twist on “Beauty and the […]

Week three of Women in SF&F Month is now over, and what a great week it was! Today I just want to put up links to last week’s posts in case you missed any and link to a couple of related articles. Of course, I also want to announce next week’s guests. There was a giveaway last week, and if you entered to win a copy of Parable of the Sower, check your email since I notified the winner earlier. […]

Today I have an excerpt from Miserere: An Autumn Tale, an interview with the author Teresa Frohock, and a giveaway for one copy of Miserere for day 15 of the Night Shade Books Countdown! For further updates, you can follow on Twitter at www.twitter.com/nightshadebooks. When I was contacted about participating in the Night Shade Countdown, I had just finished reading Miserere. I really enjoyed it and was full of curiosity about the series so I mentioned I’d be interested in […]

Today I have an excerpt for you from Miserere: An Autumn Tale by Teresa Frohock for day 15 of the Night Shade Books Countdown. For further updates, you can follow on Twitter at www.twitter.com/nightshadebooks. There is also an interview with Teresa Frohock and a giveaway of Miserere: An Autumn Tale today as part of the countdown, but I’m posting those separately since putting this all in one post would end up being pretty massive. Hope you enjoy the excerpt! In […]

Miserere: An Autumn Tale is a debut novel by Teresa Frohock and book one of the Katharoi. This dark fantasy novel will be followed by Dolorosa: A Winter’s Dream and Bellum Dei: Blood of the Lambs. The Fallen would like nothing more than to gain a foothold into Woerld, the place between hell and earth, and use it to get closer to earth and by extension closer to heaven. Woerld is protected by the Katharoi, warrior-priests who use their special […]

This week brought 3 new review copies, but I’m only going to write about 2 of them. That is because I received the finished copy of a book I already mentioned when I got the ARC. Also, I will be talking about that book on Monday when I give away some copies! (Plus I’m reading it now so I’d say this book is already pretty well covered for discussion here, and I don’t want to mention it so many times […]