Today’s guests are Ana and Thea from The Book Smugglers, a long-time favorite of mine! These two constantly impress me with both the quantity and quality of their reviews, as well as their insightful commentary and discussions. Their enthusiasm for books and reading just enhances all their wonderful content, which isn’t just limited to their site—they also have a monthly newsletter and write a weekly science fiction and fantasy column at Kirkus. Ana and Thea review a lot of books, […]

The second annual Women in SF&F Month starts tomorrow! The entire month of April will be dedicated to highlighting the contributions of women to speculative fiction. There will be guest posts by women who write speculative fiction and women who share their love for the genre with others on their blogs throughout the month. Like last year’s series, some guests will be discussing the subject of women writing speculative fiction, but not necessarily, since the goal is to get some […]

All the Women in SF&F Month guest posts have now gone up. There’s still a couple of posts I want to write related to this before this is officially over, but this will be the last week in review post. For now, here’s what happened last week in case you missed any of the guest posts. Week In Review Here’s last week’s guests: Kenda from Lurv a la Mode shared how Seanan McGuire’s October Daye series made her more willing […]

Since I am in Las Vegas this week to get married, I asked a few people to write about the following topic: What Happens in Vegas…Pick one of your favorite characters (or a group of your favorite characters). Describe what kind of trouble they would get into if they spent one week in Las Vegas. In return, Thea and Ana of one of my favorite blogs, The Book Smugglers, wrote this hilarious story about what would happen if Edward Cullen […]