This week brought two unsolicited review copies, both of which I’m very excited about. One of these books has actually already been reviewed here since I picked up an ARC at BEA – The Children of the Sky by Vernor Vinge, the sequel to A Fire Upon the Deep. I haven’t read it myself yet (John read and reviewed it), but I am planning to since I really enjoyed A Fire Upon the Deep when I read it earlier this […]

When browsing through sites I read today, I saw quite a few interesting book-related news and links. Carol Berg mentioned that a new trade paperback edition of her novel Song of the Beast will be coming out on October 21. I read this several years ago (after discovering Carol Berg’s wonderful Rai-kirah trilogy) and rather enjoyed it. According to this post, there will also be a Song of the Beast novella, but there will be more on that later! Seanan […]

The Children of the Sky is Vernor Vinge’s sequel to his iconic book A Fire Upon the Deep, which was first released almost twenty years ago (that sentence makes me feel kind of old…alas). Another Vinge book, A Deepness in the Sky, is set in the same universe but is largely unrelated to the other two, and there have been various other related works as well. Children is the first direct sequel though, set in the ten years following the […]

This is part two of the BEA book haul including fantasy, science fiction, and horror books that are not in the young adult category. I’ll also be posting about books I saw in fall catalogs that look fantastic and about BEA and the Book Blogger Convention later. But for now here are some (signed!) books that I got that I’m excited to read that you may be interested in checking out. The Children of the Sky by Vernor Vinge This […]

Recently I came across a link to the Tor Spring/Summer catalog on asoiaf.westeros.org and was very excited to see the sequel to A Companion to Wolves by Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette was included. The Tempering of Men will be released in hardcover in August 2011 and I cannot wait since I really liked the first book – and Bear and Monette are two of my favorite authors. Since my husband is a huge fan of Vernor Vinge, I also […]