The Desert of Souls by Howard Andrew Jones is a sword and sorcery novel set in eighth century Baghdad. The second book in The Swords and Sands Chronicle, The Bones of the Old Ones, was released toward the end of last year, and it is supposed to work as a self-contained story like The Desert of Souls. Even though the novels are fairly recent, there have been short stories featuring the same characters written by Jones and published during the […]

Wherein I discuss books added to the leaning pile over the last week just in case some of them look interesting you too! This was a big week – I raided the hardcovers and trade paperbacks at my local Borders and came out with 6 books for the price of 2 hardcovers at regular Borders prices. Not bad, especially managing to limit myself as much as I did. I thought I was going a bit crazy, but there were about […]