The Fear Principle, the first book in the Fear series by B. A. Chepaitis, was first published in 1998 under the name Barbara Chepaitis. The books in this science fiction series are being reprinted, and the first two of the four books were re-released recently. The titles that come after The Fear Principle are as follows, respectively: The Fear of God, Learning Fear, and A Lunatic Fear. The Planetoids were developed in response to what became known as the “Killing […]

This week I am pleased to be part of the Virtual Book Tour for Barbara Cheapaitis (also known as B. A. Chepaitis), author of The Fear Principle and the rest of the books in the Fear series featuring Jaguar Addams. Tomorrow I’ll have a review of The Fear Principle for you. For today’s post, Barbara shares some thoughts on empathy, an ability that is very important in the series. The Ordinary Empath In my novel The Fear Principle and the […]

Hope everyone had a good weekend! I just got back after spending my weekend away and was quite happy to see that this year’s Hugo nominees have been announced. Also, I’ve read 2 of the 5 books and enjoyed them both (Feed by Mira Grant and The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N. K. Jemisin). And I was also thrilled to see Lois McMaster Bujold was nominated, although I’m not quite caught up enough in the series to have read Cryoburn […]